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TORONTO FORM CHART. TORONX , ONT September SO. Seventh day. Toronto Country and Hunt Clnb. Autumn Metin?. Weather threaeniog; track good. Presiding: Judge, Joseph J. Burke. Starter, Frank M. Ware. Racing: starts at 2:30 p. m. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Ini H e- A W B H h H. 3 rFin J-i" ey 0-nr " H L C j 147W fcl-.iKo ALiUE 4 1-4 2 2U 2i i li n uiam J P Me-hi. 6 8 5 6 145913LCORAM 6 105 1 31 41 2lt2J Weber EMo-andCo 2 2i 2 2 14-80A1HY 5 104 3 51 3a 42 32 J Martin JnsonandKr. engal 15 15 10 12 14801 NH HOfiAS 6 110 4 li Hi 1 4 Sontrer M J Maioney 6 6 6 6 14778 BEGUILE 4 H9 9 93 6i 61 51 H Lewis J Dogan 5 5 5 5 147"-7 PR CE OF WALE3S 105 6 4i 91 91 62 Scov lie O D vis 20 25 20 20 14717 RfcY SALAZMt 4 109 7 6 71 71 71 McQuado BcCarrenJr 4 5 4 5 1478JPASSE PAHTOTJT3 104 5 71 52 5i 85 W.psniro FHgn 10 12 10 12 14:86 NTNETY CENTS 3 10! 10 10 10 10 9 Patton RDharle 15 15 15 15 14757WILr". LAURIER4 109 8 81 82 81 10 Cowmn FBmith 15 15 15 15 Tin e. 24. 491, 1:031. 1:10. Wiorer Ch. f. by Midlothian Half Hsier. PiBt6 minute. Startfiir. Won e Biy ; soeoni and third divin g. SisterAice was awny well snt was never pinched. Loiiam hd d"db toi good Juck and clofel sirongy. Nicttolas quit badly. Beguile and Nine y Cents were botn off badly. Athy ran a andood race and was coming stonily at th nd Scratch d 14757 Tiinne. 101; 145373Rideau. 105; 14762Carlotta C, ICS; 14391 False Ban, 107; 13315 Confc-eracy. 109; 4801HiIee, 113. Sistpr Alice, place. 2 t 1: isbow, evms. Looram, place, 4 to 5; bLow, out. Athy, place, 4 to 1; snow, 2 to 1. Nicholas, place. 2 to 1; snow, evens. 8EC0NI BACB 5-8 Mlle Pur88 C0 2 year-olds. Selling. 1 4 8 1 T Ind Horses A Wt St hi hi i 8trFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1468421.EFT BOWER 110 4 2" 4i 21 13 Mason S P Harl-n 6-5 6-5 4-5 1 147!9All ENNA 107 1 62 42 4t 21 J Martin Crtlierrand shields 6 10 5 7 147i8iARIBOO lOi 3 31 21 32 3 W-pshire H E Leitb 8 8 6 8 147762STATIRA 103 2 12 12 Vi 4i Son or R McMahon 31 4 3 4 14"57SICE DHOP 102 6 51 61 51 5" LThomp3nJ Djm-uc 10 20 10 12 14799SALYANE GUARD 112 8 71 72 7S 6 Panetio WHB.rrett 4 5 4 5 14776 LF RED C. 15 5 4i 55 6" 7 JO onnor J Brei nan 8 10 6 8 1477R K1NN JOSHUA 1.0 7 82 81 81 and A Weber KC-rie-ry E0 50 30 40 143i2 DARYL 105 9 9 9 9 9 Cowman WFMiLan 10 50 30 40 14239 TB.ii: W REN 102 Left at the po?t. Bl-ir KrkwcandJhnstnSO i0 10 20 1 me,24i, 51i,l:01. WiDner Ch. c, by Inspector B. Niti tm. Off m Frst bitak to a b d siart. Won easily; next five driving. Left Power was much the best aid came awty when reaoy Ailenna fitiishPi stoutly, tatira tird. Cxriboo was cos-ing at the rimth. Ho ran a good race. Advance Guatd Hnd Daiyl had no chance when the flag fell. j Corrected weights Advance Gnard. 112 Left Bo" or. place, 2 to 5. Ailenna, place, 21 to 1; show, evens. Cariboo, show, 6 to 5. Sta-tira, place. 8 to 5; show. 4 10 5. -J Q J Q THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Mils. Vein 00 and plate worth 00. 3-year-olds JElO A. O and upward. Impeiidl Plato Handicap. Ind HnrR A t St -t U. ?j StrWif l.boy. "mnn-. C 14601 VlULEM T 4 103 b 1 12 1 ll It 1 -oug-r J L ugTau 15 15 10 15 14416 V AR1TANA IU 118 2 31 52 4 3U 31 2i JA,bar J Dym nt 3 4 3 3 14399 TO OPYLDLES 108 4 6 4t 5" 51 52 33 Pattun W Heudrio 31 4i 3 3i 1468-5 Bo.N IN O 5 126 1 2 211 2U 21 22 42 McGloue JE agam 8-5 3-2 7-5 8-5 14f86 J. PORIER II. 4 120 3 52 32 Si 42 41 53 H Lvwia N Dyment 7 8 6 6 147;. 8 MISS CAN AD A3 94 6 41 6 6 6 6 6 McQu da DABojle 7 8 6 8 Time, 25i, 5 , 1 :05i, 1 :19i, 1 :47, 2 :0l. j Winner B. f. b Jack of Diamonds NoL-y. i Post 3 minutes, btart good. Won easily; second and third drivinar. Violent was murh the I beft at tl e weighte. ,8he was n yer hard .rested and wou all the way. Bon Ilo tireo baaly as though six rt. Ti a y Ladle finished strong, bo did Mantana II., Wiio had bad early luck. Sriacbfd Sir Wilfrid, 90; Wicher, 100. OverweiphU Miss Canada, 4 pnna. Violent, pl-ce, 4 to 1; si ow, 8 5. Maritana II., place, evenB; show, out. Toddy Ladlo, chow, 1 to 2. Bon Ino, i lace, 1 to 2; shi, ont. 1 ,1 Q I A FOURTH RACE FuH Course Porse50. ItiO 1 and PrnkCoatStfepu-chass. Handicap. Ino. Hor-ea. AWcSi 2 4 8 12 StrFin Jockey Owner Q HLC 14800 and1G .BhiK 173 2 2 2"t ZJ 1" H i0 T Donohue C W Waaswoith 8-5 2 7-5 2 12857 JIM LI-LE 159 4 110 IB 110 220 215 20 Mr Hei.orieP S mton 2 21 2 2i DIN MONT 138 7 7 7 7 33 33 10 Mr HollandR S Morris 2 2i 2 2i 182fe9 THE SQUIRE 151 3 41041 4 516 45 415 F Hues on T G W C ok 3 4 3 4 12464ifcJT. GhoRUE 150 5 610 te 65 7 51 55 MrPi rce Ot ovitleandHarston7 8 6 7 PBBO-0 140 1 810 310 510 68 68 fcS Crocker H C Osborne 10 10 10 10 WEXFOtfD 145 6 53 56 31 43 7 7 Gallagher W F McLean 6 6 6 6 Coupled in tbo bslttng. Time, 6:10. V inner Ch. g, by Jils Johnson Glenleven Off at finst break. Start good. Won eaiily; second easei up. Higbbee was much the best and c- me a wty on sail. Dinmont finished strong. Jim Lisle had ear.y speed and jumped well as ioig as he las ert. Cot c ed weights Higbbee, 173; The Squira, 151: St. George, 150; Phroso. 140; W. xford, 145. H gtibe.-, place, 4 to 5; show, out. Entry, place, 4 to 5; thow, cue. The fcquire, pltco, 7 to 5, show. 1 to 2. "I i QOA FIFTH RACE 1 1-10 Miles. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. JLtt 0J Handicap. Ind HorseB A Wt St Vt K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 146861 OP M AST 6 li6 2 41 3i 4 2i 12 J W. br CarthrsandShield82 2 2 2 147S5 OMPEN6ATION3 112 1 32 4 31 3W 2a CnnnghamB E 6 6 6 6 148U4BRAllH 4 110 4 21 1 23 12 Ihk 314 Patten CEaiahone 5 6 4 6 147t7 Tl M GALLANT 3 Its 6 7 6" 53 43 410 Wappbire JASyfces 4 4 4 4 14t03ROTTERDA.M 5 117 3 ls V 22 5 50 Ji-Djer 5 6 5 5 147U7CHaRL1: Y O 3 103 7 5 52 6 65 615 McQuaUe JSVvacswrrth 10 10 8 10 14760 X REE LANLE 5 121 5 6i 7 7 7 7 H Li wis C W Meelian 4 4 3i 4 lime, 25, 50, l:U3x, l:17r, l:44i, 1:514. Wircor- Ch. g. by Top Gallant Esshy. Off at the rlrs b eak to a xcod btart. Wononaily; n ezt three driving hprd. Topmast cama aw ay hi ely in ihe hual eigbth. He was well li idau. Braichaud Rottordbm raceo each other to pit cos in the andr-t three-quarters. Free Linco bad n ste". Compel sail, u bnished strontf. bcrbti hod 14778 Goildti. Ill; 14721 Wiue Pies, 100; i4760K. C. B., 109. Coriocw d weigbtf Tip Gfliaut, 108 Tipmrst, ilbt o, 4 to 5: sLo, out. Compensation, place, 2 10 1; show, ovens. Branch, show, 4 to 5. Tip Gallant, place 8 10 5; chow, 4 to 5. Fraj LuLce, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. B1XTfl aACK 1 Iillle P11"0300 3-year-olds and upward. X48JL Ind Hor-cs A Wt Bt and and StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14715 Jt Salt JaKBOE 3 94 1 12 12 i3 12 n McQuaae H MrCarrrn Jr 4 4 4 4 14778 GUILDER 4 11.7 2 32 3U 3i 25 J V . ber Car her. andSheide8-5 9-5 8-5 9-5 147t8 VNLOCK 4 03 4 62 51 andi 53 31 LThi mpsnN D aitnt 20 30 15 30J 1477oSB BLAZE 3 97 8 51 21 22 2 42 AWebr J C Ferris Jr 5 6 4 6 1 14-.7fc3ABlNGDuN 7 113 3 22 42 41 4 52 Muiray GcllMhejandBeattiolO 12 10 10 147t8 ULLlE DIXON 4 117 5 7" 61 7 62 6 Wap-hire H E Leigu 3 3 24 3 14757 L. W 5 103 7 8 8 61 71 74 Cowman MiihrandCo 0 SO 20 30 14721 bALLIE LAMAR 6 103 6 4a 71 8 8 8 Songer E Buirows 3i 3i 3 3t Time, 211,51, 1:17, l:45i. Winner B. f. by Eothen Ida Gienu. Post6miDUteB Start bad. Wou ridden out; second cleverly. Jossie Jarboo was off running ana iat a wty with thb 1 ace Guilder closed strong. Sir Blbze quii banddly. VVtnkck made up a lo; of grouno through the t-trctch und ran a good iac. tcibtchoo 147.2 Yo No Se, 94; 14798 Minstrelsy, 95; 14798 Laurentisn, 99; 14720 AveDger, 103; 148202Cumpu satiub, 113. Jersi Ja boe. place, 8to 5: Fhow, 4 to 5 Guil er, plaro, 7 to 10; pbow, out. Wenlock. Bhow, 4 t 1 Ob e l-xm , t ft o 5- -U w. 1 iq 2 -1 i Lhi r. tdnr e, 6 to 5: show, 1 to 2. .S5SK To HACK j. .i. .. FoUiTai To a, 1UO J. M .r i 2 to 5. von; Black Jim, 115 Jewell, o to l.tecond; Tally Bo, 100 J OCounui 2 to 5, tLird. Cricket, 115 HuniltOD; Vfbtp, 115 uawieLo. and Bi ly Miller, 115 Toweh, also ran. Time, 1:00. Creta and Tally Mo were coupled in the bettiag.