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BOOKMAKER AND TRAINER RULED OFF. Salt Lake Citv. 1tah. June 5. — That Judge Pom-erov is making every effort to keep the sport clem here was today when he ruled off trainer John Wallace, groom Jim- Nelson ami a", llawkc. plater. aUo bookmaker "Columbus" Jones. Rather Royal, after having won yesterday, ran so inexplicably badly todav that the bulge had him ix-aminoil and found plates on each foot an inch thick and an inch wide. Jones was suspected of collusion with trainer Wallace, ami when the formers sheets were taken up and examined thev were found to contain an abnormally big lav on Rather Itovnl. Jockev II. Smith, who rode, was held blameless. Owner W. T. Hastings is a merchant of Oakland al.. and is not Implicated. The horse will be taken cire of bv the association until Mr. Hastings arrives. Judge I.nueiov has other cases under investigation, and will maintain a vigilant watch dur ing the remainder of the meeting with the obiect of cleaning out the cheaters and keeping the snort tree from underhand methods of anv kind.