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PADDOCK SALE AT FORT ERIE. Duffalo, X. X., August :. Before racing began today at Fort Erie, the following liorses were sold by auction: Derfector, br. g, by Marius II. Head- llower; M. Xicol 450 Charles L. Stone, b. c, :!. bv Sir Dixon English Lady: W. Walker oOO F. E. Shaw, eh. g. 0. by Magnet Viola, by Hlmyar; W. Walker . .. MO Merry Blue. eh. f, 2, by Blue.s Merry Merrick; II. M. Donaldson 200 Bluetta, b. m, 5, by Blue Devil Rometta; A. Steele 150 Quick Dance, b. f. 2, by Hastings La Dan- seuse; J. H. Xelsou 95 Miss Point, cli. f, 4, by Jack Point Siva; X. It. Sutherland 75 Abjure, ch. f, 4, by Dr. MaeBride Discard; X. It. Sutherland 70 Sans Reproche. b. f, 2. by Juvenal Sans Dear; T. Fisher 05 Success, b. f. 2, by Prince of .Melbourne Verdict; X. R. Sutherland 55 Alveolar, b. f. 2, by Greenan Pasture; J. II. Torreyson 55 Trixoy Driggs, b. f, 2, by Arkle Alms; T. Fisher 40 Lady Ingoidsby. b. f, 2, by Ingoldsby Curlew; T. Fisher 45