Okland Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-21

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OAKLAND FORM CHART. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., January 20, 190C Sixty-first day. New California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting about 151 days. Weather clear; track slow. Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Secretary, Percy W. Treat. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. No recall flag used. W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. pTQQ"r7 FIRST RACE 3 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. OtOv 4 Net value to winner 25. Ind Horse3 AWL PPSt StrFln Jockeys Owners O II C P S 59GS1 GRACE G. w 109 1 4 51 45 l4 W Knapp Jones and Lusk 6 15 13 5 2 594345HUMADA W 109 S3 11 Ink 2" L "WilliamsJ F Clifford 4 C 5 11-51 59uS23CLEMENTS w 107 2 1 3" 35 3s Treubel H T Griffin t4 11 10 4 9-5 59C56 MARION ROSE w 109 .! 2 21 21 4k T Clark C Schrelber 2 11-5S-5 4-5 2-5 r.9CSl PROSPERITY w 104 7 7 61 6 51 L FountalnK A Blute J3 31- 14-59-102-5 593S2 AGATHA R. W 104 5 C S 8 6s Radtke J C Nealon 6 9 9 4 8-5 59G56BLUE. BOTTLE w 112 6 8 71 51 7 W BhananK A Blute J.3 31 14-59-102-5 595S2 MENDEN IV 107 9 5 41 75 8 Brussel H T Griffin f4 11 10 4 9-5 FLORENA w 104 4 9 9 9 9 E RobinsnApplegateandCotn 10 75 75 25 12 t t Coupled in betting; no separate place or show betting.. Time, 12j; 24, 37, 431. Winner Ch. f, bv Albert Mountain Madge trained by C. R. Lusk. Went to post at 2:04. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Grace G. broke striding on the outside, bnt was slightly outpaced to the stretch, where she finished like a whirlwind, winning off and showing surprising Improvement. Humada, away flatfooted, raced around the others with brilliant speed in a game closing drive. Clements went well, but lost second place in the last stride by swerving into the worst going. Marlon Rose showed her usual speed, but tired In the last sixteenth. Prosperity, away badly, closeil a big gap and was easing up at the end. Agatha R. got away poorly and was buffeted about in the early running. Blue Bottle had no chance at the start. KAQAQ SECOND RACE 1 3-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. OaOUO Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St 6 . StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS 59760DIXIE LAD ws 4 109 4 3 4 41 6li l1! 1J l4 E RobinsnW H Parker 4 ii 6 2 597S2DUSTY MILLRwsB 5 114 C 4 l1 li 2t 2 21 21 Graham G II ThomasandCo 10 15 15 6 2 59654 BONAR w 4 101 1 2 5" 51 4? 3 3 3 Wright T H StevensandSonlO 10 6 21 6-5 597351100 LIGAN w 4 106 3 7 7 7 7 41 4 44 L FountainD S Fountain 21 16-516-56-5 3-5" 5S609BYRONERDALE w 6 111 2 1 3 3s f. 6 5 5 W Knapp J M Crane 2 3 3 6-5 3-5 59735FASTOSO ws 4 IOC 5 6 6 6 1and 5 610 6 Radtke E J Baldwin 6 6 5 11-511-10 59655 POSSART Ws 8 114 7 5 21 21 3 7 7 7 L WllliamsT A Davles and ColO 30 25 8 4 Time, 25J, 52, 1:18, 1:401, 2:05. Winner Ch. c, by Volante Boo Hoo trained by M. Mayfield. Went to post at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won In a canter; second driving. Dixie Lad palpably outclassed the others in the going, maintained a forward position under a pull to the far turn, where lie forged into a long lead, winning eased up. Dusty Miller, In prominent contention throughout, ran a remarkably game race. Bonar, badly messed about, moved up like a shot on the last turn and appeared .sure of second place in the stretch, but tired in the last sixteenth. Hooligan, trailing for seven . furlongs, failed to stay after looming up in menacing fashion on the last turn. Byronerdalewas not keyed up for a bruising race. Fastoso was seriously handicapped by the going. Possart essayed to force the early pace, but retired early. Scratched 59701 Langford James, 111. Corrected weights Dusty Miller, 114. , -: Overweights Bonar, 1 pound. "Wive? "W THIRD RAcTt 58 Mile. Purse-M 4flr-oluandupwa"l- Selling. tJtJOXjtJ Net value to winner 25." v"- Ind Horses AWt PPSt M StrFln Jockey3 Owners O H C PS" E90SGJBLACK ART WB 4 103 9 4 2? lJi l4 l4 E RobinsnW Gum and Co 3 3 11-51 1-2 54417 LILY GOLDING ws 4 9S 4 3 Cl 61 64 2 Graham G S McKenzie 30 30 20 8 4 59683LAURA F. M. w 6 107 11 5 41 41 51 35 L FountainW M Calne and Col3-54 4 7-5 7-10 51122. BILL SHORT w 4 104 2 7 5 5 4k 45 R Wilson W P Margane 100 200 100 50 25 59558 BATH BEACH W 5 107 5 6 3! 2 21 5 Loague W S Cree 60 60 60 25 12 597375TRAMOTOR WSB 4 105 10 1 In 3 31 Gi Radtke K A Blute 21 18-531 7-5 7-10 59732PROCRASTINATE Wit 9 109 7 11 71 71 7l 7 Wright C F Tanner and Cot 8 8 21 6-5 5SC29 LILLITUS Wli 4 105 3 10 10 81 84 85 W Knapp H E Rowell 30 30 30 12 6 43045 JARRETIERE DOR W 7 104 S S 8l 91 94 94 Gdchild C Clancy CO 100 100 40 29 59732 SID SILVER w 6 107 1 2 9"M04 10 104 L WilliamsH Robinson 5 5 5 21 6-5 59CS4 SINIESTRO s 5 104 G 9 11 11 11 11 Appleby M Qulnn 100 100 100 40 15 Time, 24i. 50. 1:03. Winner Br. c, by Sorcerer Hue trained by W. Gum. Went to post at 2:53. At iost 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Black Art raced into a long lead on the far turn and, winning off, was much the best today. Lily Golding showed remarkable form for her and finished like a whirlwind. Laura F. M. maintained a forward position throughout. Bill Short made up considerable ground. Batli Beach showed good early speed and Is about due. Tramotor tired badly in the worst going after a sharp early brush with the winner. Procrastinate, away badly, bad no chance with Ills ride. Scratched r.9001Angleta, 107." Overweights Bill Short, 4 pounds; Llllltns, 2; Sid Silver, 3. PIQQl A FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. The Lissak Handicap. ,000 added. 3-year-olds and up- f O JL xJ ward. Net value to winner ,870. Ind Horses AWt PPSt A 34 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 593SOPROPER w 6 122 1 1 2i 22 Ink 2 lh W Knapp W B Jennings 3-2 2 2 13-201-5 59C59RED LEAF W 4 93 2 4 31 43 3 Ink 2 Radtke Keene Bros 4 41 41 3-2 3-5 59734JAKE SANDERS W 4 110 4 6 5 3"k 41 4" 3 W Bhananll McDanlel 6 7 51 2 4-5 59509 BEARCATCHER w 5 123 3 2 4 5s 54 5 4 L Williams! G Ferguson .1 5 13-56-5 7-10 59734 DEUTSCHLAND W 6 112 6 3 11 ll 2 3 5nk T Clark E Schrelber 12 25 20 6 13-5 5S5S55LUBIN w 6 116 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 L FountainW W Elliott 6 8 8 11-59-10 Time, 23, 50, 1:10", 1:425. Winner B. h, by Preston-pans Prim II. trained by W. B. Jennings. Went to post at 3:14. At post 5 minutes. Start very bad. Won driving; second, easily. Proper, after beating the barrier, relinquished his lead on the first turn, after which he was in close pursuit of the leader to the last turn, where he .came through Into the lead on the inside, eventually winning out in the last stride of a tremendous closing drive. . Red Leaf, away very badly, closed a big gap and, after being pocketed at a critical moment on the last turn, finally challenged the favorite, but succumbed in the iast stride of a desperate effort. Jake Sanders, practically left, closed an immense gap. Bearcatcher. getting away badly, was really never dangerous. Deutschland displayed brilliant speed for six and a half furlongs. Lubln was pulled up in the stretch and could have been closer up. Scratched .7.."KTocolaw, 108; syoSOPrtncess Tltania, 100. - FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. tltOl 1 Net, value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFln Jockeys Owners O H. C PS 594113DARGIN WB 5 103 2 7 5U 4nk 3 l T. Clark B Schreiber 1 11-104-5 1-3 out 59113 SALABLE w 4 99 1 2 41 5 5 2 Radtke J Ryan 3-2 S-5 8-5 2-5 out 59CSCTIM HURST wsn 4 101 5 4 2 2 2nk 3 E RobinsnK A Blute 10 13 12 21 7-10 5and6S3 SOUNDLY w 8 101 C 1 11 11 1 4 J Kelly O F Hume and Co 12 40 30 6 3-2 532S0 GOLDEN SUNRISE WB 4 103 7 6 3J 3i 41 5s! L FountainJones and Lusk 40 CO CO 15 4 5S5S9 JOLLY WITCH ws 4 97 3 3 Go C 6 6" Graham E J Hooper 30 75 60 10 S 59485 RATIO WB 3 90 4 5 7 7 7 7 Brussel H T Griffin 100 200 150 40 10 Time, 251, 50, 1:17. Winner B. h, by Sain Florence Dickey trained by H. R. Brandt. Went to post at 3:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Dargin propped at the start and was nearly left, but steadily improved his position and, closing an immense gap, got up to win off. Salable was sore and outrun and under pressure early, but finished with a belated end rush. Tim Hurst tired at the end of close pursuit of the leaders. Soundly again failed to stay, swerving Into deep going at the end. Golden Sunrise went well for five furlongs, was palpably short and looks very good. Overweights Tim Hurst, 2 pounds; Soundly, 4: Golden Sunrise, 1. prAQl SIXTH RACE Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. 3year- J fj O -L 1 olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C PS 59360 TENORDALE WSB 101 3 1 3 21 11 l4 Radtke J F Clifford 4 41 18-56-5 2-5 59209 COCK SURE WB 106 5 4 2 3 2i 2J W Knapp Club Stable 7 20 16 5 9-5 5S5UEBEL THATCHER ws 109 1 5 5 5 5 3"k E Robins nil Green 3 5 5 7-5 1-2 595S4SUGARMAID WS 107 4 3 4i 4J 4 4J Wright W Scharetg and Co 4 5 5 6-5 2-5 597o:GRASSClTTER Ws 107 2 2 in 31 5 Gdchild D A Ross 3-2 S-5U-101-2 1-5 Time. 1:14. Winner Br. f, bv First Tenor Sweet Faverda ! trained by J. F. Clifford. Went to post at 4:04. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won in a canter; second driving. Tenordale, greatly favored by tlie going, quickly overhauled the leader and won off and easing up. Cock Sure was always forward in running and finished gamely. Ebel Thatcher, under a bad ride, went wide on the outside throughout and finished with a belated rush. Sugariuaid finished like a cyclone after being outrun for the first half. Grasseutter was anchored by the stiff" stretch going and is best on a fast track. Sera tclied 59211 Mandator, 109.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906012101/drf1906012101_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1906012101_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800