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ENVOY BEATS PHIL FINCH. i i VICTORY IN A GREAT MEASURE IS DUE TO JOCKEY LOWES EFFORTS. ! : * Hurdle Race Is a Farce — Whisk Broom . Turns Tables on Work-a-Day — J Mountain Is Unseated. i i New Orleans, I. a., January 0. — Jockey R. Lowes l superiority over Wnnvn as a rider enabled Envoy to boat out Phil Fineli in the handicap :it one mile. i Which featured the program at City Park today. I lie limine eolt had a big weight coneession from Phil Kineh. yet the spectators favored the Williams horse aad bached him strongly at even money. Iliil Finch was sent out to set the pace with Lucky harm, his closest attemliint for the first halt at which point the latter was pressimr Mill closely. After passing the half -mile post I.ueky Charm broke down and Envoy. a 1i i -li had been in close pursuit of the pair, moved up with a rush that quickly sent him on even terms with 1hi Finch. On the stretrh tan Ihil rinch went a Title wide. penalt-I lag Raves to gel into the lead by a small margin. During the last strides I. owe held his whip in such a as to Bake it dangle continually in front cl Phi Kineh and deterred liim from passing Envoy. Charlataa waa beatea off. but ran fairly well. The hurdle race was intended 1o give a tryout for a number of horses that are to be starters In the hurdle stake to l e run next week. It was a huge farce from the start. Babador betas "* only one in the tield thai showed any aptitude at hurdling. He fenced cleanly and made a runaway affair of the race, Naraa, coupled in the bettiag with Croatia, taking second money from Orthodox. Three of the starters were practically left, at the post, the riders acting like uovi-es at the barrier. Whisk Broom, under a good ride by NJcoI. beat the youngsters that opposed her in the two year old face. Her |ierformance was nothing extra, although she won by a comfortable margin. Work-a-Day lasted hang enough to take aeeoad place from Ida .May. The tretthag and wouylag during the mile and a half walk to the Fair Grounds from City Iaik was blamed for Whisk Brooms poor showing in her last effort. Bobert Tucker and his following won a good wager by her victory. Jockey Mountain had another lucky escape Mai injury. Entin unseated him in the opening race just after the start and while ill the middle of the baaeh of horses. lor disobedience at the post in the first rare Jockeya BaeaUa and w. Melatyre were suspended CM three daya by the starter. i 1.. K. Bradley has sold to W. M. Wallace at private terms the filly Aunt Susan. Jockey Jack Martin litis announced his intention of going to Hot Springs, where he will ride at the i: klawn meeting until the opening of Bennings. Jockey Cherry, who has been kept on the ground bi cause of the meddlesome tactics of his father, will from now on lie given an opportunity to get into shape aad will do Boat ot the riding lor 1.. A. Ot ll.i :tt Hot Springs. The following is an additional list of owners who will ship horses to Hot Springs: K. Tucker, . B. Braataa, Utekart Bros., e. j. nihhialii n. I. J. Millett. A. Beatty. C. Pangritz. J. W. ONeall. W. Pagaa, s. .1. fbarh a. .1. V. Strode, 1. Walker. E. liazer and M. J.oew c nstien.