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WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB OFFICIALS. Washington. D. C February IS. — At tlie recent meeting of tlie lioanl of trustees representing the stockholders of the Washington Jockey Club, held at the Arlington Hotel in this city. Ben Hellen was elected assistant secretary to succeed S. T. Walton, resigned. Mr. Hellen formerly held the post to which he has been elected and is well and favorably known to the horsemen who race at the local track. When asked aliout the prospects for the coming season. Mr. Hellen ad: "From the way the horses are arriving at Ren-ning. we cannot hut anticipate one of the greatest meetings ever held around this section. There is plenty to assure high-class apart when the bugle calls Ihein to the i ost in March. I am sure the horsemen are looking forward to the Beat with keen interest." the trustees were also unanimously elected: S. S. How land, president: Samuel Ross, vice president, and II. I. ielz. secretary ami treasurer. The following iMiard of directors was re-elected: Woodbury Blair. H. Rozier Dulany. W. C. Kits tis. W. B. Hibbes. George Howard. S. S. How land. R. A. Johnson, Henry May. K. A. Mitchell. Edward Morn-II. II. I. Pelz. Samuel Ross. X. S. Simpkins. H. W. Fuller and J. P. Wilkins.