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New Orleans Entries and Past Performances for Monday, March 2. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Handicapped for a fust track. NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. Pair Grounds. For differences in weight add or deduct 6 points to the pound. An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds. Racing slnrls at - p. in. XRnns well In mud. ®Supeelor mud runner. First Race — 3-8 Mile. 2 year olds. Allowances. Track record: li:tJ2:; M I 110. Ind. Horses. Hee. A. Wt. Hdcp 7SS9JB* All Red 112..X729 7:t:tt« Marltsa :.:s 108..X7SO 7X139* Intervene ::a WS..X7U 73443 Columbus UK 71.* 73817 Guy Fisher 108 710 73443 Tom Holland /.Ml IU..X7iO 73445* PJdwu 1 ::w 1 12. . 70.. 73380* OrottO MM 705 73498 PocoUHgo M 112..X70:, 73330 Pretlx ll»:: ...700 73177 Little Mose :371 112 1W.1 7::i.B McNolly lt:. . »w.-. 72!»2S Tony S HIS .75 73388 Silverton 108 ti.50 Martial, b. g. by March-mont II. Miss Virginia 10o Second Rare — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year olds. Selling. Track record: IKHriio 1:051 4 112. 73393 HLi Ifl li:k H2..X72T. 7.:;72 Albert Star PiMiJ 113..X710 73767 Himala.Mi 1 :! !•» I13..X710 73301 Apple Teddy 1:»7K WO.. X 700 72873 Tackle 1:081 1I2..07O.", 7 K;tl Spunky 1 :0SJ 112.. 7 Mi 73413 lv.1 Kane I : Kig 100. .and700 72819* .McGregor 109.. X 80S 7::2::5 Truro 1 osj 108.. X 098 7.::; 2 Mysttflcr l:os 109. .X890 7.:iks2 Onr Hoy 112..XUST. 71529 Ganada 1 : i tt ► Jt 108 07.". 720.:7 Win. II. Lyon 1:07 10! 07." 7::2.".i; Billy Starr Iimi n.xi 7.". I H» Conlaima 188. ...888 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: 99938— l:83j I lit. 7:. 110 The Hear llOOl 4 . . KM. . X72T, 7XB.I Hasty Agnes 1: S . 8.. 97..X720 7;t!is l..v Hoy 1: I0I! 4.. 104 Tlo 7:::ai::- Ketebemlke 1 :07H .!. . D.i. . X 710 7344S K. T. Shlpp 1:891 8.. W..X7 M 73430 P.erlinont 1:114 4 . . 14M . . X 70S 73429 vaimtoor 1 :4Ntf 6. . 107. . X7 M 71088 Hen Strong 1 : h;j 4. .107 700 I ml. Horses. Rec. A. Wl. Hdcp. 70354 Arb.v Van PON 0. .104... 093 risi Irhx Meanea T. .104. ...898 13411 Mlnot 1:0B| I. . 104. . • i;s , Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. .1 year olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 43093 1:134 :. 107. 73410 .1. ». tore 1:121 4.. 109. .X 725 73258 Lens 1:12J 4. . M».r . . 72 7.: .M Prince Ahmed 1 k o ...7jn 73183 Cock Sure 1:14 ».. 09. .X 715 73:134* Platoon " 1:18 8.. 90.. ATM 7:2:11 ai Maltof 1143 :;.. 90. . is Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4 year-ohfe* and upward. Selling. Track record: 07i»77 t:43f :t OOv 7.:::.:c.- Grenade P.44J 7. .Hw..®72". 7::.t74 Ananias t..lU..X72n 73411 Posing 8..M0. .X199 7.142!- Hooray 5. .10::. . X 7 1 . 78409* It. an Heuininel 1 :4:!g 4. . 90S, . X 7IO 7:t4.V» Tlvollnl 1:4S 0..MO..XTM 78318 Keator 0. .M9J. .0 788 73409 Halhard 1:401 4.. 103. .00 7:vJti » lielphie i:47g 8. .100.. x 403 7:t::74 Mr. Pealxsly ..: 4.. »S..x01S Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year olds. Allowanc.s. Track record: 07201 :45f 8 HM. 7.:2H1 Pedigree I07..X72T. 79428 l-loia Riley 1:51] 107.. 15 73295 l.adv Souffle I7. . ■ 7lo 7.:io:. Brake*neare 1 :4! K 112.. ■ 710 7.::72 Hanrldge Ilf. .xTOR 7::i.i7 Or fa no lixi. . T4S5 7.!2!M; Darling Han lo». . ■ 7 hi 73258 Cur 112. 700 73413 George II. VVldt.- 1 :Sfi 108. .XTUl 7:4:i7l - Water Pooler 1 SOS 112.. 885 73318 My Lore I:59| J07..X890 7:::i7l Sller Rail M»T. ...095 7.:.!7I Heap Talk MO. ...075 7oS71 HUwell M9....088 Seventh Race — 1 3-16 Miles. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 442st 1:58] 5 lo7. 73481 Call S..IIO..X72S 73336 Greel ft. .110. .0720 73451* St. Hellene 2:08* 8. .108.. ..7*0 ,;;:!»l John MeRrl.le 2:07| s. . los. . . 70s 7:::::::: Lailv Bthel B..M8..X795 7.:2.:.i Besterling 2:07il 8..110. .®700 73301* Pins ticker 8. .180..X999 7.!104 Pons.duca 2:02 0. .ldO..A7 0 73100 Flax man 8. .113. .0700 73430 King Cole 8.. MS.. 9095 7:::t .il Prylania 9..1U..X808 The figures under "Re -." In aliove entries show the best time made by Ibe lioi se at Hie distance since January 1, Rioo.