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STARBOTTLE STAKE WINNER AUGUST BELMONT S COLT TOYS WITH OPPOSITION IN THE GREAT AMERICAN. S. C. Hildrcth Stands Sensational Run-Up. First of the Eastern Season, to Retain Montgomery After Latter Wins the Myrtle Stakes. New York. .Tunc 5. — August Belmonts Starhottle simply toyed witli his opposition in the Bml American Stakes at Gravcsend today. The Bastings nill. a well played favorite, looked and raced like ti second Pair Play. This fumurlj valualdr juvenile fixture had hut four contestants. The |iiality of «he field was depreciated at the eleventh hour by John K. Madden a withdrawal of Newmarket. hi* supposedly I" st two-year old and the sulislilutioii of Big Stick as his representative. Big Stick put up .iust the scinl.lance of a contest in the early running iiuil then relircd. leaving Starhottle to win practically hv himself. The Myrtle, second of the scries of three sfaki curded taring the afternoon, was captured hv S. C. Ulldictirs Montgomery which immediately after wards became flic medium of a sensational run up. the first that has taken place in the cast since the ripening of the season. N. liver, representing p. s. IV Randolph, owner of Raeiiiict. the sei-ond horse, advanced .Montgomery hv easy stages from Ills en tered price of ,000 until he had reached .:! ni. S. C. Hildieth. hf coming inipaticnt. increased Ike customaiv protecting hid of hv |W and jumped his horse-s price to $:-..000 in one bid. which effectu .illy shut off further competition. Mr. Hildrcth took flic heavy run-up good naturedly. declaring that it ■was a healthy sign of the times. TV running of the third slake feature, the lira ■Burton Steeplechase, marked 11m- appearance of a prospective champion sit the game in King Caslle. Although th Raincv horse had nothing much to lieat in Suuglow and Grandpa, the maimer in aUd he won impressed cross country experts. The handicap, at one mile and a sixteenth, prove the lust nice on the program, and it went to the t es t horse in Live Wire. The selection of mo. t bettor* in the opening event was Horace K.. Ilafl J Sehrcilier-.s former crack fell lame in the race. Araseo came out of the Myrtle Stakes with a split foot, the plate having heen torn olT al sum-stage of the running. This explains the dropping on I of Hlakelevs gelding at a crucial point in the lace. In response to a iinestion as to whether the Brooklyn Jockey fluh would give extra days of rue Jug next week. President Philip J. Dwyer said that he liad not yet come to a definite decision. Drizzling rain and a track deep in slush were the conditions that confronted race patrons at Cravcsen 1 this afternoon. In spite of the disagreeable conditions there was a good crowd on hand before tie horses were called out for the first race. As on Thursday, there was no evidence of auv desire on the part of the local authorities to interfere, anil betting went Its usual way. Joseph Dean was put off the track for making a l ot and making a record of it. He was watched hy the Plukertoo dctcc tires and. upon orders from Mr. Dwyer. was shown the gate ami will not he admitted again. 8. . Hihlr.-tn said today: "1 intend riding E. luigan fti preference to my regular stable locker. U. Burns, until he loses a race or two. With respect to the rumor that King James has broken down. there is nothing in it. The horse stepped on a stone in the Break tyn and bruised his off forefoot, which Caused him to go lame the next morning. He will he all right in a few days."