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HILDRETHS THEORY OF CELTS FAILURE. New York. June 5. — S. C. llihhelh. whose King Jinnies and Rcstigouchc led James R. Keenes C"|t al the finish of tin- Brooklyn Handles*, gives this ex planation of Celts failure to make the showing cx-pccteil of him: "linimv Rowe has been working Celt all seasiu with heavy shoes. The change from shoos to light racing plates may have en used Celt to turn sour In his disposition. I have known several horses that have resented this treatment of their feet bv refusing lo run at their licst speed when the change of footgear was made. "A horses hoofs feel so light with racing plates after they have la-en encumbered Willi heavy bIiih . that thev scarcely know what to make of the alteration. It is like taking toe weights off a trottc after he has been accustomed to lliein for niar.v years. If a change like that is made the harness borne always loses his action. That was the case With Celt — he lost his action. Instead of striding forward he simply jumped np and down. "Some people have sought to phii" tl e blame of Celts defeat at the door of lack of physical comti-tion. That is all foolishness. Rowe is one of the best trainers in the world."