untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-21


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Don Fonso, 10-1 Won Given out on my Dally Sheet, marked "EXTRA GOOD" SPECIAL AT THIS TRACK WITHDRAWN. .00 Per Day. .00 Per Week. W. F. BECKER, 119 La Salle St., R. 30 Telephone Main 3711. THE ILLINOIS ! Room 023, 225 Dearborn St., Tel. Har. 187G. 1 0-1 MONDAYS CINCH 1 0-1 A sure and easy winner go the limit youll caslu Jan. SO Lieber. Plunge... 4-5 Won Hannilial Bey 5-1 2nd Jan. IS Sincerity Belle f. l-nd Helen Lucas Lost Jan. 1H Ie Iterate 9-10 Won Columbia Girl Third Jan. 17 Sincerity Belle... 16-1 2nd inkling Star 1-1 Won Jan. 1G Io Oro 2nd Alma Dufour.. 3rd Jan. 15 Lieber 5-2 Won Hrush Up Scratched Jan. IS I.leber. 5-1 Won Collector Jessup 2d Jan. 12 Van Ness Won UuidingStar... Scratched Jan. 11 Paul Clifford 2d St. Joseph 2d Jan. 10 .1 Weinberg... Scratched Florizel Lost Jan. U Alma Dufour. .Scratched Sincerity Belle Lost Jan. X Phil Finch 9 5 Won Adare Lett at post Jan. 6 The Kegent 8-1 Won Sincer. Belle .Withdrawn Jan. 5 Alma Dolour... .8-5 Won Stonerllill 3rd Jan. 4 Paul OlitTord X-l Won Keynote... 3-1 Won Jan. 3 Sincerity Belle... S-l Won Lieber 13-20 Won Jan. 2 Listless 9-5 Won Bad News 6-5 Won Jan. I Phil Finch 3-5 Won Hannibal Bey 7-1 2nd Doc. 29 Formasler. 1-5 Won Marvel P 2nd Dec. 28 King Cole 4-5 Won Jack Lory 2nd Dec 27 Columbia Girl....2-1 Won Calabash ....4-6 Won Dec. 26 Bryan Scratched Echo Dale... Lost Dec 25 Simplicity, L. S. Spl.. 3rd lanl Clifford 2nd Dec. 23 Calabath 2-1 Won James Keddick ..3-5 Won Dee. 22 Azelina 3rd lladur Scratched Dec 21 Chief Hayes 5-1 Won Echo Dale Withdrawn Dec. 20 Collector Jesisup.7-5 Won Hallowmas Lost Dec 19 Marvel V 8-5 Won Uanram 2nd Dec 18 Mayor Johnson. .2-1 Won Calabash 7-5 Won Due. 16 Lady Ellison 3-1 Won Atheua 3rd Dec. 15 Macbeth 6-1 Won Augur 8-5 Won Dec H Mayor Johnson. .7-1 Won Lady Ellison 0-5 Won Dec 13 Calabash ....M Won Hannibal Bey.. Scratched Dec 12 Panereatis 12-1 Won Bulldnch 8-5 Won Dec II The Regent 4-1 Won Phil Finch 2-1 Won 2 SPECIFIED SPECIALS GUARANTEED Tldrd, 4th, 5th and Cth Crescent City Hymettiis, 15 1 all won. Were easy for Illinois clients Saturday. Buy the bent and win. We Show Daily Record, Win or Lose Progressive players on CrescentCity have cleaned up handsomely entire meeting Illinois followers made KOod 40 davs out or 45. Can prove it. Sheets on flic, verified by W. U. T. and Postal. Investigate nur. We deliver the goods rain or shine its winners youre after. THE OLD JUDGES DOPE 2 Best Bets -DAILY AT OAKLAND 2 Best Bets I will have some hot ones this week; get next. Twenty years experience. A man witli a reputation. If ymi dont Unow me, ask horse players about, me. 1 picked more winners last week tlian any man that lives. Just look over my Two llest Rets of last week: Jan. 13 Massa, 2-1, won; Princess Titania, 30-1, second. Jan. 15 Baker, 9-2 to win, second; Forerunner, 14-5, won. Jan. 1C Santa Ray, 1-1, won; Tarn O Shanter, 0- 5, won. Jan. 17 Major Tenny. 9-2, won; Sais, third. Jan. 18 E ntrc Nous. 9-10, won; Critical, C-5, won. Jan. 19 Cloche dOr, 8-5, won; Hammeraway, 1- 1, won. Jan. 20 Proper, 2-1, won; Dargin, 11-10, won. Can anybody beat that? Price, Daily, Per Week llie Old ItellMble lluiillcacr. JUDGE To m Collins, Room 65 - - 119 LA SALLE ST. Phone Main 4:il. The American Racing Manual, I906 50 CENTS IN LEATHER - 30 CENTS IN PAPER DAILY RACING FORM-PUB. CO. 124 Fifth Ave , Chicago. INFORMATION from an OWNER and TRAINER who la In a position to wire WINNINU INFORMATION each day on the horses now racing at NEW ORLEANS. FAIREST OFFER EVER HADE I am not a professional tipster, but a practical horseman, who must protect stahle Interests. For that reason I am unable to publish results, now-ever, I make a ,000 challenge that I give more winners than any two information concerns combined. INSIDE STABLE INFORMATION of a winning caliber you will obtain when you subscribe to my information. Ask any one of ONEILS clients and they will tell ou how good I am. 5 WINNERS FOR Thats the proposition. FIVE WINNERS for .00. Iay for the WINNERS ONLY. Second or third horses do not count. I never send short-priced horses. As a rule the odds are from Il-l to 10-1; yes, and at times 15 and 20 to 1 ou some of my "stable tricks." I wire ONE HORSE A DAY ONLY which is the ONeil Idea, but sometimes Two on days when the Information Is extra good, but never more. Could any offer Ik; more fair? In other words, you do not renew your subscription until I have sent you FIVE STRAW HT WINNERS. MORE GOOD ONES COMING Dont fail to be with me this week, as It will be a hummer in the way of good priced WINNERS. Information wired early each day. Dont miss the opportunity. Remit by Money Order or Registered Letter onW to insure safe delivery. On receipt of same I will mail you cipher code. Wires will follow. DAN ONEIL TRAINER, 6RAVESEND, BROOKLYN, H. Y. BLACK ART, ADVERTISED SPECIAL, WON, 3-1 This is the horse I advertised and wireil my patrons throughout the Iniled States for a plunge hot. Jan. 13 HOOLIGAN WON 18-5 Jan. 15 MAXTRESS WON 9-1 Jan. IB GRASSCUTTER WON 11-1 Jan. 17 MAJOR TENNY WON 5-1 Jan. 18 BIRD OF PASSAGE LOST Jan. 19 Nothing Given Out. Ou ii 0.00 Flnt Bet my One Horse Wire the uHt week hIiows u net prollt of 0G. Turfites, I am in my stride and my patrons are getting the coin, as the above speaks for itself. Notice the odds. OAKLAND RACES ONLY ONE HORSE WIRE EACH DAY ON ONE TRACK ONLY The Winner of the Burns Handicap This horse is being pointed for this race and will be the medium of a killing by the owner and a few friends. I am next to the owner of this good thing and know whaL 1 am talking about. Iatrous who have subscribed lor my One Horse Wire in the past can get in on this one Free, .lust drop ine a line and I will send you the name of horse by return of mail. Special One Horse Wire each day from my man at the track. Wired in Code. Upon receipt of your order for wires, I will send Code by return of mail. Phone Main 1293. Terms for the balance or the Oakland Races .00foSix Racing Days No Single Wi.es Sent. One Horse Only Wired Each Day EX-WCKEY MARSHALL Room 609, 56 Fifth Avenue. Chicago Initials E. J. fl. PEflBDDY and SONS DIRECT ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT "THE BALLMTINE METHOD" has met with but tliroo losing days the past year, jndging the season from January 1, 1905, to yesterday, Saturday, January 20, 1900, Inclusive, period covering 330 actual racing daye. SAME MUST WIN DAILY. This is the only system sold under a positive GUARANTEE. The above record speaks for tin- value and solidity of the System. The purchase price of "The Rallantine Method" is Ten Dollars. Prospectus and details upon request. The Iallantine .Method does not depend upon our selections. It Is a complete system in itself. Facts such as the alxive are the only plausible things which constitute the strength of an argument. We ask the public in general not to conflict system play with hazardous gambling methods, nor to compare proven facts with illusions. 22 West 33d Street, NEW YORK CITY, Directly Opposite Waldorf-Astoria. WiSPPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY one worked f;ist enoiirh to beat stake horses and his win will be the sensation of the year. The controlling parties have planned to clean up an immense fortune and have everything arranged to make victory a certainty. tThis REYNOLDS and CO. Horse Owners and Kxpert Ilandlcappers, Sixth Floor, 119 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO We Never Hii- Phone 2877 Central. I P""ent. Slop DAILY SS.OO WEEKLY RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. READ RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. For the benefit of those who contemplate using my service and wish to be informed on the summary below, I will state that the sixteen horses listed are the winners from twenty-two sent out by me since December 10 scratches not counted, of which there were three. I have not bad more than two straight losses I consider a horse that places or shows a loss, out of ten horses given by ine since January 1; three have lost, one January !, January 1L and January 20; the other seven won. I can hack up these assertions with absolute proof and money. 1 hold out no alluring promises to any one and at no .time have I ever resorted to unscrupulous methods to influence or decoy prospective patrons. If you are willing to limit your bets to a few a week, I think I can lie of service to you, surely the results attained by my clients and the organization have been sutlicient to warrant this claim. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. ,000 GUARANTEE. I will give to any living person the sum of ?.",000, who can show that 1 have used any methods to increase my patronage which border on deception, trickery, double dealing, delusion, heguilement, sham, duplicity or artifice. I will give $,00U to any person who can demonstrate that In any particular the record below has a line of fabrication, This offer is not only made to the general public, but to any of my clients who are fully aware of what I have done. I will not only pay this sum with a certified check on the Federal National Iiauk of Chicago, hut will allow in addition a single full column space in this publication which I will pay for, to the person to denounce me as an impostor. I make the above offers without reservation, not only to those who contemplate coming in and my clients, lint to the fellow who has been "bunked" elsewhere and may lie tempted to say: "Well, he gives three or four horses a day and then takes one that wins and advertises it." RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. 16 Out Of 22 Occasional Win Jan. 18 ODD TRICK G-5 WON Jan. 15 JIM PENDERGAST 4-1 WON Jan. 10 DR. GARDNER ... C-5 WON Jan. 8 USURY 5-1 WON Jan. 3 ROUND DANCE .. 3-1 WON Jan. 2 BIG BOW 7-2 WON Jan. 1 ROYAL LEGEND. 8-1 WON Dec. 29 MINT BOY 3-1 WON Dec. 25 ATTILA 6-5 WON Dec. 23 ECKERSALL 4-1 WON Dec. 21 WEDGWOOD 5-1 WON Dec. 19 YO SAN 7-2 WON Dec. 15 BELDEN 4-1 WON Dec. 13 SHEEN 6-5 WON Dec. 12 PANCREATIS 12-1 WON Dec. 10 BELDEN 5-1 WON RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. 5-1 Monday RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. You can safely put a bet on this one Monday, as I am informed that there is hardly a chance to lose. I do not often make statements or this kind in turf affairs unless I am pretty well acquainted with all the facts. Rush Your Subscriptions Sunday and get in. Dont delay; you must know that I am right. One Weeks Trial - $ 3.00 One Month - - - 10.00 GEO. OTIS Suite 84, 119 La Salle Street CHICAGO BRANCH. TELEPHONE MAIN 36A5. Turf Reporters Special. .00 PER MONTH. Room 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago Mondays Special: 17-43-C1-35-15-7-13. Entry List: 903-921-923-928-929-932-937-947-951. Hefer to numbers in front of horses name. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. THE NOXALL SYSTEM Is certainly a moneymaker, as week after week It goes on steadily winning for the players. Just think of a system that you know that you are going to i beat them, and impossible to lose. Dont you think siicb a system is a gold mine for anyone? The wonderful copyrighted Nox.ilI system can be operated witli a small capital and it will earn big profltH. With the aid of the system you ran pick your own winning bets, and when we say that you cannot lose, every word of It Is meant. It Is the ouly guaranteed system that is sold. It wins playing at the TRACK, POOLROOM OR HANDBOOK with equal results. It can be applied to any track and la simple to operate. It gives an average of about nine plays a week at any one track. It la entirely different from any other system, and Is published in book form, containing racing charts, witli demonstrations, etc., and Is the only copyrighted system published. SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET and Investigate this wonderful system and stop losing. The NOXAM, SYSTK.M requires no tips, selections, handicap figures, aud the plays are not based on odds, favorites, second choices, weights, jockeys, etc., but on an entirely new theory. The long continued success or this system tells vou how the problem of beating the races has been solved. Address, NOXALL SYSTEM, P. 0. Box D, Gravesend, N. Y. LONG SHOTS PEKING 1H BKLIEVIN. If you wish to investigate before you make the purchase of Turf Guide Rook or Handicap 8y teni. enclose a stamp, and I will fend you a circular of LO.N; S1IOTM, handicapped for 21 straight days, by the I.. A II. S VST KM, together with guarantee formyTUKF GlIIDK BOOK a System for piaying. but not for Handicapping, that will average U0 percent, After you carefully took ovr circular. If you then think you have as good and will demonstrate to me. or by uny other handicap system known to yourself, that you could have made as good aver, uce for tne same 34 duvH. I will agree to send my Turf Guide Book and I. H. Handicap Sytem tree ol" charier. Now 1 simply make this proposition to show that I am not afraid before I make the sal if you so desire, to compare the merits or the, I.. .1- II. Jlanoleup System which In a wonder ct the age for Long Shots compared with any other Handicap Syetem on the market. Now ir you have had any experience with others in the past, and are willing to compare and handicap with your own sytteni, the same races which I will send, you can in this way get at the true value of what I now olTer. You will tlirelv llnd it money In your pocket to investigate aud make the comparison. 1 will also send a guarantee of S1WJ0J with the list of horses, that they were all handicapped by the L and 11. System. Price of Turf Uulde Hook, . The 1. A II. lliin.Hcup My-tein, I. ir taken together, l And is worth to any lai ty that plays the ponies. Sent in plain cover, sealed and eisteied. Sixth Year without u clmllenge. D. A. THURSTON, Publisher. Dept. C. 7-8 Bennett Bid a. - - - DETROIT, MICH. Kererence. any Mercantile Agency. One Horse-One Race IS WHAT OUK SPECIALS CONSIST OF. MON DAY AT OAKLAN D Extra Special Good Thing. ATTENTION This horse has been in long preparation for this killing. Our manager, Col. Wootcrs, personally saw this horses final preparation for this race before wiring us to plunge on this Good Thing Tomorrow .Monday. IN FACT THE ENTIRE WEEK WILL PROVE A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. Remember, you are protected in this, as we sell you but One Horse, and in event of a loss we give you One Free exchange. Terms, for One Day, 0 for Six Oajs. MAIN OFFICE, 315, 1G7 DEARIJOKN ST. PhonCentrairii:i8 n n lljrn nn CoI.J.O.WOOTERS Auto.Vy.l. D, D, inrU bli. Manafrr. PAY AFTER YOU WIN Is and always has been my method of doing business. Our interests being mutual, 1 must send you winners in older to win myself. Am always on the ground clocking the workouts, and being closely connected witli some of the very beat stables, enables me to send two or three winners each week to honest bettors. Kvery time I wire you can depend that the horse is at his best and the stable, money is down. I dont ask hB or per day In advance; instead, after the horse I wire you has won. send me the winnings or a straight bet. This makes genuine Inside Information cost you nothing. .My only demand Is you enclose AO cents In your first letter, only as a deposit, to guarantee acceptance- f telegrams. Address C. ROWLAND 826 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La. FREE! "MY SYSTEM" Fully Explained FREE! Without mi equul In the world! I have the greatest Uliintiiir Scheme ever discovered! ir vou have S4 to 1Iuy With, writ Today, if you want in"! 1.. C. YVOOIIS. Ualon." Memphis. Tenn. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. Room 37, 71 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Mondays Special: Arkansas, Maiden, Mitten, Canary

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906012101/drf1906012101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1906012101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800