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MAY NOT RACE AT JAMAICA TRACK. Decision To Avoid Conflict with Pimlico Meeting Reason Given for Possible Abandonment. New York, October !. Unless there is a change .n the present schedule of racing dates, there will ie no racing at Jamaica. This is practically the feeling of the directors of the Metropolitan Association. This has not been otlicially announced, liut it is the subject of talk among the principal ; tockholdors and the management is inclined to call jts fall meeting off rather than conilict witll Balti-i ri ore. According to the existing schedule Baltimore is slated to begin on October 24. the day that Empire city closes. From that date it would conflict with Jamaica throughout its entire meeting. One of the stockholders of the Jamaica track said today that it would lie suicidal to try to run at Jamaica while there was racing at Baltimore, where men were free to speculate as they desired. "Why. there would he 110 one left at Jamaica." said he. "No one hut the band and the otlicials. The mere suggestion if running a meeting would be ridiculous, especially as the dates at Baltimore could be easily ohanged to meet the situation. The Jamaica management wants to run its meeting as scheduled, and is willing to give as much money away to horsemen as other associations have done, but it would be folly to contlict with Baltimore under the present conditions." There was some talk at Belmont Park yesterday that the meeting may not take place at Empire ily. There seemed to be very little foundation for the" rumor, as Mr. Butler seems eager to live up to :U scheduled obligations and corroborated this hy lis action during the summer season. Moreover. Baltimore would conilict only one day witll the Kmpire Citv meeting and that would be October "4. hence the Baltimore meeting tvould cut very little figure in that respect. As there is little likelihood of a meeting at Washington outside of a horse show affair, which lasts one week, the Baltimore dates may be arranged so as to begin on November 5. and continue until November IS, which would give that association its compliment of thirteen racing days. It is proposed to have no racing on election day in order that the horsemen and all their stable attaches may have time to vote.