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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, June ?. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK HEAVY. Handicapped for a heavy track. LATONIA ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct 5 points to the pound. An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds. Racing starts at 2:.",0 p. 111. Chicago time. 2:0. XRuus well in mud. ©Sui crior mud runner. First Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-vcarolds. Colts. Maidens Special Weights. Track record: 8H03— 5S#— 2— 111.1 Ind. Horse. Wt. tee. A. Wt. IM.-o. K2102 iilpv 100 :544 ltt..Xt25 81825 Hlipian 112..X715 K201f»» Banives 101 :5U4 112..X71.5 814K4 civsinic . 112 7H 81937 Brevite 112..X71D S14H7 Carlton G 112 71" vl 4ik» Oogen 112 70", M722 John C ifieiati 112 70O KSOlo I/or.l llntou 112..X-ZXI Moir. Black Bov 99 :3o« 113. .X 083, Rilliard BaU 112 WO S1K25 Iirate Bay H2....li5 Juilge Walton, h. c. bv Nasturtium — I.oneta 112 Slowcoach, ch. c. bv Drlando— Tardy . 112 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. :;- ear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 8210!!— 1:12— 6— 102.1 82014 Red Shawl 107 l:2U .". . !m;. . x72o s2os2 .Mae llamiltoii 10341:15* 4..107..X720 810.1U La Soiicr 104 1 IS* 4. .107. .©720 s2 s» joe McCarthy 4. .104. . X71." 81!»:IB Hiram 109 1:28 5. .111 . . X710 S2014 Auloniatic 3..101..X705 82O10 Jane R.indolf 5.. 100 70.5 R2018 Waddv Lee ■i- ■ 98. .X700 S2011 Erroneous 3. . OS J25 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. .".-year olds and upward. Selling. Track record: S2103- 1:12— i— 102. 81904 Alice George OS 1:141 I.. !» !.. X72o 820K71 Pan! Ruinart 109 1:1»* 4. .Km 720 SlOTHi Ovelaiido MB 1U3I 5. .109. . X 715 820K2 Ralhert 114 1:14? 7. .111. .©710 82084 Rickey 1;. .111 . .©70., 8l0K3 Stoner Hill 104 1:13* «. .111. .©705 Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree., A. Wl. lldci.. ■ BMM Agnes Wood 4. . 107. . 7IMI 82086* Camel 8..9K..XJW 82005 Adinouitor 3. .T S..Xf*9 B2QP2 Ethel fair 90 1:171 4. .107. . XflBTi 81024 Palamon I- ■ 112. . XtB - Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-vear olds and npward. Selling. Track record: B2WB— -1:12— 6— 1 KL tamtn v.. t. budb 94*1:1:1* 4. .100. .©775 M9.«»-- Deuce 10R 1:134 0. . lol. . ..7211 __ 81024 Tom MeGrath Ill 1:12 Ii. .111 . . • 72 i 82019 MeChord 109 1:13 7. . 11 1 . . XT1 " 81927 trlandot 99 1:13! 4..10B..X710 820M Ned arinack 97 1:101 :j. . 9.V.X710 81938 E. M. Iry 104 1:131 -4,. .109. .©7o;, 820103 Zeola 106 l;13j ::. . 90. . xw Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Milea. 4-year-olds auil ut ward. Selling. Track record: 82104— 1:441 — 0—122. 81785* FIRST BEEP 102 1:10 ... . lo:. . . ff72."» 82006 Ketelieinike 107 1 :.•:! 4..108.. ■ i 10 S2HM- Blllv Pullman 109 1:481 4. .101. 74J0 82104 Dmm 10.". 1:40 0 .lir,. i;,7oi S1.V-.1- AllK-rt Star !»7 1 : 17 I.. III!. . 603 S1H27 Mary Talbot t 100 1:401 I..TO1..XWO S2il.,S Water Lake HO 1:47 8. .103. .ffiftM 82084 Deacon 110 1:471 S. .108.. • ;v" sic.iU Ouasca 100 1:10- Sir. s» 104 1:49 I .101 07". 81007 Irahodtn 100 1 :471 8. . MS. . X070 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 3 year-olds. Selling. Track record: 75526— 1:38—3— 111. S2014 Pink Wins lor... X 723 817.88 Greeuhridce 103..XT15 S1054 Mrs. Sewall «. MB 708 82086 Romp W5..X705 81623 Aspirin 10!» 708 820291 Elvslum 94 1:411 N3..XM5 816"2 Irrigator 10!»..XOiO 74302 Me.Nallv W6. . X «8o 81526 Schleswig 112 1:42* HIS..XB-3 82105 I.u.lhiana 103..X«75 81552 Tannic MB 070 82082 Lillian Bay 911:524 lo:...X07i 81 052 Landlord K» 005 81148 Mrs. Marion Moore 105 6-50 The figures under "Bee." In above entries snow the best time made by the h..r. at the distance. Wjtk weight carried, since January 1. 1908. This time is not necessarily made by a winner. It may be the estimated time oC a losing performance. LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY. FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts. Special Weights. 82102— 53i — 2— 111. Index Course DlstTimeTckOdds Wt St % V4 *4 StrFIn Jockeys Best Company GILPY. br. c. 2, by Woolsthorpe — Gillian W. E. Applegate. Webrht todav 112. 82102 latonia 4i f 532 fast 20 Ml 2 1 1» 14 A Walsh . A. Udman. Cherryola. Ilallack. 61621 IXUisville 4J f 54* mud 74 106 1 3 10" 10"J.V Walsh Eva Tancuav. Bruuliilde. I.oul.anier S14f.a LonurriUa 4A f 554 slow 7 112 2 2 51 4» E Martin Topland. Captain Glor Forez. 51407 Iuisville 44 f 54 fast 30 100 1 1 1» 2 T Rice Brunhilde. Front Row. Salian. 81295 Louisville 1-2 48* slow 20 103 5 4 6 6l«4A Walsh Southern Gold. Donau. Henderson. GLIPIAN". ch. c. 2. bv Olympian— Gliding By W. F. Schulte. Weight todav 112. S1926 Latonia li f 5fi mud 20 101 1 3 4"k r.i E Martin Boh Co.. Starport. Prince Imperial. -■lsia Louisville 4J f 541 mud 10 96 5 5 5 6*j E Martin The Fad. ToDland. Du. mesne. 81722 Lonisrille 4J f 53* fast 100 IPoJ 7 5 5J 6 Lloyd Prcelmpcrial. Fereno. Barlevthonie 81*66 Louisville 4J f 54j! fast 1C5 115 6 5 6 475 Lloyd Bob Co.. Cellaret. Grace Dixon. BANIVES. b. c. 2. by Bannockburn — Nora Ives B. Schreiber. Weight todav 112. 82015 Latonia 4*. f 5SJ hvv 15 101 1 2 3J 2** E Martin Slewfoot. Tack Straw. IutornoOucon BUSS Latonia 1-2 4J? mud 4J 1U9 3 2 2h 3J V Powers Cherryola. InforiioQuoeii. KjddyLee S17S7 Louisville 4i f 558 hvy 6 115 7 2 5 6"j V Powers Starport. Zephvr. Marline II. 8105fi LowtarrOle 41 f 541 fast 18 113 10 9 82 8" Taplin Bob Co.. Cellaret. Grace Dixon. CLYSMIC. b. c. 2. by Inspector B.— Dictynna K. I. Weil. Weiebt todav 112. 81656 LoOisville 4i f ,".4» fast 11 115 1 10 9" 9- E Martin Bob Co.. Cellaret. Grace Dixon. .SI"..". 1 Louisville 4S f 54g fast 100 108 2 1 3J 43 E Martin LottaCreed. C.A.Lciman. Brunhilde S1496 Louisville 4i f 531 fast 90 102 7 7 7 7ojE Martin Turf Star. Henderson. Ilallack. BREVITE. b. c. 2. by Miller— Garnet B. M. Foley. Weight todav 112. xia::7 Latonia 1-2 501 mud 15 l« 4 6 41 6» J Lee C. A. Leiman. Ilaci.le. Iaul Davis 80572 -S. Anita 3i f 41 fast 8 108 6 6 6 3=1 Musgrve Angerona. Irma Lee. The Wolf. 8*507 S. Anita 1-2 47 fast 8 103 2 4 4= 4s Goldstein Kiora. Sepulveda. Delmas. 79B9 S. Anita 3-8 36 slop 3 112 4 4« 351 Musgrve Heluia S.. Ma tennis. Green Dragon CARLTON G., ch. c. 2. by Carlton Grange— Resignation S. K. Hughes. Weight todav 112. B14C7 Louisville 4J f 54 fast 2fi 10S 6 7 G"" 7T1 Warren Brunhilde. Gilpy. Front Row. COGEN, ch. c, 2, by Silverdale— Zorilla S. Forsvthc. Weight tcdav 112. 81469 Louisville 4S f 55*. alow 17 112 13 12 i23"ii»iJ Lee Topland Captain Qtnre, Pares; 81181 Lexington 1-2 52 mud 65 110 Left at the post. J Conley Uncle Tom. Simonette. Relluf. JOHN CAFFERATI. b. c. 2. by Cesarion — Calamity Jane J. S. Hawkins. Weight todav 112, M722 Louisville ii f o"i fast 200 lu4 S 6 7J 7:- Warren Prcelmpcrial. Fereno. Barlcythoriiv LORD CLINTON, b. c, 2. by Handsel— Emily 0. C. C. Van Meter. Weight todav 112. 82015 Latonia 4. f 5S1 hvy 30 101 6 6 615 finn Austin Slew-foot. Jack Straw. Banives. KU22 Iv.uisville 4J f 53* fast 300 101 I 8 9 9" D Austin IVcelmoeriul. Fereno. Barlovtla.rne BLACK BOY. blk. c. 2. by Cesarion— The Chough J. T. Combs. Weight todav 112. 82015 41 f 581 hvy 30 Id 3 3 4 3S1 P.rannon Slewfoot, Jack Straw. Banives. S1N27 Latonia 12 r.Oi! mud 12 1 S 6 3 Si 58J lirannon C. A. I.eiin-in. Phtcide. Iai.l Davis 81758 Louisville -5-8 1:013 mud 20 99 4 4 4 5 5 4 Brannon The Fad St. Deiniol. Cains.. S16S7 Louisville 41 f 54J fast 12 100 2 2 2* 4=3 Taplin Forez. Redeem. Betty Lester. BILLIARD BALL. ch. c. 2. by Jean Bercaud — Miss Jordan E. R. Bradley. Wei.rht ted- III 11345 LouisviWe 4 f 54 fast 400 100 7 5 S3 *• li rlicrt K. Solomon. FraBkG.HegM, Duaan. PIRATE BAY, br. c. 2, by Sir Dixon— Blue Mass J. R. Wainwright. V/ri?ht todav 112. .81925 Latonia 41 f .".fi mud loo 101 H 7 6" 6" Kain Boh Co., Starport. Prince Imperial. Xl7s4 LouisviHe 5-8 1:05 hvy 175 97 I 9 9 9 9"JKain Laven... Salian. .lack Straw. Nl.".x7 I .ui.sville 5-S 1:01 fast 150 9t.;. 4 4 5 6 fi Kain Salian. Cnantlclor, Simonette. 81407 Louisville 4i f 54 fast 70 97 12 10 9l JUKain Brunhilde. Gilnv. Front Row. First start for the following: JUDGE WALTON, b. c. 2. by Nasturtium— Loneta. Weight today 112. SLOWCOACH, ch. c. 2, by Orlando— Tardy L. 0. Appleby. Weight today 112. SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 0210a— 1 :12— 0—102. 1F.D SHAWL, b. f. 3. bv Tanzmeister — Red Sleeves J. T. Ireland. Weight today 96. •2014 Latonia 3-4 1:201 hvv 12 107 •. 1 4 41 3* Page Pink Wimrs. J. Baker. Net.Traver 81403 Louisville 3-4 l:13jj fast 17 MS " 11 11 9 913 Lloyd Console. Project Dextrine. 81.07 Lexington ■• t 1:12 mud S MS I 5 4 SI 4,; Pas. T.IIolland. Bus J Mao, V.stnrtevant S1159 Lexiuj,too ?-4 1;15 t?t 1?0 107 7 8 8 7s 46J Lloyd A"* Meade. Ludhiana. Console. MAE HAMILTON, ch. f. 4. by Jack Point or St. George — Anna Bain A. Baker. Weight today 107. S-flS? Latonia. : h f 1 Alf good 30 In? : I 3 7i S"iTaplin Sorrel T 1 . Stoner Hill. BMM, ■J I-atonia 3 1 1:131 hvy LM HH !• S li 8 S". M McGee Tim Kellv. El Dorado, Zeola. SILfirt Lexinglon 3 4 1.188 mud S -6 10." « 3 « 5 5H Page l.icht Kino. Gtmm f«ic4. Silver C. S1181 Lexington -4 1:1*1 mud S-2 1«4 5 5 5 5- 41 Heidel Marv Orr. Miss Kelix. Tim Kollv. H F.Grounda 6 . f 1 :f 7jj fast 4 109 1 11 4J 4 C Korraer Masquerade. KarlsConrt. I!. Qwi-n. 3!tl2 tlty rark 3-4 1:158 g,ood 5 KWJ 5 1 1 1« 1!J Nicol Bitter Sir. Rebel Queen. Rustle. LA SOUER. b. f. 4. by Ben Strom* — Manola Mason L. A. Collal. Weieht today 107. mm Latonia 3-4 1:1N;-: mud 1" Id? U 10 11 10* 10= J Lee Marmot-can. McChord. IaulRuinart. Sl 18 Louisville 3-4 l:l3j| last L*J-5 101 10 8 8 6» 108J K Martin Roscirinn. Deuce. Sorrel Tod. 81404 Louisville 3-4 1:131 fast 14 100 9 8 9 8" 10» Hannan Top.Robinson. ReatrieeK.. Sor.Ton 81241 Lexington 8-4 1:17 mudl7-10 104 9 7 7 11» 9»iWarren Thos.Calhoun. Ralbert. Har. Roue. JOE MCARTHY. b. c, 4, by McDowell— Blot C. E. Patterson. Weight today 104. 8L1IS4 lAtonia 6| f 1 :20J good 100 105 5 7 7 7 7" Jackson Merrick. Grenade. Boserrian. M924 Latonia 3-4 l:lGj! mud 100 107 8 7 7 61 5"JJackson Enfield. .Tacoliite. Tom McGrath. 74096 Ch. Downs 5* f 1:11 hvy 30 103J 8 10 11 11 ll«JPickens B.Goodwin. Stoner Hill. D. Simr.ill. 73738 CityPark 1 1-16 1:46* fast 60 112 9 8 11 11 12 12" W R WkrWater Cooler. Lady Atmy. Ozar. HIRAM, ch. g, 6. by Hermence— Pianoforte A. G. Woodman. Weight today 111. M936 Latonia 3-4 1:188 mud 40 111 3 7 9 8b » « Robinaon SUlMRtl, McChord. laulKuinart. 8ir.T.4 Louisville 61 f 1:07* fast 13 111 8 11 11 10 1081 Heidel Addax. Miss Felix. Usury. M Sub. Park 3-4 1:19 good 21 109 4«3 Wwright Haughty. Doctor Nash. KiameslialL 7!4r,4 Sub. Park 51 t 1:20J hvy 5 107 2« H Burns La Salle. Kiamesha II.. Dick Rose. AUTOMATIC, b. c, 8. by Six Shooter— Motilla A. B. Colley. Weight today 101. tSOii Iatonia 3-4 1:201 hvy 30 112 1 I I 9 10" F Burton PinkWIngs. JaekBaker. KedShawl. M6.-.4 Lsville lm20y 1:40| fast 35 103 3 12 14 14 14 14" Glasner T.Havward. Greenbree. Mellowmt 78127 Latonia 51 f 1:11 hvy 12 112 9 8 9 6 615JKennedy Dr. Mayer. Killlngton. M. OBrien. 78072 Latonia 6-8 l:0OJ fast 50 107 2 10 9 8* 6" F Burton Sea Swell. Jolly. Romr . JANE RANDOLF. br. m. 6. by Frankfort— Cito A. D. Steele. Weight today 109. mil Latonia 5? f 1:101 hvy 60 120 5 6 I 6" 61" T Steele Ronnie Bard. Tom Holland. Chalice S1H36 Latonia 3-4 1:188 mud 15 109 8 4 8 11 11" A Walsh Marmorean. McChord. PaulRuinart. 81689 Louisville 3-4 1:12- fast 500 102 6 4 6 61 6» T Steele GypsyKing. HvperionlL. Rich. Reed 81622 Louisville 3-4 1:1 3| good 600 108 9 10 8 8l 9" 1T Steele Enfield. Marbles. Pal. 81405 Louisville 7-8 1:25| fast 60 104 3 6 6 6 6« 6» T Steele Cymbal. Sir Cleges. Lady Esther. WADDY LEE, b. c. 3. by The Rush— Bal Poudre Floures and Scott. Weight today 98. 82JB16 latonia 3 4 1:191 hvy fib Id. 10 9 7 71 771 D Austin Tim Kellv. El Dorado. Zeola. SLWi; Eatonia U t l:14ghvv 50 lot 10 8 7 61 G» L Austin Tom Holland. ltnlhert. Stouer Hill. 81755 Louisville 5 f 1:068 mud 180 103 8 8 8 7*i 7«1D Austin Irfaneh. Tom McGrath. Marbles. ERRONEOUS, b. c, 3. bv Gerolste in— Erratum W. E. Nunn. Weight today 98. s.Ol 4 Latonia 3-1 1:208 hvy 100 109 12 11 11 11* ll*" Franklin Pink Wines, JaekBaker. RedSuuwJ. THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. C2103— 1 :12— 0—102. ALICE GEORGE, br. f. 3, by Sain— Yokohama B. Schreiber. Weight today 96. 81924 Latonia 1 4 1 :M| mud 15 99 4 3 4 4« 4--J E Martin Enfield. Jacobite. Tom McGratli. SUa Louisville 2-1 1:12 fast 140 100 8 9 8 8l 814 Warren GvpsvKing. Ilviyrioiill.. Rich. Reed 81588 Louisville 7-8 1:26 fast 18 102 6 4 4 6 7« 7» T Rice Melissa. Righteasy. Floreal. 77976 Latonia 51 f 1:078 fast 4 110 1 1 1 1» 3» M McGeo Alice. MabelHenry. MissCrittenden. PAUL RUINART, b. g, 4, by Baldur— Fay S. W. J. Young. Weight today 109. ■P Iatonia 1 1:42 good 15 107 3 2 2 3 3J 331 V Powers Keep Moving. E.T.ShiiP. Col. Blue. 81936 Latonia 3-4 1 :188 mud 10 109 7 5 3 3* 3*1 Heidel Marmorean. McChord. E. M. Fry. 81718 Louisville 3-4 1:138 fast 22-5 103 8 10 10 ID 11° D Austin Boserrian. Deuce. Sorrel Top. gulf Lsville lm70y 1:43 fast 20 107 2 1 1 7 71 8* Page Edwin L.. Snap. Rara Avis. 81372 Louisville 3-4 1:141 fast 3 112 7 5 8 6» 41 Taplln Merrineld. Tackle. Ralbert. 81296 Lsville 1 1-16 1:498 slow 60 109 7 2 2 4 7" 8" A Walsh Cymbal. St. Elmwood. First Peep. OVELANDO. b. h. 5. by Orlando— Sister H. G. Bedwell. Weight today 109. 81936 Latonia 3 4 1:188 mud 7 109 10 8 6 9C M*?.Taplin Marmorean. McChord. PaulRuinart. 81591 Lsville 1 1-16 1:461 fast 60 110 5 4 5 9 9 9= M Preston Mamie Algol. Gypsy King. Rustle. tlSGO-Ch. Downs 51 f 1:06 fast 50 114 2 8 8 9a 10« M Preston HyperionIL, Come on Sam, E.M. Fry 81434 Louisville 51 f 1:058 fast 35 109 8 10 7 81 881 J Lee Enfield. Madman. Marbles. RALBERT. b. g. 7, by Albert— Emily R. W. R. Hall. Weight today 111. 82082 Latonia •:.;. f 1 :07ii good 7 112 9 8 8 Gi 5° T Rice Sorrel Ton. Stoner Hill. Roema. 82006 Latonia, 5i f 1:148 hvy 4 112 8 5 4 21 21 T Rice Tomllolland. Stoner Hill. MlssFelix 81939 Latonia 3-4 1:18 mud 15 111 5 3 3 3 4-lT Rice Hoserrian, Deuce. Voting. 817S6 Ixmisiille 3-4 1:16* hvy 15 116 3 3 3 ll 6s T Rice Deuce. Rebel Queen, Snake Mary. 81652 Louisville 3-4 1:121 fast 190 110 8 9 15 15 15" Troxler Fulford. Righteasy. Boserrian. RICREY. b. g. 6. by Greenan — Limes F. P. Wilson. Weight today 111. 82684 La ton if. 6J f 1:264 good HI 1"7 1 3 4 6- 6* Heidel Merrick. Grenade. Hoserrian. 820H4 Latonia 7-8 l:34f hvy 40 106 :: 4 4 I 42 419 D Austin Merrick. E. T. Shipn. KatlePowera 81272 Louisville 3-4 1:14* fast 71 114 11 10 10 fs 12» .1 Lee Merrilield. Tackle. Ralbert. 74883 Ch. Downs 3-4 1:151 good 40 111 1 12 12 11s 11" Lloyd Ston.Hill. Meadowbreeze. D. Dancer. 74696 Ch. Downs 51 f 1:11 hvy 8 106 6 6 0 5l 4« V Powers BethGoodwIn. Ston.Hill. Dr.Simrall STONER HILL. b. g. 6. by Orlando— Hanna Bell 3. Everman. Weight today 111. 83089 Latonia a f 1:078 g«d 12 112 1 2 1 2?. 2 Heidel Sorrel Top. Boeama, Lillian Kay. 82006 Latonia, El f 1:148 ivy 20 112 2 2 3 4" 3s Heidel Tom Holland. Ralbert Miss Felix. 78147 !,;ii..!iui 3 4 1:19 hvy 20 lis 11 8 Lost rider.J Davis Coon. George Bailey. Deuce. 78073 Latonia 3-4 1:141 fast 41 107 5 4 4 41 41! Heidel Geo.Balley. Canonian. Tom McAfee. 77977 Latonia 3-4 1:158 fast 4 109 8 6 I 10 91 Heidel Boserrian. Martins. Van Dan. AGNES WOOD, .ch. f. 4. by Box— Mavis J. B. Riley. Weight today 107. •3999 Latonia, 5?. f 1 :14g hvy 40 107 4 7 6 5* 5« J Lee Tom Holland. Ralbert. Stoner Hill. 81783 Louisville 3 4 1:164 hvy 14 107 15 15 16 15 15s* Davenpt Ned earmark. Tackle. Marmorean. 77284 Lexington 1 1:401 fast 41 89 7 5 5 5 61 6,s Woodson Carew. Kennewlck. Rexall. 77260 Lexington 71 f 1:331 fast 30 96 4 3 4 4 41 S*J M McGee Darknight. Margaret T.. Huerfano. 77179 Lexington 3-4 1:15 fast 35 103 10 10 8 8» 7«« Krauklin Natasha. Lady Ethel. Barnsdale. CAMEL, b. c, 3. by Cameron— Gold Wing H. McCarren, Weight today 96. S2US6 l_tt..nia 1 1:428 good 20 96 3 4 5 2 4 33 Hannan Romp. Meadowf rass. Demon Girl. 93997 Lii nui 1 1:52* hvy 8 95 3 2 2 2 3* B Hannan Lil. Rav Mi-adowgrass. St.Aulaire 81786 I ouisvil1e 3-4 1:161 hvy 160 100 8 10 11 11 11" Hannan Deuce, Rebel Queen. Snake Mary. 81755 Louisville 5J f l:06g mud 105 95 9 9 9 9 93» Hannan Irfaneh. Tom McGrath, Marbles. 81377 Lsville lm70y 1:45 fast 45 99 6 6 7 7 6» 6" Hannan Star Thistle. Mellowmint. Maritza. ADMONITOR. blk. g. 3. by Admonition— Eothens Pearl M. Ording. Weight today 98. 82005 l-aiinia 1 1:518 hvy 6 93 2 3 3 4 6 6* Brannon Ketchemike. Tsurv. Bouebrake. 81928 latonia 7-8 1 :328 mud 30 107 7 5 5 4 4- 3* Troxler Alice. Miss Crittendeu. Cassowary. 81654 Lsville lm20y 1:401 fast 700 100 11 5 4 12 11* ll11 Goose T.Havward. Greenbrge. Mellowmt 81552 Louisville 3-4 1:111 fast 500 94 5 5 C 6 715 Goose Hanbridge. Ch. Eastman. Olambala. 76175 Windsor 6* f l:08g fast 11-5 109 3 9 9 9 9«1V Powers Balbek. SisterJennie. Span. Banner. ETHEL CARR, ch. f, 4, by Bansockburn — Gertrude Elliott fW. A. Kirwan. Weight today 107. 820S2 Latonia 51 t lMt good 49 107 5 I 4 4 6" F Hurton Sorrel Top. Stoner Hill. Roema. 82005 Latonia 1 1:518 hvy 30 107 16 5 5 7 71S1E Martin Ketchemike. 1smv. Bouebrake. 81936 Latonia 3-4 1:188 mud 8 102 4 3 4 6= 6u..Page Marmorean. McChord. P. Ruinart. 78203 Latonia lm70y l:5ol hvy 5 95 4 6 5 8 6= 68 E Martin Orlandot. Canopian. Banrida. 78164 Latonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 2 105 2 2 I 31 2s E Martin Buck. Brigade. EarlsCourt.. K. Folly PALAMON. b. c. 4. by Falsetto— Rainfall C. D. Ray. Weight today 112. - .VU24 Latonia 2-4 1:168 mud 20 HO 7 8 8 8 S" F Burton Enfield. Jacobite. Tom McGrath. i»o9» Latonia 1 1-16 1:488 fast 5 101 9 9 9 7 4 3a Glasner Orena. Warner Griswell. Huerlano. 78062 Latonia 1 1-16 1:48 fast 10 102 7 4 4 2 11 1* Glasner TheSbanghraun. StoneStreet. Mirth. 77977 Latonia 3-4 1:158 fast 15 107 12 10 10 7 51 E Martin Boserrian. Martius. Van Dan. 77846 Latonia 1 1-16 1:508 good 25 99 4 9 9 8 81 8101M McGee Enlist. Gresbam. Stone Street. FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 82103—1:12—0—102. E. T. SHIPP. b. g, 4. by Ruskln II.— Caloocan W. H. Fixer. Weight today 109. 82087 Latonia 1 1:42 good 3 105 1 1 1 1 21 21 Mountain Keep Moving. P. Ruinart. Col. Blue. 82004 Latonia 7-8 1:341 hvy 3 105 1 2 2 2 2 2* Mountain Merrick. Katie Iowers. Rickev. 81847 Lsville lm20y 1:441 mud 41 102 3 2 2 2 ll 1* Page La Favette. Huerfano. Maycella. 81718 Louisville 3-4 1:138 fast 20 103 3 2 2 121 12» Taplln Boserrian. Deuce. Sorrel Top. 81495 Louisville 3-1 1:138 fast 9 109 4 4 7 7 751 Kennedy Miss Strome. Righteasy. Goldnroof DEUCE, b. h, 6, by St. George— Vantage Mrs. M. Abadie. Weight today 109. 8l:i;::t Latonia 2-4 1:18 mud 4 109 10 10 7 6 » 9 Robinson Boserrian. Voting. Ralbert. 81786 Louisville 3-4 1:16* hvy 21-5 114 4 5 5 31 11 Robinson RebelQueen. SnakeMary. T.Kelly. 81718 Louisville 3-4 1:138 fast 11 103 1 11 21 2- Robinson Boserrian. Sorrel Top. Rebel Queen 78204 Latonia 3-4 l:16g hvy 5 108 3 3 3 2 2» E Martin Aimee C Clolsteress. Mlnot. TOM MGRATH, b. g. 6. by Sain— Miss Marion G. P. Brazier. Weight today 111. 81924 Latonia 3-4 l:16g mud 13-5 111 2 2 2 21 3"* V Powers Enfield. Jacobite. Alice George. 81755 Louisville 51 f 1 :068 mud29-10 105 2 2 2 24 2s Page Irfaneh. Marbles. Acquia. 81530 Louisville 3-4 1:12 fast 5 110 5 4 4 5- 5s V Powers Marbles. Gypsy King. Merrick. 81342 Louisville 3-4 1:128 fast 71 112 3 2 3 31 4* M Preston Huck. Marbles. Aspirin. 81293 Louisville 3-4 1:148 slow 5 112 5 6 5 85 8S1 C H ShilgTom Dolau. Enfield. J. H. Reed. MCHORD. ch. g. 7, by -Gotham— A ddie Mo. E. Alvey. Weight today 111. 82019 Latonia 51 f 1:101 hvv 6 122 7 7 7 41 5=1 T Rice Bonnie Rard. Tom Holland. Chalice 81936 Latonia 3-4 1:188 mud 7 111 5 6 5 41 23 T Rice Marmorean. PaulRuinart. E.M.lrv. 81691 louisville 1 1:44* fast 18 151 5 4 3 2 2»1 21 Mr Farris Grenade. Teeta H.. Tom McAfee. 81495 Louisville 3-4 1:138 fast 40 111 8 8 8 81 87 T Rice Miss Strome, Righteasy. Goldproof ORLANDOT. b. g. 4. by Orlando — Dottie T. Hatfield. Weight today 109. 8927 Latonia, 1 1-lC 1:501 mud 10 IMC 4 3 8 8= 811 F Burton Rara A vis. KeepMoving. Bouebrake. 81850 Lsville 1 1-16 1:48J mud 19-5 107 2 1 1 1 1- l2 Troxler B. Pullman. LillieTurner. SanPrim ■ 81756 Lsville lmtov 1:441 mud 33-5 104 9 7 6 6 l3 7"JR Willms Alice. Lady Vie. Greenbridge. 81692 Lsville 1 1-16 1:47* fast 21 100 1 1 1 1 21 3J Page Rustle. Gerrymander. Point Lace. 81408 Lsville 11-16 1:46 fast 4 100 5 5 5 3 3 371 Davenpt Creel. J. H. Reed. Tom Hayward. NED CARMACK. ch. c. 3. by Phoenix— Morality W. A. Hughes. Weight today 98. 82016 l,ai ■■niii 3-4 1:19$ hvv 6 96 4 4 3 2U 43 Brannon Tim Kellv. El Dorado. Zeola. 81783 Louisville 3-4 1:161 hvy 26 97 3 3 3 2"» ll Hannan Tackle. Marmorean. Usury. 81622 Louisville 3-4 1:131 good 600 92 4 4 4 7a 71! Brannon Enfield. Marbles. Pal. 77377 Louisville 51 f 1:09* good Zo 107 11 5 5 P 6« Franklin Sorrowful. Splendida. All Red. 77283 Lexgton 51 f l:07g fast 200 98 2 2 4 6= 631 Lovell Alice Balrd. Harriet Rowe. Buttons. E. M. FRY, b. c. 4. by Sain — Caroline Hamilton Henderson and Hogan. Weight today 109. 81999 Latonia 3 4 1:19] mud 3 112 6 2 2 2= 4I IJM McGee Marmorean. McChord. IaulRiiinan. 81786 Louisville 3-4 1:161 hvy 55 117 5 2 2 7= 8s M McGee Deuce. Rebel Queen. Snake Mary. 816S9 Louisville 3-4 1:12 fast 30 105 5 6 7 7= 711 M McGee GypsyKing. HyperionIL. Rfrb.Keid 81550 Louisville 51 f 1:06 fast 32 111 5 4 4 3f 33 M McGee HypernlL. ComeOnSam. BeatriceK ZEOLA. ch. f, 3. by Star Shoot— Hindoo Rose D. T. Morris. Weight today 96. 83016 latonia 3-4 1:191 hvy 7 ss 6 3 2 ::. :-•. It Willms Tim Kellv. El Dorado XedCarmack 81662 iAiuisville 3-4 1:12 fast 45 93 12 13 9 9= 9T* R Willms Fulford. Righteasy. Boserrian. 815S6 Louisville 3-4 1:138 fast 31-10 105 3 1 1 2l 2 Page Iatriot, Irrigator. Mexican Girt 81293 Louisville 3-4 1 :14| slow 60 92 2 2 4 5" 6=1 E Martin Tom Dolan. Enfield. J. II. Reed. 78072 Latonia 5-8 1:0Q fast 10 99 1 12 3* 4» Kennedy Sea Swell. Jolly. Romp. FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. S2104— 1:44?.— 0—122. FIRST PEEP. ch. m. 5. by Dieudonne — Dawning W. H. Baker. Weight today 105. 8178", Louisville 1 1 2 2:378 hvy 2 108 I 1 1 1 2h 3« T Rice N.-ldzn. Belleview. Besterling. 81627 Louisville 1 1 16 1:49 mud27-10 109 S 8 6 4 3= 3= V Powers Tomllavwanl. Cymbal. LadvBaldiir 81628 Lsville 1 116 1:451 fast 17-5 95 5 5 4 5 5 6»| Taplin Glid. Belle. Dr.Barkley. LadjBsther 81296 Lsville 1 1 16 1:498 slow21-10 106 10 10 6 5 31 31 Musgrve Cymbal. St.Klmwood. StoneStreet. 81035 S. Anita 1 3-16 1:69 fast 3 109 9 6 5 1 1= ll G ArchibdAlbert Star. Silver Line. Logistilla KETCHEMIKE, ch. o. 4. by Handsel — Carrie Hart P. Dunne. Weight today 108. Slio", Latonia 1 1:511 hvv 9-10 112 5 2 4 3 3 ll V Powers Isnry. Bonebrake. Ed Kane. 81927 Latonia 1 1-16 1:508 mud 8-5 108 7 7 7 5 4 4s V Powers RaraAvis KeepMoving. Bonebrake. 81591 LBville 1 1-16 1:46! fast 71 112 4 1 1 2 5 6; V Powers Mamie Algol. Gypsy King. Rustle. 80672 Oakland 1 1:441 slop 1 110 6 4 3 3 4=° 4=1 J Butler DonEnrlque. Cap.Kennedy. CoLJack BILLY PULLMAN, b. g. 4, by Glenheim — Andrisa J. R. Wainwright Weight today 101. 82101 Iatonia 1 1 8 1:531 fast 7 110 4 4 4 2 B 21 V Powers Lillie Turner. B.-llevi.w. Grenade. 8-"ul8 Latonia 1 1-8 2-OOJ hvy 21 107 6 4 4 4 3 3= V Powers Waterl.ake. M.iidMilitant. Huerfano 818.u Lsville 1 1-16 1:481 mudl3-10 109 3 3 3 2 2s 2= V Powers Orlandot. Lillie Turner San Priiuo. 81.56 Lsville lm70y 1:44! mud 13 113 4 3 5 4 4 4-J V Powers Alice. Lady Vie. Greenbridge 81692 Lsville 1 1-16 1:471 fast 150 1»9 7 7 7 7 C 6=" J Lee Rustle. Gerrymander. Orlandot. DONNA ch. m. 6. by Donovan — Meta B. Schreiber. Weight today 105. Vlot latonia 11-16 1 -44? fast 169 95 7 4 4 4 41 4 1 E Martin K. Daughter. W. Sandals T.Haywrd 8306 ! 1" EX 7 8i;34!hvy 20 108 4 3 3 4 5" 5- J Lee Merrh* B. T. Shlpp. KattePowera. sIm-7 latonia 1 1 -16 1:501 mud 12 109 9 9 9 9 10 10» J Lee RaraAvis. KeepMoving. Bouebrake. smllui" file 3 4 1:148 mud 13 1115 5 5 5= 5- Taplin Merrick. Snake Mary Lady Vie. nW Louisville 1 1:39! fast 65 102 9 8 8 I 8= 8" ■ Martin Sir Cleges. Zienap. St. Elmwood. ALBERT STAR. b. c. 4. by Star Shoot— Lady Alberta M. Ording. Weight today 104. 81531 1-ouisville 1 1 -8 1:53 fast 18-5 104 8 8 9 6 4"* 2 Page Nad/.u. Gilvedear. .reiiadc X "46 l!o isv e 118 1-54 fast 15 114 4 7 7 8 T- V Heidel Belleview. Nadzu. Brooklcaf. 8 ire S Anita 13-16 1:59 fast 11-5 103 8 8 8 6 6= 2 £ Page First Ieep. Silver Line. Logistilla. 80960 I Anita 118 Jg fast 6104 4 7 7 7 7 4«1 Page Third Rail. Alma Boy. Silver Line. MARY TALBOTT. ch. f. 4. by Mazagan— Sister Juliet Gallaher Bros.. Weight today 101. Vim Lou£vllle 1 1-16 1:49 mud 25 102 7 9 8 8 8 7«lPage Tom Hayward. Cymbal, lust Peen • 740 Fort Erie 1 1-16 1:461 fast 10 105 2 3 5 6 6 6"1J Butler Sevcrus. .Dolan Servile 75823 latonia 11-16 l:46g good 16-5 100 4 3 4 3 Ml CRoss Gallileo Hostile Hyplien. AuntRose 7r.77 latonia 7-8 1"7» good 3* 100 8 7 7 5 31 2* E Martin Heine, Lady Carol. Chase. nCU Lttonia 1 1-16 1:461 SS? 21 106 6 I 4 3 P 2» J Butler Mirzer, Hostile Hyphen. Washakie. WATER LAKE. b. h. 6. by What-er-lou— Queens Lake Mrs. N. B. Davis. IW,1Knt t°day .°3 939U iLatonte 1 1 8 2:00! hvy 41 106 7 7 6 3 21 i;S W An, rossudM.antB Tillman Hnerfano KtUd I Ttonii 1 1 -48» mud 5 107 5 7 7 7 4- 2 W AndressStoneSlreet . Katielowers. L.Baloui 8 589 Lsville 1 1-16 1:471 fast 20 105 13 13 13 14 14= 10»1 C Brown Deacon. Senvpro. ImlKMleti 81346 Louisville 11-8 1:54 fast 60 107 111112 12 12 10" W AndressBelleview. Nadzu. Brookleaf. DEACON, b. h. 5. by Alloway— Mallow C. V. Mueller. Weight today 108. vmvj ijuotii-i U f 1 20* rood 12 no 4 5 6 4 4- J I e Merrick. Grenade, nawrrlaa W723 LMvlle 1:44, fast S 11114 3 2 f ll J Lee Cymbal. R.-.ra Avis. Grenade. XI 589 Lsville 1 116 1:478 fast 13-5 110 4 7 2 1 1= 1» J Lee Sempro. linuoden. Red Hussar. 8 467 svie 1 1-16 1:481 slow 5 116 13 13 10 9 7 6»J Foy ?»»"»•,. B ».?and* " %L± 81316 Louisville 3 4 1:131 fast 35 109 8 6 6 5 5*3 Foy Orlandot. Earl s Court. Gypsy Kin, King QUAGGA. b. h. 5. by Dungarven— Xallana E. M. Arthur. Weight today 108. 8TiMi4 s Anita 1 3 16 2:00$ fast 4 llo 6 S 9 9 8 7" Musgrve Jnnel-mirel. H.I oyle. MissOnicious »«73 s! Anita 1 1-8 1 :53k fast 5 lo7 3 6 6 6 C ? T Rice Silver Line. Moiivina Joe Coyne. mm S. Anita 3 4 1:141 fast 5 108 5 7 7 69 V% M McGee .Goldena. Ben Sand. Willie Gregg. KFNNEWICK. b. g. 4. by Box — Malva R. G. Carley. Weight today 101. 81589 Lsville 1 1 16 1 :47i fast 20 105112 14 14 15 12= 13= Warren Deacon. Sempro. lmtiodtn. 81531 LoulsviUe 1 1-8 1:53 fast 200 1031 12 2 7 9* 10" Warren Nadzu. Albert Star. Gilvedear. 81180 Lexington 7-8 1:301 mud 60 109 5 7 7 7 Pull.up.Heidel LadyVie. LaFavetle. LadvEthelyn. 77647 Lsville lm70y 1:471 fast 20 102 6 9 10 9 8 8"lGlasner Raleigh. Cymbal. Ethel Carr. at IMBODEN. b. g. 8. by Guido— Sound CM. Ochsner. Weight today 105. S1657 Louisville 1 IS 1 531 fast 20 102 9 12 11 7 71 6» Glasner MaidMllitant. Mls*I.!.l:i Bonebrake 81699 Laville 1 1 16 1:178 fast 10 102 9 1110 7 5 31* Kennedy Dcai-on. Sempro. Red Hussar. 91631 Louisville 1 1 8 1:53 fast 3"0 1»l 7 7 7 9 7 8» Kennedy Nadzu. Albert Star. RilTrdMr. 81346 lyuiisville 11-8 1:54 fast 70 106 10 8 10 10 8 8" Warren Belleview. Nadzu. Brooklcaf. S1220 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:48 fast 41 110 2 8 9 9 92 9"iM Preston Mellowmint. Gilvedear. CokmelBlue SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 7.V,2tJ l::s 5-111. PINK WINGS, b. f. 3. bv Pink Coat— Wyola Woodford and Fizer. Weight today 105. S2014 Latonia 3-4 1:201 hvy 4 107 4 5 6 ll 1* Mountain .lack Baker. Red Shawl, N. Trav.-r 81848 Lsville 1 1-16 1:491 mud 7-5 105 8 8 7 6 4« 23 Taplin Floreal. Cordova. Chita. 81341 Louisville 1 1:42 fast 28 961 8 9 9 10 5 4«i Davenpt MissCrittenden. Rustle. Sorrowful. 77608 Louisville 61 f 1:08 fast 9 108 13 11 10 6* 5» Heidel Almena. Splendida. Irocla. 775O0 Louisville 3-4 1:15 fast 10 96 7 6 4 4 4* J Butler AUceGeorge. M.Crittenden. T.MJaaM GREENBRIDGE. br. c, 3. by. Bowling Green — Idlebridge H. G. Bedwell. Weight today 101. S17S8 Lsville lm70v 1 :481 hvy 8-5 97 7 2 2 3 :"• 5«J Taplin Snap. Rryce. Gerrymander. 81756 Lsville lm7oy 1:441 mud 3 9215 4 2 3 21 3J Taplin Alice, Lady Vie. Billy Pullman. 81654 Lsville lm20y 1:40* fast 35 98 10 6 3 2 2* 2" F Cole T.Hayward. Mellortint. W.«.lvM« r 81526 Lsville 1 1-16 1:461 fast 35 102J10 6 6 7 12 ll« Glasner Tom Hayward. Romp. Mellowmin. MRS. SEW ALL. b. f. 3. by Maset to— Maltese Cross W. A. Hughes. Weight today 101. 81654 Lsville lm20y 1:40! fast 40 Ml 9 7 5 7 61 6" T Steele T.Hayward. Greenbrge. Mellowm t 81526 Lsville 1 1-16 1 :46i fast 18 95 5 10 7 6 6 6°1 R Willms Tom Hayward. Romp. Mellowmliit. 81S11 Pimlico 8-4 1:13* fast 20 101 5 9 8 6 4»1 Kennedy St. Jeanne. Sally Preston. Taboo. 81235 Pimlico 3-4 1:13* fast 10 95 4 7 7 81 6« J Reid Takahira. BrownTony. Witch. Hour 78146 Latonia 7-8 1:311 hvy 7 100 6 4 4 5 4* 4"1E Griffin Dr. Holzberg. BeTons, Dispute. ROMP. b. g. 3, by Mazagan — Tenawha F. B. Respess. Wci...:t today 105. 82086 Latonia 1 1:428 good 3-5 91 8 7 3 3 DDE Martin Meadowgrass. t :nt . Demi 1 Girl. 81788 Lsville lm70y 1:481 hvy 22-5 105 6 7 6 7 5 4* Warren Snap. Bryee. Gcrr.wnander. 81526 Lsville 1 1-16 1:461 fast 4 1031 7 4 4 3 21 2» Warren T.Hayward. Mellowmint. BomeBan 78072 Latonia 5-8 1:00* fast 40 99 5 6 5 5= 3* Franklin Sea Swell. .Tollv. Zeola. 77892 Latonia 7-8 1:28| good 20 98 4 4 3 5 7* 7* Kennedy Dr. Holzberg. Olive El v. Buffons. ASPIRIN, br. c. 3. by Masette— Frogmore A. Baker. Welg : today 10-. 81625 Louisville 1 1 :40f mudl9-10 92 2 3 6 6 6" 6" E Martin Huck. Crystal Maid. Wool Beads : ■ 81500 Lsville lm70y 1 :43* fast 12 102 2 3 2 2 4 5» E Martin Creel. J. II. Reed. Miss Crittenden. 81342 Louisville 3-4 1:121 fast 71 1011 9 8 4 4 3" Page Huck. Marbles. Tom McGrath. 81199 Lexington 3-4 1:15* good 9 103 4 4 5 4" 2nk Page Refined. E. T. Sbino. Light Blue. ELYSIUM, b. f. 3. by Ben Bramble— Paradise W. V. Casey. Weight today 103. 82029 Jamestown 3-4 1:17 slow 3 102 25 J Reid I.Ilypad. BaataeJaa. High Hal . 81874 Jamestown 11:428 good 8 100 P Mulligan Span. Prince. Font. KoseBeaumoiif. IRRIGATOR, ch. g. 3. by Nasturtium— Fertile L. A. Cella. Weight today 109. S1652 Louisville 3-4 1:121 fast 13 95 11 10 8 6 541 E Martin Fulford. Righteasy. Bos ni.m. 81586 Louisville 3-4 1:131 fast 25 112 11 4 3 5= 31 Glasner Patriot. Zeola. Mexican Girl. 81406 Lsville lm70y 1:431 fast 45 93 7 7 7 7 7 7«lHannan Warfleld. St. Elmwood. Glid. Belle 81342 Louisville 3-4 1:121 fast 55 97 2 6 9 91 7°!A Walsh Huck. Marbles. Aspirin. MNALLY. br. c. 3, by Albert— Miss McNally H. Oots. Weight todav 105. 74562 Lexington 41 f 581 hvy 3 106 6 3 2= 4=3 Warren Light Blue. Ben Hove. Silverado. 74488 Lexington 41 f 551 good 13-b 105111 7 5= 3= Warren Anderson, Camel. Bookbin.ler. SCHLE8WIG, b. c. 3. by Planndes— Unterock P. Dunne. Weight todav 103. 81526 Lsville 1 1-16 1:461 fast 12 109 3 3 3 4 4= 53 V Powers Tom Hayward. Romp. Mellowmint. 81465 Lsville lm70y 1:451 slow 41 102 10 10 9 7 7 7lTaplin Edwin L.. Gerrymander. Iatriot. 81052 Oakland 1 1:421 fast 11-5 107 1 1 2 4 4=1 2h G Burns Oesa. Little Siss. Hoylo. ?0950 Oakland lm20y 1:43 fast 17-10 96 9 8 6 6 61 6»JA Walsh Gargantua. Hush Money. Hoyle. LUDHIANA. b. f, 3. by Hyphen — Performance W. E. Oots. Weight today 103. 8"105 Latonia 3-4 1:141 fast 7 199 7 6 6 5t 1 T Rice Chalice. Xarco. Tony B. 81526 Lsville 1 1-16 1:46| fast 55 961 1 8 8 10 8" 92 Kain Tom Hayward. Romp. Mellowmint. 81267 Lexington 51 f 1:12 mudl7-10 108 6 6 6 5 58 Troxler T. Holland. Busy.Man. A.Stiirtevant 81B9 Lexington 3-4 1:15 fast 35 107 5 6 6 41 21 T Rice Ada Meade. Console. Bed Shawl. 78183 Latonia 3-4 1:19 hvy 8 101 8 6 3 3j 3s A Martin Claiborne. Klllingtoa. The Peer. TANNIE. b. f. 3. by Kilkerran— Talpa Talbot Bros.. Weight today 105. 81553 Louisville 3 4 1:11! fast 400 90 6 7 8 8= 8" Hufnagel Hanbridge. Ch. Eastman. Olambala. 77608 Louisville 51 f 1:08 fast 30 108 C 8 8 11= H=1J Butler Almena. Splendida. Proela. 7747- Louisville 51 f 1:08* fast 30 112 3 4 6 61 461 Pickens All Red. Zarane. Peter Pender. 77259 Lexington 3-4 1:14* fast 21-5 106 6 6 6 6 61 A Walsh GlidingBelle. MabelHenry. Semproni 77178 Lexington 6-8 1:021 fast 4 107 5 9 8 6 451 Glasner Harriet Rowe. Proela, NettleTrnver LILLIAN RAY, b. f, 3, by Balgowan — Yantic B. Schreiber. Weight today 103. 89MS Latonia 51 f 1:07* good 15 95 6 4 6 3 4»1 E Martin Sorrel Top. StoiiT Hill, Biema. 83007 Latonia ~ 11:52* hvy 31 91 1 1 1 1 1= l" E Martin Meadowgrass. Camel. St. Aulalre. 81783 Louisville 3-4 1:161 hvy 34 100 12 11 11 11= 10= E Martin Ned Caramel;. Tackle. Marmorean. 81652 Louisville 3-4 1:121 fast 12 96 14 11 10 11= 11= Kain Fulford. Righteasy. Boserrian. LANDLORD, b. c. 3. by Requital— Prioress G. Kluber. Weight todav 108. 81652 Louisville 2-4 1:121 fast 12 98 16 14 12 10 10"lRrannon Fulford. Righteasv. Roscrrlaa. 8141 Lexington 3-4 1:17 mud 25 101 11 11 9 9= 10"lObert Thos.Calhoun. Ralbert. Har. Kowe. 81182 Lexington 3-4 1 :181 mud 35 98 9 10 7 7= 7"! Whiting Mary Orr. Miss Kelix. Tim Kelly. 78163 Latonia 61 f 1:12 hvy 20 108 12 12 11 11* llJA Martin Roseburg II.. Enfield. Greenbridge. 78084 Latonia 3-4 1:15 fast 30 103 7 12 12 12 12" Frazier Mrs.Sewall. Plume. MissCrittenden. MRS. MARION MOORE, ch. f. 3. bv Nasturtium — Lady Ellerslie II. tM. C. Moore. Weight today 105. 81848 Lsville 1 1-16 1:491 mud 50 UN. 8 7 6 7 7 7«JJ Lee Floreal. Iink Wings. Cordova. 81465 Lsville lm70y 1:451 slow 35 102 9 7 8 11 13 13-71D Austin Edwin L.. Gerrymander. Patriot. 77975 Latonia 51 f 1:08* fast 30 106 2 2 2 2* 21 Pickens Zarape. Kllvany. Malecon. 77764 Latonia 5-8 1:01! fast 60 110 6 12 12 11= 13*lFoy Ornamosa. Splendida. Malecon.