Mishaps in Hurdle Race: Dr. Nowlin Swerves Going to the Last Obstacle and Falls, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-21


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MISHAPS IN HURDLE RACE. DR. NOWLIN SWERVES GOING TO THE LAST OBSTACLE AND FALLS. Bengal Knocks Sceptre Down H. Phillips to Ride Again Jockey Romanelli is Married-Jockey Carter Arrested. New Orleans, La., January 20. An excellent card, probably the best of the meeting thus far, was offered at City Park tliis afternoon. Besides the Cosmopolitan Hotel Handicap at one mile and a quarter, over live hurdles, there were two handicaps on the program, one at live and one-half furlongs and another at one mile and one-sixteenth. Twelve jumpers answered post call in the stake and eight of them finished the course, Lionel winning in a furious drive by a nose from Rip. The latter ran coupled with Dr. Nowlin as the W. Boyle entry and with any sort or luck, the pair would have finished one, two. A mishap at the last jump cost Dr. Xowlin the race. The first time around, Bengal, a notorious bolter, swerved when he came to the first hurdle, which was also the last. In swerving, Bengal knocked Sceptre down, falling himself in the mix-up. They broke one section of the hurdle and this left a gap of about ten feet which was responsible for Dr. Nowlins defeat. In coming to this jump, Dr. Xowlin was leading by a safe margin, but he was headed for the gap and when almost on top or the hurdle, jockey Boyle pulled him over to the part or the jump which was standing. This miseil Dr. Xowlin up and lie swerved toward the outside and fell. fifth race a shower came on. This .did not make the track heavy, but it may have had a sufficient effect to interfere with the running of Alma Du-four, which was beaten out in a stirring finish y Devout. Jockey H. Phillips, who has been in retirement since the spring meeting at Toronto, has announced his intention of returning to the saddle. He has already commenced reducing and expects to be able to do lit! pounds next week. If Phillips finds that this reducing does not hurt him, he will endeavor t- keep down to 10.". pounds. Jockey DIggins, who has been absent on a visit to his parents for a couple of weeks, returned yesterday and will be seen in the saddle next week. Jockey Romanelli surprised his friends on Wednes-daylast by getting married. The bride is the sister of jockey Otis, who at present is riding in California. The wedding tool: place in the Jesuits Church on Barrone street, near Canal. Romanelli will make his home while here at the residence of ills wifes parents. Twenty-one books went on at todays cut-in. I Among the new slates up were those of Johnny Fay, of Cincinnati. Jockey C. Morris was suspended for six days for interfering with Conundrum and Alma Dufour while rounding the first turn in the fifth race. First Attempts entry was ordered refused for the remainder or the meeting. This mare is a notoriously had actor. She refused to leave the post when the start came in the third race and was left. Jockey Mcllughs handling of Rip came in for considerable praise. Mdlugh nursed a tired horse all along in the last quarter of a mile and missed by a short head landing 1dm first at the finish. Mellugb leaves here for Lakewood in a few days to. report for duty to George A. Saportas. Judge Trevelyan today issued an order against steeplechase jockeys riding "contract" mounts where no contract exists. In future contracts must Ik- on file in the secretarys ottice or owners will be forced to put up. the riders fee with the clerk of the scales. -The iilea or this ruling is to try and force owners lb riiie some of the more competent boys in dace of beginners. Jockey J. "Carter, who was ruled off Jhe turf yesterday for a bad looking ride on the junior H. M. P., was arrested this afternoon at City Park. The secretary ordered Carters badge taken up and when thegatemaii attempted to enforce this order. Carter showed light. Carter was then arrested on the charge of- resisting an officer and disturbing the peace.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906012101/drf1906012101_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1906012101_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800