Hamilton Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-09-30

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; ! ; ; ; ; : ; HAMILTON FORM CHART. HAMILTON..ONT.. September 29, 1306. Fifth day. Hamilton Jockey Club. Fall Meeting S davs -.- , Weather wet; track heavy. 20 books on. Presiding Judge, J. J. P.urke. St.irtc.y W. .Murray. Secretary, AT R. Loudon. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in narenth-sis Parcni"ls ioiiowin followin" tlle Ilstanco of each race indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried ;RZLQ 9,7 FIU Cir?;4;Milc- l:i:I-107. Pprse .00. 3-yoar-olds. Maidens ! JX:,J jLf I .Special A eights. Maiden Jockeys. Net value to winner .25. Id.- HrSe! AWt PPSt U -3l"StrFln Jockeys Owners O H 0 P S CiiSC WABASH ws 1C5- S" 1 lnfc r, :; lh Skobel S T Wliito rt q ; fi201! HANTHORNTO w 105 5 4 5 2 23 23 Gau"el Brooklyn Stnl.lo - - r - - 01.SS KAMERUN Tvn 105 13 1 I3 1J 5 Sperry Kirk lel.l Sta lie " it l" V" C4S0CLADY TKWAIIT wn 105 3 ! 7 7 , 4h Chisman H T Aiclw 4" r J"? G1754 COUNTRY LAD vr m 2 5 ! 5 fii r, McCarthy K W Atooro 7 in 1o a tJ r,7S7EI.TON WEAVER ws 105 7 S S S 71 f. Qrington Ata h JS ?,2 j XZPPS1 1 S ni At S 7nk Beaton Mrs R Bradley U 7? f I fiw at??t -WS Wn C 2 S S 5 f S" Kcnne1J W Dougher 10 20 20 S 4 fiincc MERILENE w 105 9 7. 9 9 9 9 AV MlcahyJ Nixon a 5 4 2 1 Time, 23, 52. 1:1S. u lnner B. g, by Falsetto Princess Osra trained lv W. G. Brion. AA WnWKni to I?t !,lt ;!:n,0, At p,ost 8 .-I,m.tes. Start poor. AVon driving; second and third the same ahasK began slowly and was outrun for the first half, l,t worked his way np on the inside on the t urn thi Unmcstretch, finished gamely. unde.- a drive and just managed to get up in the final Sir le ll n nnder punishment after having caught rind passed Kamerun at the sixteenth post arid havl, and nJ then thl,,?nfWll7iV,0! Kamerun was speedy and held the others safe for UL five 1"uo""s arloi"s quit. Lady Stewart closed ;i big gap and ran a winning race. Merilene ran poorly. R4 lfii9, R SEC -CE5 1-2 Furlcngs. 1:071-3-90. Purse .00. 2-year-olds. Selling. ;J j- t AJ t; Net value to winner 2.i. " Ind Horses AWtPPSt -j K -14 StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 h Q ,p s fiIS31I3MrNOIiA W"s 107 3 4 Xfi -JnE r3 j, -CHShillgl 7 j c Mrs R Brorliov T 1 1 rToV? ws 100 G 5 4 r, 21 .2.i L, SaSar "1212 4-5 t C4S2 3JAVANKSE wsb 7 7 G 7 I Goldstein J Walters fi Tn Tn 1 i. o C4and4 LORD "ROSSINGTON WB 99 4 3 lh 2 It 43 Svain Klrkfield Stable tabl 10 In I 1 H -"2MISS MARTHA w 101i 5 2 2u ih 2J S W Fischer jB Dunn fi f . " c-1 GliSS.PONEMAH w 96 2 fi 7 6S C3 0 F Burton C W Gasspr s in in 5 o G4S72GOLD NOTE wn 110 1 1 3 Sh -ii 7 J Foley W Bryce r, fi J 5 " .f3, Time, 24, 50s, 1:022, 1:09J. Winner Br. f, by ,.loha Eminence trained by F. Lynn. pmlint to Pft at 3:2S. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won handily: second driving- " third the wmo Eminola was crowded back on the far turn, but closed up witli a rush After imki a wt.l, t-irn int., 1 turn, finished gamejy and ran a goo.1 race. Javanese dropped far back in the first Smarter" but "ilnNbwl nV liaffneat b"rst ,f s?c7l tl,roueh he 3ast fur,on nrt JiiRt got up in time t, be t Lord ltos n -t , RnJttStS Wa? fiPeP,ayV,VJ "?011 1,11 in forcl"S tlO pace with Miss Martha. Tbe latter r-n weH to the stretch and tired. .Gold Note showed speed, but tired badly. 103SIa4uWntr,J VO"S Mm Tanbark W801 Lmy Mf,ric 105; C4S91Charley Ward, Oyerwelghts-Miss Martha, lj pounds. AAQ QrQ THIRD RACE-About 2 1-2 Miles. Steeplechase. No track record. Turse ?400 tt ftJ 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00. - Ind Horses AWtPPSt C 11 1G 21 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS G4S73JOHI RANDOLPIIW 4 130 1 4 ll 1 1J l3 l3 l3 Rae Mrs T. q p,..in n 1 r rj t,T, lG4S2oGOLD RUN ws 11C2 4 3 2 2 2 2i 2 2 Pembton R J Lauchffn f fl C4873BERY VV;ADDELL 5 101 5 x 3, ot 3, McKIny L Taov- rJ f" ? Stm-?1 w55?nr. W i 2 3 - r 4 Asti" Belorey 20 40 40 12 50,C!-L,NDSI,IDE ws S If,., 2 fi Fell. Merrick G C Morrison 20 25 25 10 4 , Time, 5:14. pinner Ch. g, b.r Mastor Randolph Madeline trained by A. E. Gates. jr" iaisui rwaea,?iih;a In rouble. TIh- weight told on Gold Run in the last quar er, lint he ran 1 winsl in- -ool r-, o l,mir I u. heavy impost. Bery Waddell ,lid l.N best, but could not 1 ,1 big success? at tlie carry weight "Horn Mittis..,iuiiy. ,mv B unuero Iberrv f fell n seventecntlt jump and Landslide at the first. rtTHnCV V1--1.0T. Purse .50. 3-year-olds and upward. WlpZ lJ JAJ Handicap. Hunters Gentlemen Riders. Net value to winner .5 and Cup. Ind Horses AWt PPSt K StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 H dPS 6cf,3VIR?UO 2,nkl J 1 Mr Davics T A Woods G "10 10 42 vtpjt.tn ft-H tAVr. . mnrr Zri ?t S I" Mr HmondJ W Hammond 4 7 7 2 1 Vlflxtu. CARTER t, W C liiO 3 - 7 Gl 7! S 8 Mr Rrown 1Jrmn J T W W TT-mimnmi Hammond 4 i , 2 n 1 7 Coupled in betting; no separate place or show betting. Time. 20?, r3e, 1:21. T inner Cli ni by Golden Badge Ladys .Maid trained by C. Pliair. v,c" to post at 4:20. At post 3 minutes. .Start poor. Won cantering- second drivin"- ihini i.o Scth?stn"jo5! n: . Captain Fa.rplay, 155. R4-R1 FIPTII RACE 11-4. Miles. 2:12J-4-124. 1906.sh00 added. 3-year-olds and upward npu.mi. UtttOJL Handicap. Net value to winner .95. v Ind Horses A WtPPSt St lj X j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II O P S 64S92 CHLK HEDRIOICwn 4 103 4 3 iu lh i i 10 13 j L CQ a R Mni-Wc. TTTZ Z 77 1 G4S57 RESERVATION -wn 0 100 2 2 3 3 3. 4 3 2h W Fischer AV A Pnrtor ?t I "5 r H 6 1S57 CAMBRIDGE Wsn 3 90 1 1 4J 4h 43 3nfc h 3 C H ShllL Potors $ l Ul m20M?sfKApRrUIj J 4ss s v f ? r ? r r 1 and io 35iout ifnflixW 21trackI;erher 15 " 10 3 1 Ainner-B. , g, , by r Verge dOr-Adelaid lecorw-. trained by 0. B. Morris. v.ent 10 Post at 4:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good. AVon easilv; second drivinc Choll- TTnilripl- going1 rimiie.01 Sr"nrt Whn Cnt0rIns thc Strctch a,"1 AntohtcS. Pctcrpaul qdVaffer .ScratcliedT-V4S92So1on Shingle, 116. 64and3 2 "ilxsei,1agto Si iHl HorseS AWt PPSt Str FInJo"ckeys Owners O H C P S cWllTTT v KU " n t A "I 3i F 3urton W Hutchison S 4 4 7-5 3-5 cls7G3G AY ADELAIDE V ft? g iPandgFry1 55? - r 4 ioo i io1 io9S ir io3S io9 rn s Time, 23, 48J, 1:14 K " Wmner B. e. by Ivnight of the Thisfle Genevieve trained by AL AAclch hi "nU Tf 1mt 1 "0 in following the fast pace set bv win or a ml was and " t . Scratehed--04S50 Felix Mozzes. 10.,; 11854 Many Tlianks 95 Corrected weights Cascine, 103. Ind Horses AWt PPSt j .6 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 0 P S owrnPiv r - S Vi U 11 c 11 SIiIUbO HendThi G fi 4 sTt-5 ir isiuprrrS!pr aim Winner Ch e, by Madallo Mary Cowan trained by J. A;altera. f Uent to post at 5:33 At post 7 mlputes. Start good. Won easily; cPCOni aP1 i,iril 1rivln- Nit V

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906093001/drf1906093001_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1906093001_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800