untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-07


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CRQ SP!IAL T O D A Y GRACE DIXOnTT, 7-2 WON was yesterdays Form Special. SATURDAYS FORM SPECIAL: April Plum 33-31-54-41-33-29-32-22-59-26 Use Book 117. 5 WINNERS out of last ten starters is our record on above Form Specials-. Do not be without the Standard, when you can get it for only y 25 Cents per Week: .00 per Month. D NEW BOOK ON SALE NOW I at all leading news-stands in the U. S. and Canada. AMANDA LEET7. 3-1 WON ! aud a loser .was yesterdays Two-Horse Wire. t Terms: .00 for Six Days. Yesterdays Canada AVire lost. 1 THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Boom 212, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago I REYNOLDS and CO.. 4 Oullette Ave., Windsor, Ontario. Most reliable firm doing business on the Canadian circuit. Seventy-four per cent, winning one best bets is our record. Howard Shean 7-1 Won TUeso are the kind that pay. Our one best bet clients were advised to bet their limit on the above long-priced winner yesterday. T OT5A Y another positive certainty at odds from 6 to 10-1. DONT MISS IT. TERMS: .00 DAILY; .00 WEEKLY. Wired everywhere at 10 a. m. GRACE DIXON, 7-2, WON BEN DOUBLE, 4-1, 2ND was yesterdays Daily Two-Horse Wire. Record on this wire past 12 starts: 5 WINNERS. 4 SECONDS. 2 THIRDS AND 1 LOSER. .00 for Six Wires. BEN DOUBLE, 4-1, 2ND was yesterdays Canada Occasional. This makes 5 WINNERS. 2 SECONDS AND 4 LOSERS on this wire in past 11 starts. .00 for Three Guaranteed Wires. Yesterdays Form Special lost. SATURDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Gray Wednesday 83-54-86-38-83-87-50-58-93-39 Book 244. The Turf Reporter Room 312 :: 69 Dearborn St. :: Chicago. III. National Racing Review No. 178 Room 37 :: 71 Dearborn St. :: Chicago, 111. Yesterdays Special. PENN. 3-1. WON. Yesterdays Wire scratched. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM TERMS: 6 cents per copy, .50 per month, 7.00 per annum. 59 Plymouth Court x : Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909080701/drf1909080701_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1909080701_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800