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GOING AHEAD WITH TIA JUANA PROJECT. I.os Angeh s. Chi.. June 5. — Word has reached here that President Diaz of Mexico will not sanction the proposed race track at Tia Jiinna. because smh action might be construed as unfriendly to California a state of a friendly power. This statement was made at San Diego bv a member of the Masonic party which escorted tin- "silver trowel" to Mexico Citv. Despite this news those interested expect no trouble iu going ahead with the plant and conducting racing as planned. I. Colieii. who. with attorney William Aider son. Earl I". Lnw and Clem Ore* cling, holds a concession from the Mexican govern •tent, said: "We have a concession signed hv the vice-president of Mexico, permitting us to operate a race track at Tia .luana for a number of years This document was signed with the consent of President Diaz. We will stand on this concession and *"o ahead with our plans unless something else tnyng up."