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CHANGE IMMINENT AT LATONIA. Cincinnati, O.. September 9. Several conferences s have been held at New York within the past few v days between representatives of the various interests at Latoiiia concerning the future of that historic c race course. Congressman Joseph L. Rhinock. Harvey iMvers, .T. B. Itespess. Colonel W. E. Apple-gate and Captain Tilles. the latter also representing the interests of L. A. Cella and John Condon, have e been the parties to the conferences. Congressman n Rhinock. taking the ground that, on account of the differences of opinion concerning the management that exist between the two factious in the Latonia club, a reorganization seems desirable. lias advanced a proposition for one or the other to sell out, 50,000 being mentioned as the compensation. If the deal goes through, as now seems probable, a determined effort is to be made to revive racing at Latonia along the lines successfully followed in the davs when the sport was loyally and onthu-siastieally supported by the best people of this lo- itVs almost assured that the coming mooting will pee new officials in charge at Latonia. It is said there will positively be a new man in the starter s Ikjx. It is conceded that Judge Joseph A. Murphy will be in absolute control In any event. It Is understood that Murphy will be held accountable for a clean meeting. "This will be a pleasing bit of news to the race-going fraternity." remarks the Enquirer, "as the public lias the utmost faith in Joseph Murphy on account of his honesty, which has never been questioned."