City Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-21

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CITY PARK FORM CHART. NEW ORLEANS, LA., January 20, 1906. Forty-fifth day. New Orleans Jockey Club City Park Jockey Club lessee since Dec. 9. Winter Meeting 107 days. Weather clear; track fast first five races, wet, slow last two. Presiding Judge, Francis Trcvelyan. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Secretary. Joseph A. Murphy. Racing starts at 2:00 p. ni. No recall flag used. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. KOTOl FIRST BACK 3 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. JJ i ttJC Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt A 74 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 5j319:bONART w IIS 1 1 2 11 Stille J F Davis 6 8 8 11-54-5 5961DFRANCES H. w 113 S 4 3 2h D Austin J L Hayman G 10 10 3 1 59693 LENS w 115 3 7 6 3s J Jones P Dunne 25 4 4 1 2-5 LA VERNITA TV llu 10 10 7 4h Obert G Holle 30 GO GO 20 12 59743 BLACK FLAG wb llfl 7 3 1 5 Wishard W Chamberlain 30 60 60 20 10 693I3BELLE OF THE BAY w 117 G 2 4 6 D Hall J Beatty 7-5 7-3 7-101-3 out Sr6413ARTH. ROSENFIELD w 113 11 5 5J 71 Troxler F M Civill 10 20 20 G 25 HEIRLOOM w 110 9 3 10 S"k W MclnreE R Bradley fl5 100 100 40 15 6?593tKNOCKIRKY tv 113 4 S Si 9 Springer W C Daly 40 SO 80 25 12 DAN BRADLEY w 110 2 6 91 10 F Herbert E R Bradley flu 100 100 40 15 MAJOR LOWE w 110 5 11 11 11 C Morris J S Bratton 40 60 60 20 10 tCoupIed in betting; no separate place or show betting. JRan previously as Kuockerkerky. Time. 118. 238. 355. 411. Winner B. c. by Cesarion Strathwitch trained by J. F. Davis. Went to post at 1:57. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Bonart, away well and always prominent, slipped through next to the inside rail when entering the homestretch and finished fast aiid won off. Frances H. ran in the middle of the track until straightened out for the final run and finished gamely and tiring. Lens was, going fast at the end and wearing Frances H. down after getting off badly and closing a big gap. Belle of the Bay was badly messed alwut and did not run her race. La Vernita should improve by this race, ran green in the early running, but finished fast. Black Flag showed speed, but tired. Scratched Beans. 113. K. C T O SECOND RACE 1 3-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. OyiuO Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59671 HYMETTUS wb 6 104 12 9 3 3 1" 1 l3 ll Jas HensyJ Phillips 12 20 20 7 31 59695 GROSGRAIN TVSB 4 99 3 3 6 Gi 4h 3nk 21 2 W MclnreP M Civill 10 10 10 3 8-5 59744 HANDMORE ws 5 109 ll 7 7 51 5 4 3 Wishard J H Baker G 7 61 11-51 5974DK. OF T. VLEYwb 6 104 4 10 9 9U 6b 4h 5 4 J Shea J A Sykes 3 3 25 1 1-2 59593 YACHT" G GIRL TVB 4 96 10 6 ll ll 2J 2 3 5l R Meyers A Simons 15 30 30 12 5 69723AMBERITA tvb 5 99 7 4 4 41 71 7 61 6 C Morris E J Gildersleeve 9-5 2 2 4-5.2.-5 59643LOU M. w 4 94 9 8 12 12 12 10 10 7l R Pickett E R Bradley 20 40 40 12 6 59375 LITTLE GIANT tv 6 106 2 2 81 Sb 9 6 71 8? Young J Kecfe and Co 30 40 40 15 6 59671 DEL CARINA tv 4 951 G 11 Hi Wm- 11s 9 9 J Finn R A Smith 10 15 13 6 3 59722 ARAB tvb 5 106 11 7 51 5nk 3b 9 S 10 D Austin J Burttschell 7 10 10 4 2 56722 DELL LEATH WB 5 101 5 12 10 10 10k 8 11 11 Griffith F A Libby 30 30 30 12 5 59671 FLY. CHARCOAL TV 5 101 8 5 2b 2 Sb 12 12 12 L PottingW S Brumfield 20 DO 50 10 It Time, 25, 408, 1:15s. 1:42, 2:02. Winner B. m. by Sir Dixon Merdin trained by H. Phillips. Went to post at 2:27. At iost 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Hymettus got away with the leaders and rushed to the front in the run down the backstretch, where she raced Yachting Girl into retirement and opened a winning lead on the far turn, but was tiring at the end. Grosgraln finished gamely and ran in much iniproved form. Handmore was carried wide while rounding the first turn and lost much ground, but came fast in the stretch and outgamed King of the Valley in the final drive. Amlerita was crowded back on the backstretch, but ran a dull race. King of the Valley was off poorly ami closed a big gap. Yachting Girl sbowed speed, but failed to stay. Arab-quit and can do much better. Scratched 59094Harpoon, 00. Overweights King of the Valley, 3 pounds: Del Carina, 11. OT THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pnrse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. I tQ Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS 59699DON FONSO tv 3 90 7 1 7 5 4" lb Griffith W Hollar 10 10 10 4 8-5 59546 BILLY HANDSEL WB 4 92 9 9 4h U ll 21 Jas HcnsyC B and J F Danls20 30 30 10 5 59696 ASTARITA w 6 93 1 10 5 41 5" 3 J Dealy F Noble and Co 8 12 12 4 2 59674POLLY PRIM tvsb 3 106 3 -7 9 8"k 7"t 41 Obert G Holle S 15 15 6 21 59719 ALBULA TV 8 100 10 6 6 7 6 5 B Miller W H Leonard 30 40 40 15 6 59696LETA DUFFY w 3 90 12 11 11 11 11 6 C Morris P J Millett 6 6 G 2 1" 58402JOHN CARROLL TVB 4 122 4 5 3b 61 10 7 D Hall E Corrigan 7-5 2 9-5 4-5 2-5 59375BENSONHURST ws 6 93 11 2 l"k 3" 2"k 8" J Finn J W Briggs 30 50 50 20 8 59645 PAT BULGER TVS 5 114 2 3 10 10" S 9 Wishard J L Thompson 3 5 5 2 9-10 59645AIRSHIP TV 4 103 8 8 Ss 9 91101 J Jones P Dunne 7 10 10 4 8-5 59149 PARISIENNE 6 92 5 4 2 2" 3h 11 Jenkins G F JenkinsandCo 50 50 50 20 10 59097 FIRST ATTEMPT TVB 6 104 C Left at the post. D Crown A G Woodman 100 100 100 60 25 Time, 23, 478, 1:01, l:07g. Winner Ch. c. by Dieudonne May Fonso trained by W. Hollar. Went to post at 2:52. At post 3 minutes. Start good for all but First Attempt. Won driving; second the same. Don Fonso ran an excellent race, saved ground on the far turn, came through on the inside and, finishing gamely, caught Billy Handsel tiring and outgamed him in the final drive. Too much use was inaile of Billy Handsel on the far turn, where he moved up on the outside, but hi? race was to his best form. Astarita ran in improved form, but was driving to the limit at the end to stall ott Polly Prim. The latter closed a big gap and finished with a rush. John Carroll was outrun all the way, dropped back on the turn into the homestretch and then came again. Parisienne and Beusonhurst were used up in the early stages in setting the pace. : Scratched 59397 Chief Hayes, 108; 50442Goldic, 100; 59073 Meadowbreeze, 90; 59021 Tinker, 102; I 50718 ltert Osra. 90. 1 t PIQ7Q7 FOURTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Over 5 Hurdles. The Cosmopolitan Hotel Hurdle fj I t I Handicap. ,000 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,255. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St StrFin JocKeys Owners O H C P S 59470 LIONEL ws 4 150. 7 11 3 3k 3 4 2s 1" Archibld W O JoplinandCo 7 S 8 3 8-5 5972DRIP w 7 1G8 9 S 2 2s 2 2 1 2 T McHughW Boyle f4 5 5 2 1 59273 CHARAWIND Ws 9 160 10 9 5 5 5 3" 3 3s Porter M T Danaher 21 21 9-5 1 1-2 59G70 PICKT1ME w 7 144 5 6 71 7s S 7" 4i 4 T Powers J C Ferriss Jr i8 10 10 4 2 59076 GOULD wl2 140 6 2 4 43 6s 6l 6 53 T Corbley J Schladt 10 15 15 G 3 39670LIGHTS OUT s 5 164 11 12 6 6 4 5 5 6 Pembton J T StewartandCo 8 12 12 6 2S 59524CREOLIN ws 6 152 1 1 S 8 7i Ss 7 73 Dupee II Fllppen S 12 12 4 3-2 5S27S MARTIN BRADY ws 6 133 2 3 9 9 9 9 8 8 Ellison T Meagher 10 15 15 G 3 59697 DR. NOWLIN TV 9 163 8 10 1 1 1 1 Bolted.Boyle AV Boyle t4 n 5 2 1 59619 ONYX II. ws 6 128 12 7 Threw rider. ONeill J S Bratton 8 8 8 31 9-5 59372 BENGAL ws 8 131 4 5 Fell. E Miller J S Bratton 8 8 8 31 9-5 597703SCEPTRE 6 152 3 4 Fell. W Gaylor J C Ferriss Jr iS 10 10 4 2 f f Coupled in betting; no separate place or show betting. Time, 2:23s. Winner B. c. by Previous Anne Conyers trained by W. O. Joplin. Went to post at 3:21. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second easily. Lionel was always in the leading division, closed up fast in the last sixteenth, caught Rip tiring and outgamed him in the final drive. Rip was well handled and rated along in behind the leaders for the entire trip and. nursed for the final effort, but tired under punishment and was beaten in the final stride. Charawind went well and easily held Iicktime safe at the end. Bengal bolted at the first jump and ran into Sceptre and Uie pair fell. Onyx II. unseated his rider at the second jump. Dr. Nowlin shied at the last hurdle aud tell over it after having led nearly all the wav. Scratched 5SI.02 Itacatiara, 147; 59470Lord Radnor, 145; 59770 Redlands, 125. Overweights Bengal, 1 pound. PIQ7QQ FIFTH RACK 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. J J I J O Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59696 DEVOUT tvsb 4 107 4 3 ll 1 1 Is 1 J Jones P Dunne 10 10 10 3 7-10 E9697ALMA DUFOUR 5 124 1 2 31" 3 3 4s 2 D Hall E Corrigan 2 14-514-54-5 1-3 5959S3HARRY STEPHENS w 4 107 2 1 5 5 41 3 3and Jas HensyJ U Strode 25 25 D 2 3-5 ?9646CORUSCATE Wsb 6 106 3 4 4J 4 5 5 4t W MclnreH J Perry and Co 21 21 2 7-101-4 59724ORLY tvb G 124 5 5 2"k 21 2 2t 5 Troxler P M Civill S-5 11-511-57-101-4 Time. 2U. 491. 1:15?. 1:411. 1:48$. Winner Ch. c. by Piety Aggie Marden trained by F. Haulon. Went to post at 3:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second easily. Devout outran his opponents for the entire trip, went to the front when the start came and was never headed, but tiring at the end and had to be ridden out to stall off Alma Dufour. The latter ran eloser up than usual in the early stages and came wide at the head of the homestretch and finished witli a rush. Harry Stephens closed up fast on the far turn and came through on the inside when entering the homestretch and finished gamely. Orly was made too much use of in the early stages and tired badly. This horse runs his best 1 aces when he comes from behind. Coruscate ran fairly well, but can do much better aud runs inconsistently. Scratched 59724 Gus Heldorn. 112; 59772 Ivpnhoe. 107. K. O T OO SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. O J I J J Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt 6 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59723 DREXEL w 4 107 4 1 4". 2 2- U 11 D Hall E Corrigan 1 1 4-5 2-5 out 59344MORENDO tvb 6 10G 6 8 6 5 3b 4 2i J Dealy D Conley S 13 12 4 8-5 59671LITTLE ELKIN wb 8 101 7 2 3b 3b 41 3 3 C Morris J Arthur 6 6 5 3-2 3-5 59744JMERLINGO w 3 881 2 4 1 l3 1 2nl 4 R Powers T M Cassidy 6 12 12 3 3-2 59321MALEDICT10N WB 4 99 3 6 8 6 6J0 51 5 E MathewsD O Bowles Jr 6 9 9 21 1 597225THORA LEE w 4 93 5 5 2b 4 5 6" 65 R Lowe W McLemore 3 6 6 2 1 59314 CONUNDRUM w S 92 1 3 7s 8 7" 7" 75 L PottinsABMaginnisandCo 30 60 60 15 8 5S3S6 RANKIN WB 6 95 8 7 5 72 8 8 8 J Finn F M Arthur 30 100 100 25 10 Time, 253, 50j, 1:1J, 1:44, 1:48. Winner Br. c, by Lamplighter Julia May trained by J. Collins. Went to post at 4:18. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won cleverly; second easily. Drexel outclassed his opponents, was waited with until rounding the turn for home before making his move, took command when called on and had something in hand at the end. Morendo had to go around on the outside to get up and finished fast. Little Elkin made a determined effort on the stretch turn, but tired in the last Vixteenthi Merllngo showed the most early speed, but tired at the finish. Maledictions race was far below the mark and Thora Lee can do much better. Scratched 59G083Merry Acrobat. 95; 5971U Ethel Davis, 90. Overweights Merlingo, 1 pouuds. PAQ ff SEVENTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Selling. J OQUU Net value to winner 00. " Ind Horses AWt PPSt , StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59699 TICHIMINGO w 115 3 2 l3 1 l3 1 D Austin John Markleln 3 7 7 2 1 59520 KARA ws 110 5 9 9 7 5 2 W Daly M J Daly 20 20 20 8 4 59549 PRINCE OF PLESS w 105 4 12 10 8 8 3 R Lowe J S Bratton 20 30 30 10 5 5S97SJBERTHA E. w 103 11 10 7 41 3 4b Jas HensyJ Phillips 4 4 4 8-5 4-3 59699 OAK GROVE WB 103 8 7 61 2h T- 5s D Boland J C Ferriss Jr 6 10 10 4 2 59699MINNEHAHA TV 105 7 5 2"" 3" 4b 6nk Wishard W H Robinson 3 41 41 S-5 4-5 59699 TARP w 110 2 4 51 6 73 7 Troxler J B Lewman 3 18-518-57-5 7-10 59523 CHAMP CLARK TV 107 6 G - 4h 9 9 8 J Shea W A Wright 30 30 30 10 4 59720 SELF RELIANT TV 110 10 1 11 10 103 9 J Dealy F Birtel and Co 50 75 75 25 12 57939 ANNIE BERRY w 100 1 3 31 5h 11 10 C Morris J McLennan 30 40 40 15 7 37063CREEL w 110 12 8 S 11 6 11 D Hall E Corrigan 4 4 16-57-5 7-10 5and720 RED RUBY tvsb 102 9 13 12 125 12125 W MclnreP M Civill 23 30 30 12 G OAK CLIFF WB 105 13 11 13 13 13 13 T Carter U Z DcArman 20 40 40 15 7 Time, 25. 50J. 1 :03i, 1:0!. Winner Ch. c, by Oddfellow Annie Clark trained by John Markleln. Went to post at 4:42. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second driving. Tichimlngo showed the most speed for the entire trip and had the race well won before they had gone a quarter, showing remarkable improvement. Kara worked his way up on the outside, lost much ground when making the stretch turn, but finished with a rush. Prince of Plcss ran a smart race, began slowly and closed a big gap. Minnehaha tired. Bertha E. closed up a lot of ground on the far turn and then tired, was probably short and the race should improve her. Oak Grove ran well to the stretch; Creel ran a bad race. Scratched 57874 Last Cherry, 103; 59723 Gold Coin, 112. Overweights Oak Cliff. 3 iwunds.

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Local Identifier: drf1906012101_3_1
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