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PENSAC0LA RACING PLANS ANNOUNCED. Tampa, Fla.. March T5. Tho advance guard- of horsemen intending to engage in the lifteen-days meeting to begin at Pensacola Friday, March 31. departed tonight. The shipment was made up of three carloads of horses. The bulk of tlie horses that will race at the gulf city track will be transferred by special train on Sunday. Tlie entire consignment will probably number 130 horses, aud with the expected additions from Jacksonville at the close of that meeting, it is thought there will be ample material to fill the races for the period, that the meeting will last. Smith, Jones and Colby will have charge of the betting ring and have announced positively that the the racing will go on for at least fifteen days. Emissaries were sent to Jacksonville tonight to solicit the shipment of some horses. The purses of the races to be run daily will have value of from 00 to 00. the daily aggregate being about 00. The officials who will serve have not been decided on fully, but it is almost certain that Col. J. L. T. trown. who presided at Havana. Cuba, and well known throughout the state of Florida, will be made the ranking official, witli J. B. Campbell as his associate and also filling in us secretary. J. U. Strode will be the general manager. Tlie promoters have assured tlie horsemen that it the event conditions warrant it there will" be an increase in the purse offerings. Horsemen Intending to ship to Pensacola were notified that not more thau-eiglit starters would be permitted In any race. This is with a view to eliminating crowding and insure more truly run contests. E. C. Smith,- who has served as secretary aud associate judge here and at Pensacola. departs tomorrow for New York. -Mr. Smith made- a host of friends during his sojourn in these parts.- Several owners will ship direct from here to Lexington, Ivy., to await the opening of racing there.