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.TELEGRAPHIC FORM. , The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are: Graveserid-lXew York, September 22. 1 Jeanne rtArc. St. Jeanne, Alanurka. 2 Emperor William, Practical. The Peer. 3 Pretcndj Starport. .Little King. 4 Hildreth entry. Kings Daughter, Etherial. 5 Firestone. Moquette, The Ieer. G Spindle, Boca Grande, lioola Boola. II. Forsland. Woodbine Park Toronto. Ont., September 22. 1 Rlgliteasy, JOe Rose, Chilla. 2 Seagram entry, I.ady Bass. Covertshot. .! General Marchmonf, The Earl, Harry Ricbeson. 4 :Sorel, Amanda Lee, Lucettii. . 5 Bedwell entry. Chinn entry, Schorr entry, i Sir Wooster, Byzantine. Pretty Michal. 7 Bouquet, Chinn entry, Hanbridge. T. K. Lynch.