Ascot Park Entries and Form, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-21

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ASCOT PARK FORM CHART. LOS ANGELES, CAL., January 20, 1906. Forty-fifth day. Los Angeles Jockey Club. Winter Meeting 90 days. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge. A. W. Hamilton. Starter. Richard Dwycr. Secretary, Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 1:40 p. 111. No recall Hag used. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. PIQQA1 FIRST RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling! fj and O J JL Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C P 5 Wfi05CONFESSOIt vvn 4 110 S G 1 1 1.. 1U TV Davis J L Holland 2J 1 3 fi-5 3-5 59131 THE GADFLY wn 4 107 2 3 71 S 3l" 2 A W Bkerll Cooker 10 15 15 0 3 59704 DR. MCARTY ws 3 S9 3 S S1 7 7k 3H Scoville Stubbs l?ros 15 20 20 8 3J K72PSILVER SUE w 3 !0 5 2 2i 3J 2 41 Wiley S M Williams 3 3 2 4-5 2-5 ..WODDUUBAIt wsn 5 100 4 7 9 B 51 5 H Jackson W Walker 0 15 15 fi 3 f.913lVINO w 3 100 1 1 51 V 4 fi Ziegler C E Cornell 3 10 7 2 fi-5 5970!REVOLT w fi 100 9 9 3h Wi fit 7s F IFbrancl V Gilbert 4 41 4 S-5 3-5 53570 DEWEY iv 7 llr. 7 5 fib 9 S1 S Sinclair I Sclireibcr 30 ll0 100 40 V 59655 BERT ARTHUR IV 4 10G fi 4 i L S J Patrick P Strauss SO CO 60 20 10 Time. 211. 49, j:14J. 1:203. Winner Ch. e. by Father Confessor KolTee trained by F. Regan. Went to post at 1:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second the same. Confessor went to the front at once and. under a good ride, won easily all the way. The Gadtlv. improved suddenlv. ran to his true form today, closed a big gap and finished fast and gamely. Dr. McCartv Ciime fast in the stretch and outstayed Silver Sue for third place. The latter showed speed, but tired in the stretch. Durbar and Vino can do bettor. Revolt ran so poorly that her next race should be a good one. Scratched 5077S Henchman, 92; 59751lutifiil, 103; 5S9S7 Calox. S7; 50750 Lady Huron. S7. QQH9 SECOND RACE Brooks Course. 73 yards less than 1 1-4 miles. Purse ?10o7l year J J JJJ i olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St A V2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C P" S E9725NINE SPOT wsn fi 93 5 7 7 7 fi 5 41 1 Wiley S M Williams 1 7iTfi-5 "out 5?fi0! ARRAII ClOWAN ws 7 100 1 1 li 21 1 lt 21 21 Moriarity R M Tavlor fi r, r, z 1 59752WYEFIELD wn fi 100 fi 3 4i 3 3i 3 1" 3nfc Hogg MrsJF-McCartby 10 15 15 G 3 59752GENTLE HARRY 5 100 S fi 21 li 21 2" 31 4 R McDanIG W Robinson fi 7 7 21 1 59752 FILLiE DOR w 9 95 2 2 4 51 4i f 5 J Harris W Walker 10 10 9 3 S-5 P9702IKKI wn 5 101 3 4 5h 51 4h G fi5 fi B Powell Dunlap and Guthrie! 10 10 I 2 59727GRAPHITE wsn I 105 I 8 S S S 7 71 7 Neubert J Curl . 4 S 8 3 6-5 5074K VOLTO ws 5 95 7 5 C 6 7 S S S Notter J Woods 50 60 60 20 10 Time. 2:tl. Winner B. m. by Hastings Nineveh trained by T. C. Williams. Went to post at 2:10. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won handily; second easily. Nine Spot was well back for seven furlongs, but moved up 011 the far turn and came into the homestretch lapped on the leaders drew out in the final furlong and won going away. Arrah Gowan was a prominent and game contender throughout and easily held second place safe. Wyetield tired in the stretch drive, but ran to his best form. Gentle Harry ran well to the stretch, then tired, but struggled on gamelv. Fllle dOr failed to stay. PQftOQ THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. UiOvO Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt Y2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C PS f972SGILPIN ws 1 99 2 2 li 2and .V 3 1 Notter J L McGinnis 1 B-5 1 1-3 out 55C53 DR. LEGGO w 4 110 1 1 31 3- 2 lb 21 Wiley O C McCatTerty 1 2 S-5 3-5 1-4 fr.779EMBARRASSMENT wn fi 90 3 3 21 lb lb 2l 3 Swain C A Ross and Co fi 7 7 6-5 1-3 C9700PRESERVATOR w 4 85 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 R McDanlW D Randall 10 10 10 2 1-2 Time. 2U, 49. 1:1 li. 1:41. 1:411. W Inner Hi. e. by Juvenal Koumiss trainrd by J. I. Smith. Went to post at 2:40. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Gilpin was away well and set the early pace, was then taken back and reserved close up to the stretch, where he ipiicklv ran Into tin; lead when called 011 and won going away. Dr. Leggo ran in somewhat improved form anil outstayed Embarrassment in a driving finish. The latter ran well and finished gamely. Preservator was out of place. Scratched 59779 Harbor, 95. PvQQHl FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. The Ascot Oaks. ,250 added. 3:coIdsrFilIIes. tj rj O J t Net value to winner .810. Ind Horses AWt PPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners 6IICP5 59726ORILENE w 110 1 5 5b ;;t 2h 2 1J W Davis .1 Curl 7-5 9-101-3 out t59652SANFARA i. 110 3 G 7 11 11 11 2 It McDanU James 2 2 9-5 3-5 1- 59726SIL,VER WEDDING w 110 4 7 4b 5i 5 31 31 J Harris J James " 0 9-5 3-5 1 4 59700 ILA. ws 105 C 2 2 7 61 6 4l Horner El Rio Stable 16 13 13 4 3-- 59750NEATNESS ws 110 5 1 lb 24 3 41 51 W Miller El Rio Stable C 13 13 4 59726 LACENE .- ws 110 7 3 3 4J 4b 5 C Swain Dennv Bros 4 9 1 " 5972G AZORA w 115 2 4 fib Gb 7 7 7 A W BkerG J "Long G 15 15 4 9-5 f t Coupled in betting; no separate place or show betting. Time. 24J. 491. 1:14. J:403. Winner B. f, by Ingpldsby Admittance trained liv J. Curl. Went tu 1 post at 3:10. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Orlleue was kept in a good position to the stretch, where she challenged Sanfara and at the end of a long, hard drive drew out and won slowly going away Sanrara went to the front at once and set a hot pace and n "on UMiacioiisly in a gamely contested finish. Silver Wedding finished fast. Ha showed ut-tllHU decided in "Uuotemuit. . ovemei t Neatness .shoved early -speed but tired. Luceue ran poorly, as also did Azora. Scratched 5U00I Lotta Gladstone, jio, KOQP FIFTH HACK 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. OwuvO Net value to winner 525. Jnd Horses AWt FPSt j StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59729FIREBALL wn 4 113 7 4 lb l3 Is l1 E Walsh S M Williams 7-1011-109-101-Sout 59729BETSEY W 3 93 4 G 2 2 25 2h R McDanlM B Arterberry 8 12 12 3 4-3 59639 FUSTIAN WB C 103 2 3 7 6h 5h 3h J Harris W T Anderson 6 10 10 25 7-10 59603DON DOMO 5 103 5 2 53 3h 3J 4S M Preston J F NewmanandSon3 3 2 11-201-4 69133 RALBERT 4 103 3 5 6b 7 7 5 Schaffner J G Lyman 50 200 200 60 20 596S0AALENCIA ws 3 93 6 7 S 4 4l 61 Swain Denny Bros and Co 10 23 25 7 2 69334 WATER WAGON 3 95 1 1 41 53 6 7 F Sullivan E Wright 50 150 150 50 10 Time, 231, 471, 1:00. Winner Ch. c, liy Ron Stromc Sly Nun trained by T. C. Williams. Went to postnt 3:35. At post 1! minutes. Start good. Won handily: second the same. Fireball showed the most speed throughout, but tired near the end and bad to be ridden out. Betsey ran an excellent race and finished with the utmost gameness. Fustian was unlucky early, but closed a big gap and finished with a rush. Don Dnino stumbled and went to his knees at the start, then ran a great race. Itulbert went well. Scratched 5i453Sir Wilfred, 105. "pr f Q "" SIXTH KACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Turse 00. 3-year-olds. Allowances. 0Ol-fU Net value to winner 25. . Ind Horses AWt FPSt V4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS f?6033HECTOR w 107 7 4 1 11 I5 15 E Walsh S M Williams 1 1 7-101-3 1-7 r9035FOXHALL w 110 4 3 3" 2 2s 23 W Davis MHTfchenorandCo S-5 3 3 3-5 1-3 19755 EVELYN GBIFFIN w 103 2 2 21 3l 3 3i Horner It T Griffin 8 30 6 2 1 f.9429 BANTAM w 107 1 G 61 5 5i 4 Schaffner J G Lyman 10 15 15 5 2 r.9753 ALMA GARDIA w 103 5 7 7 7 7 5 M Preston JFNewmanandSon 20 20 G 2 1 .19755 ANTARA TV 107 6 1 4 4i 4 6b A W BkcrG .T Long 10 15 15 5 2 69107 CHAN. WALWORTH ws 107 3 5 5 6b 6 7 Kunz E Wright 10 20 20 7 21 Time. 21, 481. 1:08. Winner Ch. g, liy Handsome Tclioupctoulas trained by T. C. Williams. Went to post at 4:05. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second driving. Hector was best, easily held sway throughout and won cantering. Foxhail did his best and outstayed Evelyn Griffin in a sharp drive. Evelyn Griffin finished fast and gamely. Bantam was going well at the end. Antara showed speed, but tired. Scratched 5!7553Sir Brinkley, 105; 50SOl3SIlver Wedding. 100.

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Local Identifier: drf1906012101_2_10
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