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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 60 ELYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO, ILL, A Dally Eeflectlon of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor. P. h: Brunei!. Associate Editor. Clinton C. Riley. Secretary. Mrs. P. H. Brnnell. Entered as second-class matter. April 2V 1896. at CMcK0- Illinois, under A Act of March 3 1879 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. TEEMS: Per n Month I 1 50 Half Year .I!."": I! 900 one Year :::::::::::::::::::::: i?.oo letTefeclasmffi ff COpleS " 8ealed .iSilyvKiacIn? F,onn PnoHshlnc Co. prefers to send Ingle, copies as flrst-clas,mall In all cases. ,i7?caJLiuscrJpt,,,onsr-out8l5e the down-town dls-HieAwI1l be declined at other than first-class mall matter rates. Subscriptions must be paid In advance. TELEPHONE 2087 HAREISOK. ror business and circulation purposes only. telephone has no connection with the news or 2?iiSri departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. tvT? ke considered and answered, all queries to F-i17 Racing Form must be sent over the full name and with . address of writer. The name and ad-tesfr868 8X8 8ub-e:t t0 a local and foreign directory ST. LOUISA MO.. OFFICE.. 110 NORTH SIXTH ST. M. T. Murphy. General Agent. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, 6.. OFFICE. 720 MAIN STREET. W. S. Manns. General Agent. . Telephone Canal 1877. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. : Foster and Orcar. Market Street Ferry News-stand. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. 7ULY 16. 1000.