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THE MERCHANTS AND CITIZENS HANDICAP : : When the Merchants and Citizens Handicap was first run under the present Saratoga management Walter Itollins Herliert won it from tlie subsequently famous Chuctanmula and, to show that it was no iluke, took up more weight the next year and won it again. Two truly great race horses contested its tinish in Its third year, when Ilcnnis defeated Irish Lad, and had to run a mile and an eighth in 1:51 to do it. The next year Mr. Sanfords line mare. Molly Brant, won from Broomstick iu tlie same fast time. Ihe next vcar after her triiminh the distance was increased to a mile and three-sixteenths and then it lie-i-aine a mares race. Outcome. Hed Leaf and Itunuiug Water taking it in successive years. Last year Dan-Hiion btoke up this order of things and by winning made the race a tie at four wins for male horses and Tour for marcs. It is a point of interest as to which Bex will establish a majority this year. The record if the. event Is: Year. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Time. 1001 Herbert 4 .L. Smith.. 114 Chuctanuuda 3 104 Lucent 3 .... 00 ,105 1:501 1002 Herbert 5 ...L. Smith.. 122 Keynote 3 00 Whisk. King 3104 5,050 1:5CJ !003 Ilcrmis 4 Odom.,124 Irish Lad 3 120 Higodon 3 ...103 0,275 1:51J 1001 Molly Brant 4 Odoin..ll7 Broomstick 3 112 Reservation 4. 101 5.C50 l:51g 1005 Outcome 4 Baird.. 00 Proper 5 US Dol. Spanker 4 i 107 2.300 2:02J innt! lied Leaf 4 Koerner.,100 Bedouin 4 117 Outcome 5 110 2.300 2:02 1007 Running Water .4W. Miller. .110 Dandelion 5 US Cairngorm 5. .113 2.300 l:5SiS 1008 Dandelion .G... C. H. Shilling.. 100 Stamina 3 10S Danoscara 4.. OS 1.150 1:581 Hun at 1 1-10 miles in 1001, then at 1 1-S miles until 1005.