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SALE OF HORSES IN TRAINING, New York, August 4. Horses in training belonging to James It. Kecne and various other owners were sold at auction in the paddock at Brighton Beacii today and bidding on them was not very spirited. The star of the sale was Oyama, which wns knocked down to G. F. Johnson for ,000. The olher principal buyer was Green B. Morris, who purchased three. The buyers and prices were: PROPERTY OF JAMES R. KEENE. Oyama, b. c, 3, by Commando Ben My Chree. G. F. Johnson S1.C00 Baliotta, ch. f, 3. by Voter Ella T. George O. Gray 1,300 Sphinx, lir. f, 2, by St. Serf Lady Invercauid. A. Wolfram 525 Landslide, ch. g, 2, by Voter Merry Dance. W. H. Crane 350 Rollicking Girl, ch. f, 2, by Kingston Duchess Caroline; Itancocas Stud 300 The Knight, b. g. 2, by Watercress Limekiln; P. J. Rainey 325 PROPERTY OF H. B. DOHYEA. Revenue, b. f, 2, by Rapallo Custom. Jule Garson 1,250 Ottoman, b. c, 2, by Orsinl Artemis. C. Blunie 200 Sir Caruthers, b. g, 3, by St. GeorgL Bessie. L. T. Walters 300 Meddling Belle, ch. f, 2, by Meddler Han- oana; T. O. Webber 350 Embarrassment, ch. h, C, by Knight of Ellers- Ue Flash-In-tbe-Pan; G. B. Morris 700 Cliolk Hedrlck. b. g, 4, by Verge dOr Adelaide: G. B. Morris 1,300 Sweet Kitty, ch. f, 2, by Toddington Mamie .. B.; G. B. Morris . 500