Brooklyn Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-01

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. 1 I 1 l L l . - : ; . 1 " i i BROOKLYN FORM CHART. QKATESEND, 1. I., September 30. Fifteenth day. Brooklyn Jnckey Club. Autumn Meet- ine e"; trac,f fat. frunuiuK juuo, tt olaioi.iUF. O. J . fuaitmani Racnar starts aT2:30 p. m. QQ FIRST At;ie bont 3-4 mie. 00 added 1A O O "All ages. High Weght Handicap jH Www 4 Wt Pt M V, H trFin Jrwlrnvs Owuprn O K L C lti2VMJUKlNSS 2 lOi 2 V H H 3 rind nan fcr B Mtirrw 9-5 11-L9-5 2 I46"2B. O"1 MEMPHIS4 HO 1 2 2" 23 2 Jenkins T J McWnlc 9-5 2 9-5 2 147o43IrUnOR 5 138 3 3i 32 3 3i Taral Marcut Daly 2 11-59-5 9-5 14W3 BEN LODI 3 9S 4 4 4 4and 4 1 nwis Pentation Stable 40 100 40 109 13341 OLIVER MC 3 107 5 5 5 5 5 WiUou P Clark 20 30 20 30 Time. 11 23, 38, 4i, 1:11. Winner Ch. c, by Sir Moored Kttriue Post 2 minues. Strtgvid. Won eas-Iy Modrine, with nothing to preBS him, gallonerf easily in front all the way Isidor ran as if unfit. Belle of Memphis about ran her race, Th-otherB re of no eccouni. 8cratch d 47h2 Mi s Marion, 107; 14764 Jinks. 107. Over weigh b M idrine, I ponni; Bea uodi, I. Mo iiue, pl-ce. 1 to 2; show, out. Balle of Memphis, place, 1 to 2; show, out. l3idor, place,. 1 to 2; show, out. I Q . it SECOND BACK Full Course. 700 added. 3-jear-olds and upward! JLrtrOwt Handicap. SteeMlechas-?. Ind Horses A Wt St 4 8 12 16 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 0 147012MAR-; CHN 8 140 3 3" in 12 U 12 12 Haider MrChamblet 10 12 7 10 14701 VAN SHIP 6 151 4 5 410 4 43 43 23 F.nmgan JWIMt 21 31 2t 3i 1463 -UBY BIuL 8 155 6 41 54 2 2 21 3 Hogi 1. Water bury 2 2 8-5 2 l4i01lT.vNTRIS 4 143 2 2i 2 3- 33 3W 43 Coc irane Fl fe C Bitcnoock4 4 3 3 14 81 TRILLION 8 163 7 7 -.3 7 61 66 8 Ha ei W C Hayes 6 7 5 7 58 92 DEFAME -ON 6 135 1 6 6 54 51 5 60 BHck lva-i Fox 12 15 12 12 117013NAVIOU .IMii 4 139 5 l 14 6S 7 7 7 3mith H W Smith 20 40 20 40 11431 YOUNG EXLE3 136 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Hector W K Levering 30 80 30 80 Time, 4:S4. Winner fh. g, by Circassian, dim unknown Post 1 minute. -"-art poor Won driving Mirs Chan was at a false price. He was bast at the weights. Baby Bill hung at the end. Von Snip was outrun all the way, but finished Biros?-Tantria ti nd in the 1 st htlf mile. Trillion never bad any speed. Sc atch-d-14740 Becuy R lfe. 135 Ove weitjhtB Navicnline. 4 poonris; Deamemn, l. Mats Chau, pi tee, 4 to l; tlio, 7 to 5. Vn Ship, place, 6 to 5; show, l to 2. Baby Bill, show.. 2 to 5 Tanirie, place, evns; slow, l to 2 A U J THIRD tiA.:h,-G l-S Fur ongs. 2-year-olas. 4nQU H"Hr Handic o. S1.000A dH. . lu M r a 14 jj. - rru. ,J .wv. i er O H I. Q 14673 vjuMoOn 105 l a 4 2 l Wna n P J Uwyr 6 7 6 7 I4743MJNCNIC 114 4 2lj li li 24 B -land JJEakins 4 5 4 4 1474I MAYOR GILROY 105 5 41 3a 3a 3 OLary W H Clark 10 20 10 2 1474t3VVitilG 122 7 6 5 7 4 Bullm n F M T.y or 3 5 3 5 14o"82 ELFIN ONIG 109 6 51 7 6! 5 Vn Kuren C L Reilly 6 6 6 6 142 ARM ATIAN 107 8 7 6a 4h 63 Jenkins L K more 5 5 3 3 147642 : MEhKIN 119 3 8 8 8 7 JE Madden 4 8 4 8 11582HMR. JEdSEY 109 2 1 24 3 8 Doeett J K Seagram 8 8 5 5 Time, 11 2i, 16, 49, l:GSand. Winner Bike by Hanover Aur-nia Post 6 minutes, diatfair. Won driving; tho next five were hud at it. Mnntanic got weakr hmdline. Bammuck ran a . excellent race and clcs-d string. M-y r Gilr y will bout do next time W rnar g t off b diy ana was slow to get going. Elfin Cunig is good. McMeekin ran a poorri-ce. Mr. Jt6 s oop d as ucufl. Scrn ched 11480 Radf .rd. 107: 137823Qold Or, 103; 14637 Orthia, 100. Overweights Mayor Gilroj , a ioua- s. Hammock, plac , 2t to 1; show, 6 to 5. Montanic, place, 8 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Mayor Gilroy., shov.,3 ol Sarmat an. t-hnw, 1 to 2. 1 ,t U I FOUctfa KAi E l 1-4 ile. Aliases. I O" 1 Orjntri hi d cap. Val.i- S2.S00 - " aurooa A. v St Ot r iti JU t ill iicni . Owunft KJ tl L. C 14674 IMP 5 128 1 11 H4 12 12 14 14 p Clay HarjesandBrtman2-5 1-2 2-5 1-2 145832 CHARENTUS 4 106 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Jnnkins O L R cba ds 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 Time, 24 3i, 49, 1:01, l:14g 1:27,1:41,2:07. Winner Blk m. by Wagber F .uOiiug , P. st 1 minute. St rt good. Wen easily. Imp outran Charentus all the way and was eased, in the stretch. , Scr itched- -147423 The Bachelor, 112. FIFIH flAO15 5-8 Mile. 00 added. 2-year.olas. SeUing. l7! , li t-t.r-e A t -tU U trFit. J.ckr QtiArg OH L C 14639 DUNtiL lNli lOi 7 63 5 2" l Wi son W nJein.nS 3" 3 2 Ti 1476H2S l HCHihE 105 1 2b 4 31 2Q Bu lman G B Mo-ris 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-i 147413 EILKEN DALY 104 3 3a 2a 4 3a Dupea W C Dly 10 13 10 10 1436 2VEND1G 102 8 8 7 7 4 Lewis S Levy 10 12 10 12 11763 MAIDSTONE 94 5 7 64 61 5a J Daly N Btnoington 20 50 20 58 14664 P SACKFUL 108 4 42 3a 5 6a OLeary W Lakelaud 6 6 6 6 13218 MANITOBAN 102 2 1U U H 73 Jenkins L E m ir 5 5 34 4 14797 ER WIN 107 9 9 9 9 8 Ryan H 1" Griffin 10 12 10 10 138J7 EINU-I 102 6 61 8 8 9 R dind W H Clark 30 60 30 60 14768 a AX TAPER 112 11 11 10 10 10 VanKuren W Easton 30 40 30 40 14.05 JUG G L EKY 9910 10 It 11 11 Phelaa P Lewmski 30 50 30 50 Time, 12, 24, 37J, 1 :02. Winner Ch. c, by Midlothian Loleta Pot 7 minutes. S.artpoir Won driving. Hard drive of five for third place. Dunblane was best, ran a good race ami finished stoutly. Star Chinn i good and ran her rac3. Toese two-r outclassed the otters. Weak rides settled Vendig and Maiistoae. Mdnitobaa was short. H-1 had a lo of -p?ed tc atrhed 14430 Kindred. 103; 14797 Precursor, 101; 14768 Kitchener, 102; 14741 Hop Brook-. 102; U737 Boundiee. 102: Jim Breeze, 91. Oveiweifhts Eileen Dnly, 1 pound. Cirrected weignis Sar Onime. 105; Eileen Daly, 103 Donb auo. place, 7 to 5: shoiv, 2 ro 5. Star Cnime, place, 7 to 10. Eileen Daly, Bhow, 2 to 1. Manitoba, place, 7 to 5; sho v, 3 to 5. SIXTH BACE 1 1-8 Miles. ,000 added. 3-year-olds and npwaru. Selling-- g g g ud Horses AWt 8t St V Yt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L V 14675HRDLY 4 103 4 14 1" 11 li 1H Ui Jenkins W C-ihill 8-5 3 8-5 13-6. 14765 HAX-GOMZ 4 105 1 44 4a 3i 31 32 2i OLeary M Clancy 7-5 8-5 7-5 8-S !476520UcC NELLIE 3 94 2 3 3a 2a 2a 21 and6 Lwia T J McBale 24 3 24 3 I4767PINS 3 91 3 54 51 51 f.3 5 4a Miles JCTayl-randCo 15 25 15 29 4022 VERACIOUS 3 9t 6 6 6 4a 4 42 510 Wilson Turn y Bros 8 8 34 34 14702 SEN5TIUNAL4 100 5 2 2J 6 6 6 6 Gisbourne W O Daly 30 60 30 60 Tm-, 12,24 36 49. 1 :02, 1 :li 1:29 1:42. f:55. Winner Ch. f, by C lndleuids feifaaps Po 1 1 rainuti Start good. Won bauiily; next two driving. Harlly was best and had the-gpond of the bunch all tue way. Maximo Go-nez ran about his race. Oar Nellie is only a fair plater but is conrpprui. ticraichrt-14597The Roman, 106; 14744 Impartial, 99. 0ere ghtb easat-oml. 2 pouuds. Corrected weight fins 91 Hardly, placi, 4 io 5; -tio-v. oat. Maximo Gomoz, place. 7 to 10; show, out. Oar Nellie, place, 4 to 5; show, tint. Vtracionp. plac. 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2.

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Local Identifier: drf1899100101_2_5
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