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FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Juvenile Stakes. 2-year-olds. Allowances. .r.20S2— 59*— fi— 108. BROUGHAM, b. g, 2, by Blues— Barouche J. I. Sockwell. Weight today 115. 73*i9 City Park 4?. f 54* fast 3-2 112 6 I 6h 3. Notter Intervene. NiggerBahy. LittleMose. JXRf 1 itv Park 1-2 48? fast 10 US I E 3?. S*j V Powers Eliz.Harwood. AnneMcGee, I.Sister r 73694 F Grounds 4* f 54* fast 1 106 9 7 63 55| V Powers Intervene. Arionette. NiggerHaby. 73.-82 F.Grounds 4J f 55? fast 6 100 1 3 22 2nk V Powers Marse Abe, Irrigator, MissHighland J 73541 F.Grounds 1-2 48* fast 20 110 1 6 5s 2 V Powers Marse Abe, LittleMose, A. McGee. . MARSE ABE. ch. c, 2, by Yankee— Halo L. A. Cella. Weight today 123i [ 73.".82 F.Grounds 4j f 55? fast 7-20 118 3 1 1 1»* Notter Brougham, Irrigator. Miss Highland 73541 V Grounds 1-2 48* fast 1-2 124 I 1 1?. I1 J Lee Brougham, LittleMose. AnneMcCee e 73234 F.Grounds 3J f 44* hvv 4-5 121 2 l2 l3 Notter Ham. Boy, Roseburg IL, Eustacian n 73177 F.Grounds 3J f 44? slow 1-3 118 1 l2 1= Notter Tony W., Pocotaligo, Roseburg II. ELIZABETH HARWOOD. b. f, 2. by Marta Santa— Proclaim E. Corrigan. Weight todav 120 1 7S7ES City Park 1-2 4Sj fast 8-5 115 4 S S* l1 C Koerner Anne McGee. Brougham, I. bister. 73714 City Park 1-2 4S fast 11-5 112 8 4 1 lJ Nicol Tony W.. Silverton. Intervene. 73T.79 F.Grounds 1-2 48? fast 3 109 3 2 26 2J R McDanISea Swell, Pocotaligo, Grotto. 73426 City Park 3* f 43* fast 4J 109 6 4 3J 1» Minder Tony W., Arionette Pinion 73352 City Park 3* f 43* goodl3-5 115 5 4 5 5" J W- MhyM.Highland, An. McGee, After All. 73292 City Park 3i f 45* hvy 10 109 7 3» 5« C Koerner Rosebg IL. Claiborne. Y.Daughter. ARIONETTE, b. f. 2, by Cesarion— Fon solette L. A. Cella. Weight today 115. • 73S35 Citv Park 1-2 r.i * mudll-5 112 3 1 1"- P" .1 Intervene. Inez Sister. A. 73771 City Park 1-2 48 fast 6 5 109 I 2 2* IS J Lee Yank. Daughter, Babba. u Um F.Grounds 4J f 54* fast 8-5 106 1 1 1* 21 Notter Intervene. Nigger Baby. G. Fisher. 1SCB7 F Grounds 1-2 4S| fast 7-10 10S 1 2 23 S* Notter Anne McGee. Alice, Roseburg II. 7!50:; F.Grounds SJ f 42 fast 41 109 4 1 1B 1* J Lee Tony W., Serenade, Leonard. NIGGER BABY, blk. g, 2, by Macy— El Poco S. Lazarus. Weight today 110. , ; 73Mt City Park 41 f 54* fa:-t 15 bfi 3 1 H •* V Powers Intervene. Brougham. Little Mose. IMM 4i f 54* fast 150 100 2 I 3* 32S A Martin Intervene. Arionette. Guy Fisher. 73656 F.Grounds 31 f 42? fast 15 10S 12 14 14 ll8 ■ Flynn Intervene. Simcoe. Pocotaligo 73177 F.Grounds 3* f 44? slow 60 105 3 gUWSHeidel Marse Abe. Tony W., Pocotaligo. 73081 F.Grounds 3-8 37* hvy 150 104 3 6H SUGaugel Ham. Boy, LadyLeota, LadyChilton. , u INEZ SISTER, ch. f, 2. by Pirate of Penzance — Lady Inez C. R. Ellison. Weight today 110. ■ JSsSE "iiv lark 1-8 50* mudlS 5 109 4 5 4 3-1. Hotter Arionette. Intervene. Anne McGee. 7S755 City Park 1 -- 48? fast 15 110 5 4 4h 4*1 Kottet Eliz.Harwood. A. McGee, Brougham. »• 73714 City Park 1-2 48 fast 12 MFJ 7 5 S5 7»J Notter Eliz.Harwood, Tony W., Silverton. • ANNE MGEE. b. f. 2, by Marta Santa— California E. Corriganl. Weight today 115. . 7SSK City Park 1-2 SMmdl 113 I 1 V 4- Hieal Arionette. Intervene. Inez Sister. TS771 City iark l- 48 fast 8-5 11° 1 1 lnk 2* Nicol Arionette. Y. Daughter. Babba. :;■ City lark 1-2 48? fast 8-5 115 2 2 l1 21 Brussel Eliz.Harwood. Brougham. InezSister ?r tBCH F.Grounds 1-2 48? fast 8-5 108 2 1 U l"k 0 Koerner Arionette. Alice, Roseburg II 73541 F.Grounds 1-2 48* fast 21 110 3 S 2"* 42 C Koerner Marse Abe, Brougham, Little Mose. -• LITTLE MOSE, ch. c, 2. by St. Maxim— Eva Fay C. F. Clark. Weight today 118. 3. 73MS City Park 4J f 541 Cast 25 Ml 2 6 5" 47J C Henry Intervene. Nigger Baby. Brougham. " 73675 F.Grounds 3J f 42 fast 8-5 115 1 I 23 1 Notter Columbus. Gloriole, Tom Holland. 71541 F.Grounds 1-2 48* fast 50 104 4 4 4J 3 4 Notter Marse Abe. Brougham AnneMcGee. e. 7:.4S4 F.Grounds 3 8 36? fast 40 112 10 9h 9» Henry MeNally, Tom Holland All Red. 73177 F.Grounds Sit 44? slow 50 103 7 6J 91U C Henry Marse Abe, Tony A .. Pocotaligo. YANKEE DAUGHTER, b. f. 2, by Ma.agan— Sallie of Navarre C. R. Ellison. Weight today 110. 0. "771 Citv Park 12 48 fast 4* 1"6 r, 6 V S*ft Notter Arionette. Anne Me,ee. BsMa, : .-■ city Park 3i f 43* good 6 11" 2 10 S »• A Martin M. Highland. An. McGee, AfterAll. ;::v92 City Park 3J f 45* hvy 25 98J 6 61 3= A Martin Roseburg II. . Claiborne, H. Boy. I". K. Ellison entry — Inez Sister and Yjuikee Daughter. I: Corrfgau entry Anne McGee and Eliz:itieth ll;irwo «l. I. A. Cella entry — Arionette and Marse Abe.