Orilene Victorious in the Ascot Oaks: Five Favorites Win, Three of Them from the Stable of S. M. Williams [illegible, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-21


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0RILENE VICTORIOUS IN THE ASCOT OAKS. Five Favorites Win, Three of Them From the Stable Los Angeles, Cal., January 20. This was a big day at Ascot Park. The best Saturday crowd of the season was in attendance and the visitors " were rewarded with splendid sport and a profit on their speculations. The last five races were won by heavily backed favorites. The feature of the card was the Ascot Oaks and it produced a stirring finish between Orilene and Sanfara. Jockey W. Davis put up-an excellent ride on the favorite. It was patent that her victory was due to his efforts. Three of the four horses started from the stable of S. M. Williams won. Nine Spot was hid up from $."00 to 00 by J. J. McCafferty, but was retained by owner Williams. Jockey Walsh was fined $."0 for disobedience at the post. Starter Dwyer left tonight for San Francisco. Jake Holtman will come here Monday for the remainder of the meeting.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906012101/drf1906012101_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1906012101_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800