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TENNESSEE REFORMERS GET BUSY. Governor Cox Urqes Law Aqainst Bettinq and Senator Faust Introduces a Bill. Nashville. Tenn.. January .I. -Governor Cox. in his farewell message to the Legislature lead in both houses today, took strong grounds against lictting on horse races, and urged tin passage of a law forever prohibiting the practice in Tennessee. Goveraor Cox. as a araator two years ago. voted for the Kic-c-Ligon hill aimed at racing, which was held unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. As soon as the message was read, a bill was introduced In the senate by Senator Faust, of 11 i in iltoii County, in which the city of Chattanooga is located, which would make it a felony for owners of racetracks to connive at betting, likewise for the owners of horses, and others to bet. A tine of not less than $.~ 0 nor more than 00, with imprisonment of not less than three nor more than twelve montlis is stipulated. The imprisonment feature is mandatory. Iu addition to the line and imprisonment clause it is provided that the offending track owners will forfeit their charters.