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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Communications without names and addresses will noticed nor answered. No answers will lie sent by mail and none by wire unless reply pre-payment is made at time of wiring query. E. K., Cincinnati, 0. Prices were correct. C. W. W., Chicago. The wager lost. Sec reply to Lee H. Lee II.. Cinciniiati, O. The wager on Burgher lost, because., he was on his way to the post and in the starters control when be ran away. Valet, Fort Erie, Can. Having .no record of the raciiig at Salem or Portland or of the accident, cannot give you the information desired. S. D. Finch; Clilckasha. Okla. There is no basis i of comparison and no answer to" your question other than one you give it yourself from experience and observation. X. X. N.. Louisville, Ky. At Latoni.i July 5 the track was fast for the first four races and good for the last two, having been slightly slowed up by a light shower: after the fourth. J. W.; St. Louis, Mo. The money bet straight was lost when AU Red was beaten, and what was" coming to you was the place bet on All Red and its accumulations. Tliis, according to your way of stating the case, amounted in all to 37.80.