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DAILY RACING FORM PllRHrillED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Dally Raoing Form Publishing Co. 60 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO. ILL. A Dully Rellcctlon of the American Turf by ; Telcgraplu Editor iiiul Proprietor. F. II. Rruncll. Associate Editor. Clinton U. Riley. Secretary. Mrs. V. II. Bruncll. Entered us sceouddnss mutter. Aiirll 2. 1810. nt flic post-otllre nt Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of Mnreli :t. 1S7I. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. If scnl by mall llrst class only. 0 cents. TERMS: Per Month $ 1.50 Half Your 11.00 Ono Your ...... 17.00 The nbovc rateH are for single conies aH sealed letters llrst-class mull. Dally Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send Dingle copies as first-class mall In nil cn huh. Loeal subscriptions outside tlio down-town district will bu declined at other than llrst-class mall matter rates. Subscriptions nuiHt 1ms paid In advance. TELEPHONE 2087 HARBISON. For . business and circulation minuses only. This telephone has 110 connection with the news or editorial departments and caiinot be used to com-munlcato with them. To bo considered and answered, all queries to Dally Racing Form must be Bent over the lull name and with address of writer. The names and ad-Ureases arc subject to 11 local mid foreign directory test. ST. LOUIS. MO., OFFICE. 110 NORTH HIXTII 8T. M, T. Miiriihy, General Agent. Rack numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. 0.. OFFICE; 7110 MAIN STREET. W. S. Manns. General Agent. Telephone Canal 1877. Rack numbers and monthlies supplied. BAN FRANOISCO. OAL.: Foster and Orear. Market Street Ferry News stand. LOS ANGELES. CAL.: Alfred Wimbush. News-cart. 132 South Spring Street. BUFFALO. N. Y.: It. J. Seldenberg. Elllcott Square. I.OU1SVILLH, KY.: Chas. T.. Bearing, 350 Fourth Avenue. riTTSHURQ. PA.: Hotel Newell Nnws-stand. LEX1NUT0N. KY: B. T. Graves. 100 North Llmestonq Street. TOLEDO. OHIO: J. H. Swift, Southern Hotel News-stand. DAYTON, OHIO: H. E. Millions. 14 South Main Street. Pony House. News-stand. WEST BADEN. INI.: H. L. Rabbage, Colonial Hotel. BDTTM. MONT.: Keefo Bros.. Post-olllee News-stand. TORONTO. ONT.: Joseph McLachlan, Iroquois Hotel. C. R. Palmer. Palmer House. R. McEutee. 28 Queen Street. East. F. J. Roy. 81 Queen Street. West. F. B. Waldock. Imperial Hotel. Mrs. V. Ellis. 05 King Street. East. HAMILTON. ONT.: Louis Kirk. Newsdealer. McArthur News Agency. Thomas French. 10 James Street. North. DENVER. COLO.: Kendriek Rook Co.. 000-112 Seventeenth Street. DETROIT. MICn.: L. Grosscup. OS Lamed Street. West. Tel. Main 3252. Copies delivered within mile circle. DANVILLE. ILL.: Leseure Rros.. 41 North Vermilion. GALESMJRG. ILL.: G. A. Swoiisoii, ail East Main Street. liVANSTON. ILL.: M. Seuultz. KOO Church Street. PEORIA. ILL.: Pcbrlu News-stand. 500 Main Street. KENOSHA. WIS.: W. H. Robinson. 203 Main Street. ELGIN. ILL.: C. 0. Aldrldgo. 100 Chicago Street. TA COMA, WASH.: Central News Co.. 1121 Pacilic Avenue. KALAMAZOO. MIOIL: PHU Glass. 100 North Rurdlck Street. NEW ORLEANS. LA.: O. E, Hill, 108 St. Charles Street. 3. E. Stnub, Exchange Place. John C01111IIT. St. Charles News-stand. CLEVELAND. 0.: N. Hex tor, 303 Rond Street. NEW YORK CITY: Astor House. 225 Hroadway. KANSAS CITY. MO.: Rlckseeker Cigar "and News Co.. Ninth and Walnut Streets. HOT SPRINGS, ARK.: II. C. Weaver and C.. opp. Arlington Hotel. T. E. W.vatt. 710 Central Avenue. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.: J. I. Steinberg. Terminal Station. Fred S. Fowler. 18 South Illinois Street. MILWAUKEE, WIS.: Frank Mulkern. Third and Grand Avenue. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.: M. J. Kavamiiigh. 50 South Third Street. MEMPHIS. TDNN.: R. M. Mansford and Co. E. H. Clarke and Hro. Feahody Hotel News-stand. NASHVILLE, TENN.: Zlbart Rros.. 218 North Cherry Street. BLUE ISLAND. ILL;: H. D. Wattles. lo:t Union Street. SOUTH CHICAGO. ILL.: T. J., onion""". South Chicago Hotel. HAMILTON., OHIO: Rnick Co.. 419 South Fifth Street. BRANTFORD. ONT.: J. Rradley. 3 Alfred Street. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. AUGUST 27. 1009.