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RACING FIGURES OF BRITISH TURF. Interestng Tables of Ages, Distances, Prizes and Races Run. Here are some Interesting figures compiled from he records in the Racing Calendar, official organ of the English Jockey Club. They bear on the volume of racing in Great Britain, the distances favored by the officials there and the amount of prizes distributed annually by the various race tracks. Later in tin- year these English figures will be compared with those of the United States and Canada in a series of compilations for Daily Racing Forms books. The table below shows the number of races at different distances by all classes run since 1904 in the Inited Kingdom: In Great Britain. In Ireland. Distances. 1904 1905 BMW 1004 1905 1900 4 fur. and under ." 7:; 00. 5 fur. and under 0.. 015 554 572 84 89 S9 C, fur. and under 1 in. 2S1 291! 310 53 50 53 1 mile 302 299 :;os 40 4:: 4:; Over 1. 111 and under 2 435 440 457 SO 09 9G 2 miles and under :!. . .".0 29 34 ;i; 57 7f; :! miles and under 4 t 1 - miles Ill Totals 100:: 1097 nr.:: 325 310 ::oo The number of races for two-year-olds only in Great Britain and Ireland for the past three years is as follows: Great Britain. Ireland. Distances. 1904 190.". 1900 1904 190.". 190C 4 fur. and under 5 7.! 0i .". fur. and under 0. . 400 332 ,54S 40 4." 52 0 fur. and under 1 111. 50 .".0 00 14 12 11 One mile 8 10 ! 2 1 3 Totals 45S 471 4S9 50 .IS 00 The following table shows the number of horses of different ages that have run by years since 1S75: 2-year- :!-year- 4-year- 5 Year. olds. olds. olds. and up. Totals 1S7.-. 7.S4 r,r.o :;r.4 390 2.0S4 1S70 709 592 ::o:: 390 2,034 1877 so.". 004 :;is 330 2,057 1S7S 873 012 ::2i 291 2,097 1579 S44 o;u; ::i4 :;22 2,11:1 isso S20 010 2s:: 2,020 1S1 S01 5S7 .",04 279 1,970 1SS2 S40 r,r,:i 251; 271 1,910 iss:: 859 007 292 :.i2 2,070 1554 ,840 572 294 270 1.0S2 1555 SS.-S 57S 279 293 2,033 1580 8S0 59:: 293 310 2,070 1SS7 90S 523 290 2S0 2,007 1SSS 949 500 287 321 2,123 1SS9 980 ",53 270 310 2,131 1590 935 007 273 2!K 2,105 1591 1.002 043 290 314 2,315 1592 1,091 772 330 305 2,504" 1893 1.10S 727 399 3S4 2.C1S 1594 1,205 779 417 455 2,900 1595 1.297 900 417 475 3,089 1S90 1,270 SOS 459 511 3,114 1897 1,309 905 010 COO 3,550 1S9S 1,304 1,039 517 051 3,571 1S99 1.43S 1,059 558 09S 3,753 1900 1.52S 1,110 580 OSS ;,92l 1901 1,445 1,179 014 71! 3,957 1902 1,351 1,070 047 702 3.S30 1903 1.20S SS7 479 523 3,097 1904 1,151 SS4 450 525 3,019 1905 1,297 1,001 570 077 3,551 1900 1,34 S 9S1 525 090 3,554 The amounts distributed yearly in England, Ireland and Scotland since 1900 is shown herewith: Year. England. Ireland. Scotland. 1900 82,429,540 ?13S,193 SG4.723 1901 2,395,504 152,155 73,900 1902 2,433.510 1 OS, 100 74,830 1903 2,433,010 154,811 70,915 1904 2,377,017 100.921 70,540 1905 2,401,235 102,710 74.175 1900 2,200,092 170.43S 73,703