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DAILY RACIfifi FPU " AND AMERICAS TDRF CONGRESS RECORD. ISSUED SVEBY DAY. OmOUL OEGAK OF HB AMERICAN TUEF OONGEK88. 35AILY JtACNG FORM PUBLISHING CO A daily reflection of the American Turf bj telegraph, Editob, F. H. Bbunkll. Aisooiatk Editob, C. C. Rilrt. iU-m FIFTH AVENDE, CHICAGO, ILL. COPYRIGHTED. Entered Recording to act of Congress, In ths year 18B9, b7 Frank H. Brunell, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, U.S. A. The enart numbers of Daily 2a oik q Fosa must not be used. They are copyrighted daily and will be keenly protected, TEEMS : Per Month $ 1.25 Half Soar 7 50 One fear 14.00 !Xhe above rates are for single copies at denied letters -first-class mail. Daily .ocing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as first-class mail n all eases. lie sal subscriptions outside the down town district -tfiii oe declined at other than first-class siail matter rates. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. BcBSOBiprioNB Meet be Paid is Adtsahcb, ntered In ths Pest Ofllce at Chicago as second class matter. tTo be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Haoing Foem muBt be sent over the fall jdme and with the address of the writer. Those names end addresses are Bubjecttoa local and foreign directory test. ST. LOUIS, MO., OFFICE 19 N Broadway, Basement. M . Mdephy, Agt. On sale at 8:30 A. M. Daxlt Baoing Foem can be delivered to any address In St. Louis. Back numbers can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can ba left at the Bt Louis ocfice for telegraphic transmission. CINCINNATI OFFICE 408-410 Vine Strees. J. B. Hawlkt, Agent. On 3 ale at Noon. DETROIT OFFICE 34 LaFayette Avenue, Heath and Boney, Agents. On ale at 9 :00 A.M. CHICAGO, ILL., OCTOBER 1-2, 1899.