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MIGHT BE WELL TO TALK IT OVER. Winn Says He Knows Nothinq of the MerqeP Proposition — A. T. A. To Meet Today. New Orleans. I.a.. January ft. — Matt J. Winn, president of the American Turf Ass.xiatioii, accompanied by Charles F. Price, arrived late last night from Louisville. Ky. Mr. Wimi said that he knows nothing of a possible merging of the two western governing liodies. hut said, now that all the turf powers were congregated here, it would be a good move to discuss the matter. Mr. Winn, while here will confer with E. A. Cella regarding dates at Loahwille before making application to the Racing Commission. Nothing out of the ordinary will be transacted at the meeting of the American Turf Association tomorrow. The allotment of dates was to have been the principal Hatter under consideration, but It is more than likely that this business will be deferred until the February meeting since the situation in Tennessee is not at all clear. Messrs. C*dla. Tiiles, Bush, Kena ud and Brewster were visitors to City Park during the afternoon.