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RECKON DIES AT SENORITA FARM. Stranqulation of the Intestines the Cause — History of the Great Mare. Lexington. Ky.. January 9. — Beckon, one of Amer-lta*a most famous lace mares and stud matrons. died at Senorila Farm last night of strangulation I the intestines. Reckon was a eheataat mire by 1izarro, out of Perhaps, by a— tullsn. she out of hUaaaaa, by Knight of St. Oeotgt. Reckon was bred by Milton koaag at MeGratklaaa stud. She was foaled in |sss and as a yearling beeaane the property of Messrs. A. H. and D. H. Morris. They raced her for four seasons and she won thirty-three races, sev-eral of them stakes. ,t the end of her turf Career she was retired to the stud of the Messrs. Morris. Her first foal was Calculation by St. Klorian in !*." . The next year she was barren. In IBM she dropped S.un Phillips by St. Klorian. In lOS hat foal was Add, by Cayuga, then followed Compute, by Qaaewer, Bad Reckoner, by Becptital. In ISM she was barren aad the following .ear there was no foal. In IMS she dropped Accountant to the cover of Kiligrane. this great, racer having been baled the property of the late Captain S. S. Brown, who had purchased Beckon at Messrs. Morris dispersal sale for 7,100. In BXH her foal was Estimate, a winner last year, and her last foal is the best nut tilly by St. Sinionian. which came in IMS and was sold as a yearling last September to James K Keene for $»,,0 0. Beckon missed in MM ami was bred to Broomstick on May 0 last. At the time of her death she was believed to have been in foal to that good horse. At the sale of the Senorita horses Inst Noveml er, to settle up the estate of Captain S. S. Brown. Beckon was purchased by Captain W. Harry Brown for .MKJ. Beckons foals to race nimilier seven and they are all winners. She has the distinction of lieing the only mare to produce two winners of the Withers Stokes — Compute in 1902 ami Accountant iu Her loss is much tj be regretted.