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NEW MILE TRACK FOR TAMPA. Buffalo, N. Y., July 15. J. U. Strode, who will be general manager of next winters race meeting at that point, departed this morning for Tampa. Fla.. on receipt of a. telegram announcing that his associates in the contemplated project of building a new track In Tampa had been successful in acquiring a tract of land comprising 150 acres. All plans for a meeting on the former exposition track will be abandoned, and. work on the construction of a jnile track on the ground just leased will ne started at once. The plant, when finished, will lie up to date in every respect. It will be situated In West Tampa and will be provided with ample transportation facilities to allow patrons to reach there in short order from any part of Tampa. Before leaving Mr. Strode said: "The ordinance recently passed by the Tampa council under which racing associations will be assessed 50 dailv. forced us to abandon our plan of utilizing the old exposition grounds. Our associates were fortunate in securing an ideal plot or ground for the building of a racing plant. The general plans for construction have already been agreed on and work will begin Immediately on my arrival. The intention is to erect a track modern In every respect with ample stabling room. We will use some material from the exposition grounds, mostly the framework of the buildings and grandstand. The proposed track will probably entail an expenditure of 5,000 and we will probably begin racing Thanksgiving Day and not lar than December 1 in any event. . , . "It is our intention to race at least 120 days and possibly ten davs longer. Purses will be of fair value. Our venture will be backed by local capital and the directors of the association will represent Tampa interests." Horsemen here are elated over the prospect of having an additional haven in which to race next winter and Strode carried witli hlin assurances from many that they would ship to Tampa for the opening.