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FIRST CONVICTION UNDER NEW YORK LAW. New York. March S. In the Court of Special Sessions yesterday. Chief Judge Russell presiding. Boy 15. Salt, formerly clerk in tho Hotel Albany, was found guilty of violating that section of the penal code which makes the holding of slakes in a bet a misdemeanor. He was sentenced to six months in tlie penitentiary. Salts conviction is the first under the new betting laws. His case is an eclio of the Jeffries-Johnson fight at Reno on July 4 According to the testimony. James Robinson, a negro barlier. with several of his friends, went to the Albany before the tight and wagered 00 on Johnson against ,000 of Jeffries money held by Salt. When Robinson and Ids friends went to collect. Salt demanded a commission. Tills was refused and Salt would not give up the cash. The next day he disappeared and was not arrested until a few days ago when lie was found in Buffalo.