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ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB ELECTION. Toronto. Ont.. November 21. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Ontario Jockey Club was held hist Thursday at the otiiees of the company. Imperial Bank Building. Mr. J. B. Seagram, president of the "lub, occupied the chair. Mr. Seagram referred to the past season, which giail leeii successful both from a social and sporting standpoint. Purses bail been largely increased, the Mini of 1.200 lieing distributed during the spring meeting at Woodbine Park, while S.155 was given away during the fall meeting, making a total of 08,355 for the season. This sum represents an increase of,515 over that of last season, when 8 810 was distributed. Mr. Seagram dwelt upon the great good which must follow to the horse breeding interests of Canada from the fact that a largely Increased number of k tall lotus and mares were being brought into the country through private enterprise. Tin following were elected officers of the club for the year 1JOS and 1909: Joseph, E. Seagram, president: E. B. Osier. M. P.. first vice-president : lion. L. Melvin .Times, second vice-president; D. W. Alexander, K. J. Christie. Colonel Hon. J. S. Hen-drie. C. V. O.. AL l P.. Andrew Smith chairman. George W. Torrance, executive committee; W. P. Fra se r, secre t a ry - tr easu rer.