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NAMES OF THE TWO-YEAR-OLDS OF 1911. Daily Racing Form today presents the remainder of the names of the two-year-olds of this season as registered with the Jockey Club, completing publication of the list begun in last Sundays edition. They are as follows: G G. II. Peters, br. or b. c, by Col. Jim Douglas Trlxie C. Cabriella, eh. f, by Segario Nessa. Gabrio. br. e, by Nastsurtium Obscurity. Gagnant, ch. f, by The Commoner Alveria M. Galautis, b. c, by Galveston Atlantis. Galvara, b. f, by -Galveston Princesca. Ganadore, b. e, by The Commoner Mountain Mist. Garden of Roses, blk. or br. f, by Yorkshire Lad Tringle. Garth, b. e. by Fatherless Belle Fleur. Garry, b. e, by Garry Herrmann Dare Vela. Gateman. br. c, by Sain Gatebeli. Gates, ch. g, by Plauudes Love Note. Gatherer, b. or br. c, by Chilton or Faraday Accumulate. Gaty Pallen. ch. c. by Joe Carey Ravolette. Gay, b. or br. f, by Knight of tho Thistle Happy. Gay Bird, br. c. by Oiseau Belle of the Day. Gazelle, ch. f, by Elsin Rosie C. Geneva Belie, h. f, by Tenny Belle Daly. Gemsbok. ch. c, by Handsome Dancing Wave. George D., blk. or br. c, by The Sharper Miss Ochiltree. George Eno, blk. c, by Dicudonno Jessie Bird. George Oxnard, eh. c, by Islington Grey Agnes. George Wolfe, br. c, by Cocagne Tramontane. General Gordon, b. c, by Pirateer Molly Morris. Gcnseric, br. c, by Ogdeh Lola A. Gerds, ch. f, by Solitaire II. Marcell. Gertrude Dix, b. f. by Albula Reprieve II. Gertrude Maloney, ch. f, by Stalwart Sister Agnes. Gertrude Venning, b. f, by Lucky Charm Sonna. Gimli, b. f, by Solitaire II. Arisbe. Ginger Girl. b. f, by Margraviate Gin Fizz. Gipsy Lee. b. f, by Vcsuvian Gipsy Belle. Jlengyle, br. c, by Russell R. Never Smile. Glenn Best, br. c, by Buckler Glenn Scott. Glenola Thompson, b. f, by Exclamation Glcna MacBride. Glenwire, b. f. by Wire In Glcnae. Go Ou.Sam, b. c, by Diamond Joe Lady Midas. Go Win. ch. c. bv Go Between Raflia. Gold Blade. , eli. c, by Cuiiard Miss- Ringlets. old Bloom, b. c, by Gold Spinner Beauty. Gold Brick, blk. or br. c, by The Sharper Lady Graudviow. Gold Bud. ch. f. by Ailes dOr Goldspbt. Gold Mine, br. t. by Woolsthocpe Flour dOr. Gold Point, br. f J by Jack Point Gold Teh. Gold Thistle, b. c, by Gold Heels Merry Thistle. Gold Thrush, ch. f, by Goldcrest Sweet Singer. Gold Web, b. f, by Gold Spinner Kornelia Kinks. Goldade. ch. f, by Gold Heels Charade. Goldle I., b. f, by Simon W. Bay Boots. Golden? Baby, b. f, by Golden Garter Baby. Golden Cluster, b. f. by Hdrim Golden Glitter II. Golden Duck. b. f. by Golden Maxlin Musk Duck. Golden Fancies, b. f, by Gold Heels Fads and Fancies. Golden Guinea, b. c, by Kings Guiuea-Southeru Lassl Golden Law. eh. c. by Bassetlaw Golden Crest. Golden Purse Lad, ch. c, by Nasturtium Purse Lady. " . Golden Rock, b. c, by Rock Sand I airy. Gold. Golden Shower, b. f, by Peep oDay Rain Drop. Golden Thought, br. c, by Golden Liuk; Dads Daughter. Gold turn, rn. f, b- Gold Heels Ano. Golliwogg, b. g. by Gone Coon Cassandra. Gomul. ch. c, by Solitaire II. Makawa. Good Advice, b. c, by Free Advice Rarlta. Good Cook. b. f. by Sain ;Miss Baker. Good Morning, h. e, by Peep oDay OBtra. Governor Hooper, ch. g. by Peep oDay Lady Montrose II. Grace Carlton, ch. f. by Carlton Grange Grace Toffey. . .. Grace Me., b. f, bv The Coiiimoucr Bessie rde-Carthy. Grade Valdez, b. f, by Cainpus--Lady Britannic. Grata, b. f. by Fatherless Gracelot. Grafton Belle, b. f, by Semper Ego Amphora. Grand Prize, ch. f. by Kingston Desayuno. Grapeshot, ch. c, by Bearcatehcr Coming Event. Grassy Creek, ch. c. by Potentate Nellie Custls. Gray For, gr. r, by Cayuga or Fire Dal Pywax? Great Friar, ch. c, by The Friar The Queens Gambit. Greedy Girl, ch. f, by Abe Frank Little -Stranger. Grev Silk, gr. f, by Banuockburn Alice Finch. Grif, b. c. by Griffon Belle of Ashlaud. Griss Exccll. br. or gr. c, by Buckler Grisey Day. Grizzly Bear, br. g, by Bearcatehcr Scrcenwell Lake. Guaranoia, br. c, by Garry Herrmann The Governess. Sum Girl, b. f, by Illowaho Trinity Beli.-Guun Shaunon, ch. c, by Lobos Laura Maxcy. Gus Ilartridge. ch. g. by Ort Wells Revolt. Gus Owens, ch. c, by Jean Bereaud Annie Cor-telyou. Guv Johusou, ch. c. by English Lid Signora. Gypsy Boy, b. c, by Sharon Bonnie Esther. Gypsy Rice, ch. f, by Dr. Rice Gypsum. Gypsy Star, b. f, by Sorcerer Madame Junot. H Hadad, b. c, by Solitaire II. Elininettii. Hadiiue, b. f, by Haddington Lollne. Halawa, br. f, by Peep oDay Hundley. Hamilton, b. c, by Bannockbum Sula. Hand Brush, b. c. by Mazagan Benita Brush. Handbill, ch. c, by Handsel Pouzoniua. Handout, ch. c. by Handspring Flora Ben. Handthistle, ch. c, by Knight of the Thistle Freyja. Hanklet, b. f, by John Corr Hanker. Happy Days, br. c, bv Plaudit Slnglelife. Hard Cash, br. c, by Handy Bill Loose Change. Hard Robe, b. c, by Haddington Lady Day. Harding Jackson, U. c, by- Little Saint Court Rose. Hardy, b. c, by Canopus Princess. Harmless, b. f, by Serpent Chieadee. Harold OConnor Chaise, ch. c, by Priucipal Patsy V. Harper Harmon, ch. c, by Fcruaudiuo Chloe Perkins. Harriet Spaulding, b. f, by Henry loung Kis-bereiie. Harry Weeks, b. c, by Sain Lucas Alls. Harvorita, b. f, by Harvey Favorita. Hashish, b. c, by Sain Chablls. Hattie D. M.. b. f. by Nickie D. Hat tie Moore. Hattie May. b. f, by Serpent Miss Betty. Havelock II., br. c, by Delhi Runaway Girl. Hawnees, ch. f, by Chappaqua Sofita. HavcKholui, ch. g, by Commoigne Trayaut. Hazel C, b. f, by Kismet, by Melton Jean Green. Head Sea, b. c. by Havoc Fairlie Head. Hearthstone, b. c, by Ben Strome Strycliinia. Heather Knight, ch. c, by Knight of Pearl-Heather Blend. Heck Curry, b. c, by Maurice Galviii May Newman. Hedge, b. f, by Planudes Partridge. Heinous, b. or br. f, by Hcno Mamena. Helen Johnson, b. f, by Banuockburn Tootsy Mack. Helen N.. ch. f, by Cunard Afamada. Helen Pink, b. f, by Rink Coat Rcadina. Helena Von Ritz, b. f, by Lissak Betsy Brocck. Hclene Holbrook, blk. or br. f, by Pink Coat-Life Saver. Helle, b. f. by Sain Aimec Abbott. Hcnock, br. c, by Hcno Kensington. Henotic, b. f, by Heno Spectacles. Henrietta W, ch. f, by Deering Clever. Henry Pappan, eh. c. by Namtor Seavoyage. Heresy, br. c, by Sain Hera. Herman Whit, b. c, by Herman. Doyle Whittie. llermis, Jr., ch. c, by Hermis Heritance. Hester B., ch. f, by Jim Crow Bonnie Bess HI. Heyutte, ch. f, by Heywood Febette. Hiblcr, br. c. by Knight Errant Margaret Roche. High, ch. f, by Plaudit Sky Scraper, High Mark, ch. f, by St. Mark High Caruival. Highbrow, ch. f, by The Scribe Tonawha. Hilda, ch. f, by Sam Corey Impulse. Hilton, ch. c, by Francesco Mel dOr. llimation, b. f, by Hermis Darine. Hippocreno, ch. f. by Hippodrome Editha. Hiram Campbell, b. or br. c, by .Stranger Fickle Fortune. Hoda, ch. f, by Ravclston Belcese. Iloity Toity. ch. e. by St. Avonicus donibel., Hokobokce, b. c, by Jim Kelly Ruby dOr. Holston. b. e, by Dr. MacBride Blue Violet. Homesick, ch. f. by Deutschland Thercsla. Hook, b. c, by Peter Pan Mintcake. Horse Fly, b. c, by John Henry Peyser Jane Rj-chel. Horns, b. c. by Solitaire II. Formella. Hour Glass, blk. f. by Rock Sand Hauiesso II. House Boy, ch. c, by Prince of Melbourne Housewife. Howdo. b. f, by Howard S. Belhlown. Iluda Queen, ch. f, by Blues Eucharee. Hugh Douglas, br. c, by Capt. Gains Arigato. Hugh Gray. ch. e, by Rowling Green Krl.-i dOr. Hugh W. Forbes, Jr., br. c. by Edinl6rough St. Ilughie Quinn, br. e, by Sain Lady Helene. I Inlcn -Breeze, br. e. by The Rlocknder Gareltra. Humbug, b. c, by Sidbow Nellie Rly II. " Hunter, b. c, by Niiurod Hattie W. Phillipina. Hvuin. ch. f. bv Pentecost Rose of Castile. Hynicka, u. c, by Semprouius Over. I I Wout Tell, br. or blk. c, by St. Sedua Miss Charlie. Iberville, ch. f, by Matchless Atheist. Ida Bramble, ch. f, by Bill Bramble Laura Logan. Ida Shaw, ch. f. by Golden Wishes I Know. Iduii, eh. f, by The Judge Piquanro. If IL. ch. f, by Bar le Due Dorothy B. Igloo, ch. f, by Ogden Tepee. Ike Bowers, ch. c, by Russell R. Maggie Bowes. Ima Davis, b. f. by L. B. Davis Graeie Gould. . Inehquin. b. f, by Cactus IL Fad and Folly. Inciter, ch. c, by Cesarion Incendiary. Inconstant, b. f, by Admonition Goclet. Indian River, b. f. by Stalwart East" India. Indiana, b. f, by Fidclio Elsburg. Inez Micelli, b. f. by Kamsaek Sister Regis. Inspector Lestrade, ch. e, by Burgomaster Trova-tora. Inspring, br. c, by Handspring Erminie. Instinct, b. f, by Woolsthorpo Fidel Youliu. Iiilerurban, b. c, by Lithos Lady Hamilton. Intimation, blk. f, by Semper Ego Inkling. Inwood. b. g, by Sir Dixon Marie Dccca. Iolri IL, b. f, by Darwin Wedgcwood Choucy Nancy. Irene Gummell, ch. f, by Contestor Mc-sah-chc. Irish Dan, ch. c. by Feniandino Aladay. Irish Shore, b. f, by Irish Lad Eastern Shore. Irishtown. br. f. by Irish Lad Gold Mint. Isidora, ch. f, by Isidor Auriesviiie. Isirose. br. f, by Isidor Itoek Rose. Islingold, ch. f, by Islington Golden Grain. Isom, ch. c, by Abe Frank Dead Cinch. Ivauson, b. c. by Ivan the Terrible Glenetto. Ivy S., br. f, by The Friar Celeste dOr. Ivy Social, br. or blk. f, by Admonition Rainy Day. , J. A. Snider, b. c, by Magistrate Lucille A. J. Doyle, br. c, by Oddfellow Crisscross. Jack Allen, br. c, by David Tenny Bertha Mc. Jack Driscoll, b. c, by Sain Miss Modish. Jack Ellis, b. c, by Sempronius Lady Balgowan. Jack Gum, lir. c, by Plutus Halmis. Jack Horner, ch. c. by McChesnoy Limoges. Jack Lamar, b. c, by L. B. Davis Cola R. Jack Mohan, b. c, by Deutschland Mrs. Bruucll. Jack Noel. b. c, by Gold Heels Syd-Ayres. Jack Raab, ch. c, by Sovereign1 Sweet; Memories. Jack Rain. br. c. by..AIlan-11-Dale Fiuinettc". -Jack tlie Sailor, b. e, by Standing Justine Morel. Jack Wainwrigiit, hlk. c, by Jack Point Lady Vincent. Jake Argent, b. c, by Jake-Sanders Argentina. .1 aojtios, b. c, by Ostler Joe Sue Chester. Jniic Doekery, br. c. by Rauuockburu Revoke. Jamina. ch. f, by Delhi Coppelia. Jace Mascot, br. f, by Compositor Mascota. Jane Thistle, b. f, by Knight of the Thistle Van-dora. Jnnie Ware, b. f, by Sir Dixon Olive Fant. Jasalina, ,br. f, by Jake Sanders Santalina. Jawbone, b. c, by Samson Jennie J. Jian 01. ch. f, by Fargo Velma. .Teano Keane, br. f, by St. Avonicus Mamie G. Jeanne Seguiu, b. .f. by Hurst lark Occiilent. Jeaunette, b. f, by Orlanilo Miss Boggiano. Jeannotte Lemier, eh. f, by Hurst Park Aintress. Jennie May, b. f. by Jim Benson Jennie T. Jenny Geddes, 1. f, by Cesarion Hull Down. Jerky, br. c, by Jim Kelljv-Susie Monmouth. Jersey, b. f, by Ormlcant Georgia Carter. Jersey Belle II., chl f. by Burgomaster Yorkville Belle. . Jesse Thompson, b. e, by Bonnie Joe Elsie Harris. Jessie Bramble, b. f. by i:ill Bramble Okla. Jessie Jenkins, ch. e, by Simon W. Hard Luck. Jessie Moore, ch. f, by Algol I.ady English II. Jessie Philips, b. or br. f, by Sam Philips Jetty. Jim Boiling, b. c, by Ben Bramble Aunt Carrie. Jim Caflrey. cli. g. by Loeohatehee Kane Cnflrew Jim Cass, ch. c. by Jim Kelly Queen Cass. Jim Christen, ch. e, by Ben Fehronbach Belle of Media. Jim Jones, b. or br. c. by Eddie Jones High-Hoe. Jim Milton, ch. e, by The Coinmonor Loyal Marie. Jim O.. ch. c, by Campus Sympathetic! Jim Ogle, ch. c, by Proper Miuta O. Jim Bay, blk. e, by Bonnie Joo Bosa Clay. Jingo, ch. c, by St. Simonian II. Kdna Jerry. Joe B b. c, by John A. Morris Monoyback. Joe Cantrcll, b. c, by Lamplighter Native Daughter. Joe Deibold, b. c, by Irish Lad distance. Joe Gaiety, b. c, by Martimas Miss Gaiety. Joe Knight, b. c, by Ben Stroine Fair Empress. John B.. ch. c, by Box Domino Noire. John Cunningham, cli. c, by Hinsdale Pegs Parks. John D. "Wakefield, b. i bv Jean Bereaud Adept. John Ed. ch. c, by Handsel Heartfelt. John Gilpin, br. c, by Buskin Isabiuda. John Heck. b. c, by Dick Welles Edna Shannon. John B. Clay, br. e. by Campus Miss Trappean. John .Bay, b. c, by Henry Skaggs Miss Van Noy. John Bobert. br. c, by Cesarion Flycatcher. John Bodegap, b. c, by Cederstroirie Miss Gabri elle Watts. Johnny, b. g, by Griffon Benenie. Johnny Pitts, br. c, by Knight of the Thistle .Merrythought. - Jonathan, b. c. by Tim Payne Gano telle. .Top, ch. c, by Jean Bereaud Anna Brooks. Joseph JL Martin, b. c, by Hatchet La Touraine. Josephine Johnson, ch. f, by Bowling Green Alma Glyn. Joshua V., br. c, by Monsieur de LOrinc Boll Call. Jubilate, b. c, by Quickfoot Pattruunia. Judge Howell, ch. c, by Lord Esterliug Merces. Judge Hunter, b. c, by Hyphen Ellen Hunter. Judge Sale, blk. c, by Baunockburu Augusta Victoria. Judge Snook, b. g. by Eddie Busch Sister Kate II. Judge Walser, br. c, by Voter Midge. Julia Armour, b. f. by Wadsworth Turtle Dove. Julia B., br. f, by Jean Bereaud Judith. Julia Hasan, b. f. by Cesarion Pocketpieee. July Fourth, b. f, by Tempo Nanihc Nolnnd. Jumping Jack, b. c, by Islington Spanish Match. Jumping Joan, b. g. by Gerolstein Cornelian. June B.. 1. f. by Clydeo Goodlight. June Belle, b. f, by Seuella lnlribelle. Junina. b. f, by Delhi Cap and Bells., Just Bed. ch. c, by Cunard Doris. Iust Bight, ch. c," by Captain Elder Queen of the May. K Kaiser, cli. c, by Cesarion Eliso B. Kanes, ch. f, by Foxy Kane The Thrush. Kansas Boy. b. or br. c. by Sais Kansas Belle. Kate Coventry, br. f, by SpringUeld II.- Nance C. Kate Farnham, b. f, by Abe Frank Bessie Bis-land. Kate K., b. f, by Peep oDay Wantage. Kate Sterling, cli. f, by Woolsthorpe-Sccholsea. Katherine Boyd, b. or br. f, by Handpress Kittv Kelly. Katie Trousdale, b. f, by Algol Mother Algol. Kay See, b. f, by Stranger The Heel. Kelwqod, br. c, by Kelston Stockings. Kenneth D.. ch. c, by Garry Herrmann Ellerdie. Keuola. b. f, by Kelston Pianola II. Kentucky Queen, b. f. by Box Arriba. Kenwood, b. c, by Knight of the Garter Lady Kingston. Kerosene, b. f, by Marchmout II. Gate Gorman. Kewanec. ch. f, by The Scribe Attelle; Kiber, br. f, by Bryn Mawr KIsbern. Kickapoo Boy, ch. c, by Joe Carey Hoffnung. Kickapoo. Lad. cli. c. by Joe Carey Chaminado. Kickapoo Lass, b. f, by Dentschland Belle Shot. Kickapoo Louise, br. f, by Lamplighter Canagnes. Kickapoo Bock, ch. c, by .Toe Carev Yantie. Kickapoo Sally, ch. f, by Lamplighter Simple Interest. Killamey Lass. br. f, by Irish Lad Sister Maud. Kimroc, b. e, by El Bio Key Contestrix. King Bright, br. c, by Star Bright Eleven Bells. King Broomstick, ch. c, by Broomstick Esteem. King Dixoiii b. c, by Sir Dixon Bosebay. King Doal, ch. c, by Yoritomo Tamora. King Dorian, ch. c. by Phelau Dorian Gluek. King Earl, b. c, by Inflexible Bellona. King Lear, ch. c, by Bannockburn Kings Lady. King Pyra, ch. c, by Colchester Pyra Lee. King Saxe, b. c. by Ypsilanti II. Beine de Saxe. Kind Sir, b. c, by Flambeau Flora Dora. King Star, ch. c, by Widower -Evening Star. Kiugcash, br. c, by Bowling Brook Alcyone II. Kipling, b. c, by Kilkerran Marguerite Hage-m.m. Kiss Me Girl, b. f, by Big Black Katie Clvde. Kltington, b. f, by Haddington Kitiand. Kittery, b. c, by Yankee Witfull. Kitty K., ch. f, by Gotham Bed Clover. KUty McCue. in. f, by Floyd K. Bridget McCue. Knights Differ, b. c, by Knight of the Thistle Indifference. Knight of Merci, b. c, by Knight of the Thistle Penitence II. Knight of Warily, ch. c, by Knight of Pearl-Warily. Kratz. b. e. by Mr. Jaek Honevcomb. Ku Klux Klan, b. c, by Mr. Jack Nina Simms. L La Casita, br. f, by Eddie Jones Bowena. La Cazadora, ch. f, by Bearcatchor Model II. La Luz. ch. f. by Lieber Karl The Light. La Boy Lissak, br. c, by Lissak Patter. La Vengeresse, b. f, by St. Lawrence II. Charlotte Corday. Labnn, ch. c, by Box Endeavor. Laddie, b. e, by Caldron Salora. Lady A., b. f, by Monsieur de LOrme Lampa-dary. Lndy Adele, ch. f, by Judge Denton Wahoo. Lady Allgreene, b. f. by Caniis Alice Morgan. Lady Avonling, b. f, by St. Avonicus Lady Athe-ling. Lady Bird. br. f, by Elsin Dollic Thomas. Lady Castino. ch. f, by Castine Dewine. Lady Commoner, b. f, by The Commoner Ouita. Lady Dolora, ch. f, by Maddalo Tommaletta. Lady Eastman, br. or blk. f, by Masetto Brooch. Lady Eunice, blk. f. by Yorkshire Lad Perfume. Lady Flat, b. f, by Flatlands Push, Lady Flo. ch. f. by Semorrostro Golden Aggie. Lady Friar, b. f. by The Friar Fate. Lady Gold, b. f, by Gold neels Lora. Lady Hampstead. ch. f. by Fatherless Adele Boo. Lady Hughes, b. f, by Ornament Spanker, by St. Serf. Lady Hyla, b. f, by Sempronius Hyla. Lady Lightning, ch. f, by Dick Welles Flash of Lightning. Lady Loundes, br. f, by Admonition Zera. Lady Lovely, b. f. by Abe Frank Add Ban. Lady Maiden, eh. f, by. St. Patrick Sensible Sally! Lady Mercy, br. f. by Salvation Lady Aritta. Lady Mint, b. f, by Ornament Ladv Hortcnse. Lady Monica, ch. f, by Plaudit Nahma. Lady Morello, b. or br. f, by Young Morcllo Sea Journey. Lady Nute, b. or br. f, by Cesarion Queen Isa-belle. Lady of Palms, br. or blk. f. by Masetto Palms. Lady Paramount, b. f, by Hastings Lady Languish. Lady Balston, b. or br. f, by Kalston Madieras Filly. . Lady Kandolph. b. f. by Slickaway Nerska. Lady Bankin, ch. f, by Leonid Belle Baukin. Lady Bavelston. ch. f. by Bavelston TItina. Lady Beif, b. f, by Bannockburn Uarda. Lady BIsner, br. f, by Nankipooh Miss Storey. Lady Sapphire, br. f, by Handspring Interview. Ladj- Soltykoff, ch. f, by Wadsworth Semiramls Lady Tokalon. b. f, by Marchmout II. Tokalon. Lady Winkrose. b. f." by Winkrose Cassandro. Lady Woodlands, ch. f, by nis Grace Lida AVood-lands. Lady Woodson, b. f. by Woodson Lady Logic. Lady Young, ch. f. by Henry Young Masker. I-iidyme, br. f. by St. Basset Mona K. Lajole. ch. c, by Nasturtium Thanks. Lake Tahoe, b. c. by Inflexible Golden Locks. Lamcda, b. f, by Sir Huon Ln Gascogne. Lammas, ch. c, by Martimas Santa Luna. Landtola. b. f, by Deutseliland Bertola. Larry ODonnell. br. c. by Irish Lad Ocvpete. Las Flores, b. f, by Bearcatcher Besignation II. Lasarita. b. f. bv Bey el Santa AnitaSeven Up. Lassie, h. f, by Knight Errant Amaranth. Lassie Dere. b. or br. f, by Buckvidere Ledaea. Last Kays, b. f, by Peter Pan Sundown. Last Salvation, b. f. by Salvator Slrathllower. Laura Latham, b. f, by Algol Laura Gaston, Lavender Lass, br. or blk. f, by Marta Santa Ar-tatiou. Laviuia II., cli. f, by Benares Xalissa. Lawn, ch. f, by Abe Frank Dolly Hayinau. Le dOr, ch. g, by Ailes dOr Talala. Ledalake, ch. f, by Mortlake Ledatrix. Leduc, eh., c. by Ort Wells Cognomen. Leesburg Boy, ch. c. by Grazlallo Miss Hastings. Lehigh; b. c. by Islington Komurasaki. Leialoha, b. f, by Bannockburn Maiellff. Lein Dale. ch. c. by Prince Esher Mamie Lou. Lcihan. ch. c, bv Dr. Curtis Annie T. Lena Burns. -ch. f. by Bussell B. Polly Hill. Lenora Wood, b. f, by Oriniar Louise Wood. Leoma, b. c, by Magistrate Lady Aintree. Leonard K.. br. or b. c. by De Sauet Only One. Leonora Pearl, ch. f, by Star Shoot Bewitcher. Lesbos, cli. c, h- Planudes Illthyia. Lctourno, b. c. by Hurst Park LUerty Bell. Lettie B.. b. f, by Lobos Spectre. Lottie Laue, ch. f, by Igniter Mintage. Lewis, ch. c, by Ornament Excellent. Lida George, ch. f, by Bannockburn Ocean Dream. Lieut. Sawyer, b. 5, bv Gold Heels Bose Pompon. Life Boat. b. g, by Lissak Sister Frank. Life Guard, ch. c, by Advance Guard Lady Lin-dele. Light OMLife, b. c. by Peep oDay My Gyps. Lilburne, ch. c. by I.oeohatehee Miss Lois. Lillian E.. ch. f, by Lord Esterling Valeriana. Lillle Whithorn, b. f, by Buskin II. Frances Dil-Jon. Lily Bart, b. or br. f. by Moorcroft Lotus Lily. Limbo, b. g. by The Commoner -Yankee Bose. Limousine, b. f. by Lissak Looking Glass. Lindhorna, br. f, by Elkhorn Lindemerc. Liona V., br. f, by Leonard B. Mollne. Listed, br. g. by Plauudes Ivory Bells. Lister, b. c, by Nasturtium Adorn. LIthazel. br. c. by Lithos Lou Hazel. Little Angel, b. f. by Galveston Divinity. Little Bill, br. c, by Handsome Sf. Pauline. Little Dan, ch. e, by Charcot Mary Morris. Little Dere, b. c, by Buckvidere Belle of Black Jack. Little Dutch, blk. c, by Nasturtium Dutch Barbara. Little England, b. c, by Stanhope II. Lizzie Elliott. Little Ep. b. c, by Planudes Elizabeth B. Little Erne, br. c. by Sain Rubescent. Little Had, b. c, by Haddington Little Kit. Little Jess, b. f. by Alcedo Big .Miss. Little Joe Morris, b. c, by Creation Lucille. Little Lucy, ch. f, by Silver Dale Silver Slipper. Little Marian, ch. f, by Ornament Easterllng. Little Nancy, blk. f. by Buskin II. Beplica. Little Nearer, b. g. by Golden Maxim Leonalla. Little Pal. ch. c, by Cunard Tower of Candles. Little Paul, b. c, by Sain Pranks. Little Pigeon, ch. f, by Handsel WInnetka. Little Bona, br. f, by Kings Guinea Bona. Little Seal. br. f. by Hono Gracelle. Little Tromp, eh. f, by Von Tromp Potencla. Liz Logan, b. f. by Jack De Mund Fairness. Lizzie Hoover, b. f, by Blitzcn Alma Girl. Lizzie Kendall, ch. f, by Magistrate Little Lizzie. Lloyd Wood. oh. c. by Koyal Hoceo. Lo Mio, b. f. by Mazagan Bertred. Loathly Lady. b. f. by Ildrim Lochaber. Lockola, ch. f, by Locket Landola. Lodela, b. f. by Bohemian Glass Longdella. Lomont. ch. f. by Lofrasco Jollimont. Lone Star, ch. c, by Sam Phillips De Bonne Grace. Long Ago, b. f, by Previons Decade. Long Bow, ch. c, by Ogden Busy Maid. Longacre, br. c, by Lissak Mattic Long. Longus. b. c, by Sempronius Mareto. Lord Common, br. c, by Fair Start Miss Common. Lord Dunbar, br. c, by Kilkerran Tapiola. Lord Leighton, blk. c. by Cesarion Fonsolette. Lord Lem, ch. c, by Kismet, by Melton Helen G. Lord Seco, ch. c, by Sir Hampton Scco. Loren. b. c, by Golo Siren Song. Louder, ch. c, by Serpent Dora Wood. Louis dOr. br. or blk. c. by Ducat Ebony Maid. Louise Alexander, b. f, by Orimar Mary Bess. Louise Henrietta, b. f, by Orison Cotton Queen. Louise Nunn. b. f. by Gold Heels Salvia. Love Day, b. c, by Peep oDay. Lovellght. Loveman. ch. c, by MaSterman Pride of Galore. Low Ball. br. c, by Yankee Gntta Percha. Lowe, br. c, by Bearcatcher Spiuosa. Luck Stone, b. f. by Bock Sand Lack-a-Daisy. Lucille Ilyman, b. f, by Alfred Vargravo Gay-hilda. Lucky Boy, br. c, by Ileno Luckless. Lucky George, b. g, by .Maceo Presentation. Lucky Lass, b. f, by Ormondale Lux Casta. Lucky Price, ch. c. by Lucky Charm Una Price. Luekv Start, b. f. by All Green Estmere. Lucky Wish. b. f, by Ogden Wish. Lucy Booker, br. f, by Yorkshire Lad Pattie Black. Lullng. b. f, by Conjuror Del Valle. Lulu Puella, b. f, by The Puritan Lulu H. Luna, b. or br. f. by Moorcroft naif Moon. Luna Beall. ch. f. by Abe Frank Ada Cook. Liua Estes. ch. f. by Palm Reader Lela Sadler. Lure, eh. f, by Octagon Lucy Locket. Lydia Lawrence, b. f, by St. Lawrence II. Lydia Darrah. Lynchburg, br. c, by The Scribe- Bose Washington. Lyne, b. c, by McGee Miss Emily. M Ma Mie. br. f, by Mazagan Simla. Mabel Durker, b. f. by F. W. Barr Quartre. Mabel Herbert, b. f, by Hawkswick Bit of Spice. Mabel King, ch. f. by Plaudit Hustle. Mabel Navy. br. f, by Eddie Busch The Navy. Mabel Virginia, br. f. by Ort Wells Dixarina. Mac Ian, br. c, by Giganteum Magdelane. Machintla, b. f. by Maddison Michapa. Mack B. Eubanks, ch. c, by Resolute II. Evergreen. Mad Pranks, ch. f, by Maddison Spanker, by Top Gallant. Mad River, b. c. by Etlielbert Goldie Cad. Madam Brown, br. or b. f. by Snatchor Thickset. Madam Coil. cli. f, by F. W. Barr Lady Gwynetb. Madam Darkness, br. or blk. f, by Miami Chief Madam. Madam Phelps, b. f, by Filigrano Fanny Bikes. Madge Brooks, ch. f, by Magistrate Nettie Brooks. Madrecita, b. f, by Mazagan Miss Finch. Madreperla, b. f, by Maddison LEtrenne. Madrigaletto. ch. f, by HavoC Bose Madrigal. Maggie Beaty, ch. f, by Bowling Green Lady Dotte. Magneto, ch. c, by Star Shoot Marie Frances. Magog, ch. c, by Matchless North Bucks. Magpie, ch. f, by Arnieath II. Madelaine. Maimie, b. f. bv Kilmarnock Prosaic. Majella. ch. f, by Carlton Grange Davelle. Major Wheeler, b. g, by Tlthonus Mae S. Marjorie Fleming, b. f, by Ossary Claudene. Mamie Taylor, br. f, by De Keszkc Lena J. Mamita, b. f. by Peep oDay Grizel. Mammy, b. f. by Sempronius Manola Mason. Manager Mack, b. c, by Garry Herrmann Nether-sole. Manasseh, ch. f, by Star Shoot Mistrust. Mandadero. b. g, by Mazagan Sekra. .Manola II., ch. f, bv Maddison The Cuban Girl. Mandy, blk. f. by Golden Boy Alteza. Mainly Zane, ch. f, by My Boy IL Mandamus. Mangon, b. or br. c, by The Puritan Blue Daisy. Marbellc, b. f, bv The Commoner Ma Belle. Marchlike, b. c, by "Scnella My Ladylike. Marco Lass, b. or br. f, by Marco Hampton Lass. Mareovil. b. c, by Cesarion Lady Black. Margaret Alice, b. f, by Contestor Miss Emdee. Margaret Hampson, ch. f, by Nasturtium Belle Bramble. Margaret Slofer, ch. f, by Heno Santuzza. Margery Jaque, ch. f, by Margravlate Miss Jaque. Mnrgerum. ch. c, by Burgomaster Margerique. Marian Norfolk, b. f, by Yellow Tail Princess Ilaidee. Marie Coghill, ch. f, by Wadsworth Agno. Marionel, br. f. by Fort Hunter Paplntli. Maritime, ch. f, by Seahorse II. Becky Bolfe. Mark A. Mayer, ch. c, by McGee Peace. Mark Huson, b. e, by Old Hutch Mary Pine. Marketer, ch. c. by Eiiiporiuin Tizzoncina. Marseph, b. g, by Mazagan Tormenna. Marshal Tilgbman. blk. c. by Aryan Clara Byers. Marshland, ch. c, by Golden Garter Marshmallow. Martre, ch. f, by Anak Tremnr. Martin Casey, b. c. by Bight Royal Callatine. Martin L. Clardy, b. c, by Boyal Aline S. Martins Best. b. c. by Bight Boyal Grief. .Mary, b. f, by Blues My Fairy. Mary Dalgetty, b. or br. f, by Quorum Silk Stockings. Mary Emily, ch. f, by Nasturtium Highland Princess. Mary Errant, b. f, by Knight Errant Little Mary. Mary Hampton, ch. f, by Boehampton Mary Hearts. .Mary Leo Johnson, ch. f, by Bonnie Joe Independent. Mary Lou. b. f. by Sharon Omella. Mary McClarity. br. f. by Golden Wishes-r-Bnftled. Mary O.. ch. f, by Boyal Peaches. Mary oDay, b. f. by Peep oDay Marpesla. Mary Queen, b. f. by Henther Jock Roserana. Mary White, br. f, by Sharon Miss Mark. Marybud. ch. f. by Armcath II. Meadowley. Marzo. ch. f, by Peep oDay Josie Cohan. Masalo, ch. c, by Salvado Miss Alice III. Master Edwin, b. or br. c, by Contestor Black-witch. .Master Jim. b. c, by Ornus Desdeniona. Mat tie Clancy, b. f. by Coburg Australia. Matushka II.. br. f. br Voter Ecatarina. Maud. br. f, by Golden Boy Carolina. Mawr Lad, br. c, by Bryn Mawr Mvstic Belle. Mnxentlus, ch. c, by Plaudit Maxilio Elliott. Maxine B., b. f, by Deering Lady Fltzsimnions. Maxsono, b, or br. c, by Maxulc Sonomis. May Boy, b. c. by Greemvays Best Norton. May Holland, b. f, by .McGee Huxie. May Showers, b. f, by Buekleya Dama. Mazard, ch. f, by Mazagan Monardav J McAlan, b. c, by The Commoner: Irresistible. McCargo, br. c, by Orsini Spangle. McClintock, b. c, by Peep oDay Marguerite Doyle. McCreary, b. c, by Sanders Nigella. McLoughlnu. ch. c. by David Tenny Zylpha. Meadowbrook Maid. b. f, by Charade Ella O. Meadowsweet, br. f. by Yankee Campo. Mediums, b. c, by Dr. MacBride Carrara. Meeteetse, br. c, by Satans Trick Pearl Diver. Meetcetse Gold, ch. c, by Satans Track Chastity. Meherrin, ch. c, by Dr. MacBride Brookweed. Melah. br. f, by Yorkshire Lad Quetta. Mcloway, b. f, by Alloway Melba. Menellk, blk. c, uy Bight Boyal El Poco. Mercury IL, b. c, by Hamilton II. Morelia. Merode, br. f, by St. Simonian II. Proud Daisy. Merry Beau, b. c, by Oddfellow Belle of St. Louis. Merry Chilton, b. f, by Chilton Merriness. Merry Christina b. or br. c, by Tithonus Xmas-box. Merry Mount II., ch. c, by Oiseau Bessie R. Metomkin, b. f. by Dr. MacBride Miss Hobson. -Mettapony, b. f, by Dr. MacBride Penny Ante. Mexican Kid, blk. c, by Jack White Annie Shea. Mexico, ch. c, by Marta Santa Catherine II. Midgie, b. f, bv Canopns Middle Dwyer. Mild Bose, b. f, bv Meddler, Jr. Sweet Flavia. Mildred F., b. f, by Moses Esther E. Mildred M., b. f. by Ban Johnson Albino. Mileage, ch. f, by Bock Sand Lady Madge. Millie Bower, b. f, by Billy Vice Ivy Potter. Millo, br. c, by The Judge Break oDay. Mimer. ch. f, by Solitaire IL Nellie Bell. MImorloso, b. g, by Mazagan Olive Hutton. Mina, ch. f, by Planudes Laerimae. Mlnaca, ch. f, by Lackford Danae. MInco Jimmie, br. c, by Bonnie Joe Mary Hill. Minette C, ch. f, by F. W. Barr Bow Legs. MInnewaska, br. f, by Sir Dixon Baroness Pepper. Minimus, ch. c, by Golden Maxim The Termagant. -Minna B., ch. f, by nawkswick Wild Dnck. Minnie .May, b. f, by Stem Winder Caroburn. Minnie Beynolds, ch. f, by Plutus Bessie Gum. Minstra, ch. f. bv Aeronaut Northminster. Mint, b. c, by Bock Sand Mem Sahib. Mirror, br. f, by Sir Dixon Merdin. Mission, b. or br. f, bv Rock Sand Misgivings. Misty May, b. f, by Plutus Dwarf. Miter, br. or blk. c, by Nasturtium Lady of Venice. Mizzle, br. f, by Kilkerran Raining Dew. Miss Anak, ch. f, by Anak Miss Caprice. Miss Cackler, br. f, by Rey el Santa Anita-Game Hen. Miss Crick, ch. f, by Crickdale or Cormorant The Bronze Demon. Miss Cummings, br. f, by The Mikado Dareza. Miss Flite, ch. f, by Golden Garter Carbon. Miss Genevieve, ch. f, by Bavelston Sweet Boe-derer. Miss Haley, ch. f, by Orlando Black Sis. Miss Himmel, gr. f, by Bearcatcher Ishtnr. Miss Inmau, ch. f, by Fpward Ethel L. Miss Jean, ch. I, by Dick Welles Passe. Miss Jessup. b. f. by Collector .Tessup Uliagon. Miss .Too, ch. f, by Islington Rose Prim. Miss Juneau, br. f, by Hurst Park Frahcla. Miss Kingsbury, b. f, by Deutseliland Loving Cup. Miss Lucille, br. or blk. f. by Aryan Eudora F. Mike Maloney, b. c, by Nihilist Little Cricket. Miss Menard, b. f, by nurst Park Adelaide Roy-cr. Miss Miller, b. f, by Miller Lady Premier. Miss Milos, blk. f, by MIlos Andala. Miss Milton, ch. f, by Maddalo Princess of Jessamine. Miss Muffet. b. f. by Greenan Sham. Miss Nile, b. f, by Nihilist Miss Shanley. Miss Nissen, b. I, by David Tenny Lady Hurst. Miss Oregon, ch. f, by My Prldt; Ella De Poy. Miss Pippin, br. f, by Lithos Apple Bloom. Miss Price, b. f, by Star Chamber Bethel Gray. iUss Quixote, b. f, by Don Quixote Woodland Princess. Miss Rhoda, ch. f, by David Tenny Jennie Gibb. Miss Rieke, ch. f, by Woodson Lady Keith. Miss Rbusa, b. f, by Altamax Rousa. Miss Boxy. b. f. by Ben Stroine Daisy Chain. Miss Russell Hindoo, b. f, by Hindoo Madame Hindoo. .Miss Sharper, ch. f. by The Sharper Lily Coffle. Miss Sherman, br. f, by Aryan Lithograph. Miss Sfabb, b. r, by Kingston Revelation. Miss Stannel. b. f, by Hapsburg Stanncl. Miss Thistle, b. f, by Knight of the Thistle Nautila. Miss Thorpe, b. f, by Woolsthorpe Her Ladyship. Miss Tierney, b. f, by Jack Point May Bud. Miss Vassar, b. or br. f, by Contestor Fannie W. Foriso. Miss Vivian, ch. f, by Wm. Wright Madam Gerst. - Miss Weiler, b. f, hy rianndes Lady Pepper. Miss Wiggs, b. f, by Nasturtium Merrily. Miss Woodson, b. or br. f, by Woodson Good Lady. Miss Woolford, b. f, by Singleton Bessie. Miss Wynette. b. f, by Cauopus Clara Wilson. Modern Prlscilla, br. f, by Modred Leenja. Modestle. b. f. by Lofra.sco Shimna. Modish Lass. b. f, by Yorkshire Lad Modish. Molsant. b. f, by Hamburg Ascension. Mollie Cad, b. f. by Mazagan La Calera. Molllc Kearney, ch. f, by Sir Dixon Olga Nether-sole. Mollie Pitcher, ch. f, by Star Shoot Semper Paratus. Molly Brown, b. f. by Marta Santa Golden Wings. Moloch, b. f, by Magistrate Mollie Carter. Moment, b. c, by Martinet Memories. Momoweta, ch. f, by Planudes Matanza. Mon Ino, b. f. by Martimas Festino. Monkey, ch. f, by Locohatchee Missing Link. Mono Lake. br. c, by St. Avonicus Sea Air. Monotone, b. c, by Bock Sand Lady Margaret. Monsieur X., b. c, by Burgomaster Xela. Montalvo, b. c, by Milos Dulcimer. Montana II., ch. g, by Hamburg or Burgomaster Monadonr. Montauk Nina, b. f, by The Sluggard Olga N. Montauk Ora, b. f, by The Sluggard Montauk Belle. Montillado, b. c. by Sain Lisp. Moon. b. f, by Bight Royal Lunar. Moonlight, b. c, by Beacon Light Princess Orna. Moorcock, b. c, by Moorcroft Lady Waterford. Moraldine, b. f, by Morales Orlandine. Morallght, b. c, by Morales Miss Golightly. Morgan Wilson, br. c, by Out of Reach Merri-well. Morris Sheppard, b. c, by Withers Annie Gentry. Morrlstown, b. c. by Marta Santa Caviet. Mortgyle, b. c, by Mortlake Ledalla. Morthenia, b. f, by Mortlake Athenia. Mortonia, br. f, by Mortlake Sidonin. Moss Rock, ch. c. by Bockton Roxane. Moth, ch. f, by Neponset Muscovite. Mother, ch. f, by Dick Welles Miss Melton. Motherkins, br. f, bv Six Shooter Remember Me II. Mozelle W.. ch.i f, by Withers Leonora .T. Mr. Bob, blk. or br. c, by Cesarion Ondalan. Mr. Man, b. c, by Masterman Miss MIcou. Mrs. Darling, br. or blk. f, by Peter Pan Bi-turica. Mrs. Schwartz, b. f, by F. W. Barr La Amiga. Mrs. Wagner, b. f, by Suin Bagshot. Mt. Pleasant, ch. c, by Judge Morrow Lolula. Muireall, ch. f, by Stalwart Miss Dolly. Mujer, b. f, by Hapsburg Florida Rose. Muskabite, ch. c, by Margraviate Tallow. Mustapha, br. c, by Orsini Zenana. My Princess, ch. f, by Ogden Drama. Mycenae, b. c. by Mazagan Sweet Marjoram. Myrtle, b. f, by Ben Howard Annie P. Myrtle Dale, b. f, by Handsel Ertnerdale. Myrtle May, b. f, by Campus Yellow Rose. Myrtle Soldani, br. f. by Namtor Lily Brook. Myrtle Van II. . by Colonel Matlltt Myrtle Van. Mystic, ch. c, by Prince Esher Gorgalete. N Nada Mas, ch. f. by Star Shoot nigh Degree. Nails, eh. e, by Popinjay Bessie Taylor. Nancy Grater, b. f, by Nasturtium Big Goose. Nannie McDee, ch. f, by Pink Coat Ruby Right. Napier, b. c, by Sempronius Lillian Fouso. Nardini. b. c, by Galveston Tillle S. Narfl, br. or blk. c, by Solitairell. Handsome Florry. Native Maid, b. f, by Irish Lad LOrient. Natusturtium. b. c, by Nasturtium Contessa. Naughty .Marietta, b. f, by Popinjay Lady Tre-bla. Naughty Rose. b. f. by Ort Wells Mary Glenn. Neale Reber, b. c. by The Chemist Mollie Reber. Nearby, b. c, by Waterboy Rank. Needy, b. f, by Luck and Charity Panlita. Neither, ch. c. by Lero Corinne Mitchell. Nelagonv, br. f. by Master Prim Guadalupe. Nell Wiggins, b. or br. f, by Henry of Navarre Honey. Nellie Kellv, ch. f, hy Jim Kelly Minnie Tosier. Nellie Ncal. ch. f, by Orimar Banality. Nello. br. f, by Peep oDay Thoughtless. Nellv. b. f, bv Lamplighter Matronia. Nerilla. br. f. bv Lighterman Audronike. Nettle Nash, ch. f, by Gymnast Sadie Dove. Never Land, blk. of br. c. by Peter Pan Anomaly. New Englander. b. c. by McGee Purltania. New Haven, b. c, by Filigrane Ethel Thomas. New Blver, b. c, by Yankee Lucy Glitters. Newcomb, ch. f. by Bcknlghted Maxllle. Newtown, ch. c. by Dunols Sagacious. Next, b. f, by Griffon Brides Gift. Niclas. b. c. by Sir Huon BInda. Nickey Lord, cli. c, by NIckey D. Nannie Lord. Nickle, b. or br. g, by Hastings NJminj; Nidad, ch. f, by Purycar D llerfha. Nigger V., blk c, by Nigger Touey Ida V. Night Dress, b. f, by Sempronius Dishabille. Nike, br. f, by Lamplighter Ragamauda. :Nile IL, b. c, by Nihilist Hard Heart. Nina 11., b. f, by Palm Reader Jaquette. Nino iMuchacho, b. g, by Smile Mexicanna. Niobrara Belle, ch. f. by Jean Bereaud--Rose-Miller. Niphrata ch. c, by Dave Waldo Eliza Jane. Nitroglycerine, br. f, by Gerolstein Cupidity. Noah, b. c, by Knight of the Thistle Llebe. Noble Grand, b. by Oddfellow Comuiena. Nola F., ch. f, by King Gold Lufra II. Nurma Girl, br. f, by Bowling Green Idlebridge. Nottaway, b. c, by Dr. MacBride Miss Skeggs. Nottingham, br. g. by Sir Dixon Beal Lace. M Notus III., ch. c, by Notus II. Black Satin. M Nubbin, br. c, bv. Conjuror Dorothy Duncan. W Nydla Bice, b. f, by Dr. Bice Travelling Maid. O O Bear, br. c, by Sain Hanetta. OKeefle, b. c, by McGee Dorval. Oakland, blk. c, by Bearcatcher Lavena C. Oakley Bice, b. c. by Dr. Rice Aurica. Obe, b. f, by Rock Sand Octoroon. Oceoquan, b. f, by Dr. MacBride Calamity. Ocean Blue, b. f, by Star Shoot Flying Ship. Ochre Court, br. c, by Ogden By Ways. Octai, cli. c, by Lokl Celestial Rose. Octllon, ch. f. bv Avalon Octavia. Odd Nymph, b. f, by Oddfellow Naulahka. Odclia, br. or blk. f, by The Friar Del-Hart. Odoza, b. f, by Oddfellow Coraza. Oklcmeua, ch. f, by Dunois Ada N. Old Chum, b. c, by Previous Katherine Moore. Old Crow, br. g, by Marchmont II. Three Per Cent. Old Hank. br. c. by Yorkshire Lad Oneante. Old Salt, b. g, by Seahorse II. Sallle Thomason. Old Times, b. c. by Kilogram Unfortunate. Omega IL, b. c, by Toddington Maqueda. On the Level, br. f, by Cherry Leaf Belle Plain. Once More. br. f, by Right Royal Found. Ondramon, ch. g, by Pan Lougin My Honey. One Twenty, ch. c, by Algol Amaranda. Onrico, b. f, by Sir Dixon Donna Bica. Onward King. ch. c. by Handsel Clare Duncan. Ora McGee, ch. f, by McGee Idly. Oranger, b. c, by Baclne Merry Darling. Orbicular, Jr., b. c, by Orbicular Judges. Orbiculation, ch. f, by Smile Orbed Maiden. Order of Dance, ch. g, by Tanzmeister Jessie Lee IS. Oreen, ch. f, by Ornus Jenny Monroe. Orimar Lad, ch. c, by Orimar Lulu Marr. Orion, b. f, by Star Shoot Cold Wave. Orlando Lady, br. or blk. f, by Orlando Louisville. Orlene, ch. c, by Ornament Pauline Derenger. Ornet, ch. c, by Ornament Claret. Orperth, ch. c, by Ornus Perth Center. Orpha Watts, br. or b. f, by Snatcher Miss Watts. Orphan Girl, b. f, by Peep oDay Carry Pearsall. Orphaury, b. g, by Fatherless Albertola. Orra Potter, b. f. by Billy Vice Mabel II. Orsinis Charm, b. f, by Orsini Charm II. Ortavo, b. f. bv Orlando Octavo. Orton, b. c, by Ben Brush Orton Dobbie. Osrita, ch. f, by Potentate Bonnie Osra. Ostentatious, b. f, by Ostler Joe Tallae. Our Gertrude, br. f, by Wm. Wright Emma Perkins. Our Leader, br. c, by Bryn Mawr Bossa. Outclassed, ch. c, by .McGee Class. Outram. b. c, by Delhi Gingham. Overlook, ch. c, by Ormondale Nancy D. Overman, b. or br. c, by Bock Sand Orienta. Overseer, b. c, by Lithos March Past. Overyonda, b. f, by Yorkshire Lad Mum. Owendale. ch. e, by Owonton Kdna N. Oxygen, eh. f, by Planudes Origin. Ozel, b. f, by John F. Blessed Damozel. P Palo. blk. c, by Eddie Jones Paloma. Pamelia, b. f, by Sir Huon Espanola. Pansa, ch. f, by Planudes Saratoga Belle. Pansy Perkins, b. or br. f, by Allowav Dolly Holt. Pardner, b. c, by Cunard Lady Bache. Parisian, ch. f, by Ogden Par Excellence. Pasadena Queen, ch. f, by Star Shoot Magna Charta. . Pascoe, ch. c, by Stalwart ;Piseco. Passed, ch. c. by San ton Fleeting Moments II. Passport, b. f. by Gone Coon Diplomacy. Patent Stopper, b. f. by Aeronaut Corker. Patron Saint, b. f, by Sain Patroness. Patruche, ch. c, by Broomstick Sans Parell II. Patsy Beach, ch. f, by The Irishman Ilallie Beach. Paying Teller, b. c, by City Bank Ossineke. Paytons Grace, ch. c, by His Grace Marriage Bells. Pearl Buckler, b. f, by Buckler Ethel Scott. Pearl J., ch. f. -by Magistrate Golden Rattle. Pearl Lewis, b. or br. f, by Jim Kelly Dolly Belle. Pearl W., ch. f. by Deutseliland Modwena. Pearline, ch. f, by Salvado Pearl II. Pecasta. br. f, by Peep oDay Lucasta. Peccadillo, b. f, by Hastings St. Prlscilla. Peeping, b. f. by Peep oDay Barbara Whiting. Peggy Flambeau, ch. f, by Flambeau Mistress Peg. Pekisko, ch. g, by Martimas Rosina Vokes. Pemberton, ch. c, by Jack De Mund Takalon. Penang, br. g. by St. Simonian II. Crownlet. Pendant, br. f, by Planudes Countess Irma.- Penobscot, ch. c. by Yankee Courtplaster. Pepperwood. br. f, by Eddie Jones Shiver. Percy Henderson, br. c. by Cesarion Lingerie. Perezoso, b. c, by W. R. Condon Babe Murphy. Perform, b. c, by The Roman Proforma. Peridot, ch. c, by Ornament Catcall. Persian Dance, b. f. by Pershore New Dance. Petelus, b. or br. c, by Peep oDay Myrtelus. Phil K., b. c, by Gold Heels Southern Girl. Phine. b. f, by Heno Riddance. Phoebe Annie Nowland, b. f, by Pats Choice1 Baby Kcifc. Pico, ch. c, by Stalwart Intrepidity. Piccadilly, b. f, by Ruskin II. Miss Ball. Piccadilly D., ch. f, by Jack Point Delia D. Pierre Dumas, b. c, by Hurst Park Helen Connelly. Pigie C. b. or ch. f, by Pigeon Post Miss Lisbon. Pilot dOr, br. c. by Robert dOr Pauline M. Piney, b. f, by Dr. MacBride Siberia. Pink and Black, ch. g, by Pink Coat Black Sleeves. Pink Cabin, cli. f. by Nasturtium Glove. Piiikota, ch. g, by Pink Coat Leota. Pinky, b. f. by Nankipooh Trouballne. Piping Bock, ch. c. by Inflexible Tenebrac. Piraya, b. f. by Ninirod Pira. Pirogue, ch. f, by Martimas Sampan. Pisano, ch. f, by Gold Enamel Lady Pontico. Pisgah. b. or br. c, by The Irishman Abble Kirk. Plain Dorothy, ch. f, by Planudes Dorothv Hampton. Planktank, b. c, by Dr. MacBride Resemblance. Plause, ch. f, by Plaudit The Hoyden. Pliant, ch. f, by The Commoner Flexible. Plum Creek, br. g, by Conjuror Perdenalis. Point Lobos, b. c, by Canopus Loboslna. Points One, b. c, by Four Points Bridget Mc-Bruiscr. Poker Deck, ch. c, by Mallory Queen Atossa. Poll. ch. f. by St. Dory Pirate Polly. Polly D ch. f, by Delhi Sorcery. Polly Grant, br. f. by Sir Dixon Josie L. Polly Pucelle, b. f, by Ben Stromc La Pucelle. Pnllyooly. ch. f, by Flambeau Driftwood II. Pops Aslnorum, ch. cj by Locobatchee La France. Pontcfraet, b. c. by Sain Toots Mook. Pony Girl, b: f, by Baldur Bepay. Porcupine, br. g. by Martimas Losiola. Porgus, ch. c, by His Grace Josephine Louise Daly. Posterity, b. f. by Fatherless Watita. Possessed, b. f. by Havoc Irish Witch. Potts Nevins, b. c. by Bannockburn Ida Kearney. Poquoson, ch. c, by Dr. MacBride Cloister. Pourquoi, ch. f, by Star Shoot Vassari. - Praetorian, b. c, by Star Shoot Maribel. Prairie Lass, br. f. by Peklu Jessie Faustus. Prairie Mont. ch. r, by Woolsthorpe Clog Dance. Preceding, br. g. by Previous Del Carina. Predilecta. b. f, by First Chip Kittle Tlatt. Preservation, ch. f. by Salvation Installatrlx. Presqne, b. f. by Kilogram Lovice. Preston, b. e, by Hamburg Eugenia Burch. Presumption, b. g, by Golden Maxim Proud Duchess. Pretty, br. f. by Ben Brush Prettv Maiden. Pretty March, b. f, by .Marchmont II. Pretty Dorcen. Pretty Soon. b. f. by Cesarion One Moment. Prince Chap. ch. c, by Lord Esterling MIss Alice. Prince Charming, br. c. by Ben Brush Fairy Slipper. Prince Conrad, ch. c. by Kismet, by Melton Kata Ccmpbell. Prince Lucas, b. or br. c, by Sam Lucas Queen Annie. Prince of Bohemia, b. g, by Prince of Melbourne Bohemia. Prince oDay, b. c, by Peep oDav Georgia Kinney. Prince Philsthorpe, br. c, by Woolsthorpe Lady Philura. Prince Polo, b. c, by Makaland Kittle Regent. Prince Simon, ch. c, by Handsel Alice Gray. Prince Toppy. ch. c. by Frankfort To- Girl. Printer Villa, ch. c, by Russell HIrn Villa Princess Dare. ch. f, by Prince Esher Revenge Dare. Princess Dixon, br. f. by Sir Dixon Miss Moore. Princess May. b. f, byGoldcrest Variant. Princess of Oraiige. br. f, bv Plaudit Claslier. Princess Stroine, b. f, by Cedetstrome Willis WHkes. Primdale, b. f. lr Maslcr Prim Sbanuoudale; P iutka, 1. f, by Win. AVrlght Mavoiirneen. Irivate Signal, b. f. by Adam Privateer. Pro Rcalis, 1. c by Proper Realista. Promise, b. f, by Ilermis Perhaps. Promised Laud, br. c, by Delhi Fair Vision. Proplo, b. c, by Proper Relsling. Prudence Pearl, b. or br. f, by Knight of Pearl Prudence. Puck, ch. c, by Plaudit Phantom Belle. I P.uggins, b. e. by Fatherless Sister Anna. Puncheon, ch. c," by Stalwart Uachael Allison. Purple China, ch. f, by Havoc or Ypsllanti II. Roval China. . Queen Bee, b. f. by Bannockburn Humming Bee. Queen Briar, br. f, by The Chamberlain Lucky Briar. Queen Lil, b. f, by Pekin Pawnee Queen. Queen Mother, b. f, bv Orvieto Sold Paste. Queen Ruth, b. f. by Ben Strome Sly Nun. Queen Sain, br. f. bv Sain Ora Bailey. Quid Nunc, b. or br. c. by AVoolsthorpe Dictynna. Quill, br. g, bv Bearcatcher Rose of Bengal. Quits, oil. c, by Lighterman Quintana. K It. G. Miller, b. c, by St. Lawrence II. Subdue. B. AW Boss, b. c, by Orimar Lutie Bamsay. Bacinex, b. c, by Racine Codex. Badley Bun, ch. c, by Kilogram Flurry. Baiuhuid. Jr., ch. e. by Rainland Chicarra. Bainona F., br. 1", by Gerolstein The Charmer. Random,- 1. f, by Conjuror Fanny Wilson. Bapaeiotis. b. f, bv Yankee Bapine. Bapid, b. c, by Haddington Bun Over. Batpiette, ch. c, by Hastings or Ethclbert Lady Itayon. . Bavanna, ch. f, by Dr. MacBride Nannie F. Raveal, ch. f, bv Bavclston Edna K. Bavel Dare, ch. f. by Bavelston Queen Dare. Bavcleon, ch. c, by Bavelston Buvia. Bavona, br. f, bv Bavelston Minourka. Bay Bov, cli. c, by Milos Miss AVilloughby. Buylene", ch. f, by Bobert dOr Kiowa. Bavmond P., ch. c, by .Magistrate Birdie Stone, Rein- Guard, ch. f, by Advance Guard Lambeth. Becall. b. 1, by Yankee Sister Stella. Beciprocity, eh. c, by Monsieur Betfucairc Nannie Hodge. Becomponso, li. c, by Orsini Compensate. Recover, b. f, by Blues Iiovctt. Bed Buck, ch. c, bv Rapido-Sweot Flowers. Bed Cotton, ch. c, by Lucifer II. Binnctta Cotton. Bed Haw, b. g. bv Griffons-Daisy Hawthorn. Bed Heifer, ch. f, by Gimcrack Miss Cora Mc. Bed Jacket, ch. c, bv Loeohatchee-Roxboro. Bed Laireymore, ch. c, by Phelan Dorian Temmy Bed Ranger, b. c, bv Lord Esterling Bosc Stiind-ish. Bed f. lv Bed Eagle Graternl. Bed Squirrel, ch. g, by Islington Smirr. Bed Stick, br. c, by Henry Young Trappist. Bcdloh, ch. c, by The Commoner Salaire. Refute, ch. f, by Armeath II. Reform Marc. Regardless. br. c. by Titlumus-Geneva B. Beina de Hampton, b. f, by Sir Hampton Beina de Los Angeles. Rcine Margot, ch. f, by Mexican Lady Navarre. Relationship, ch. f. by Hey wood Etna C. Remarkable, b. or br. f, by St. Mark Miss AVan-delolu-. Benetta 7... br. f, by Chant Cavaletta II. Beporter, b. c, bv Compositor Fame. Republican, b. c, by Stalwart Miss Canale. Restless Maid, b. f. by Smile Restful. Rex Chief, ch. c. by Magistrate Scncicne. Rev, ch. c, bv Tim Payne La Hlmlos. Rev Astro, b.c, bv Key el Santa Anita Astrolita. Rev del Shasta, 1. c. by Yo el Rey Shasta AVateY. Rev Del Syphon, br. c, by Yo El Rey Syphon Girl. Rey Shannon II., ch. c, by El Rio Rey Bessie Shannon. , Rhvlva. b. f, bv Aryan Crossy Gray. Rliigefarm, b. e, by Handsel Ting Yuen. Ridgeland, ch. c, by Deutscliland Park Ridge. Bio Brazos, b. c, bv Modred Helen Print, Blvcr Breeze, b. c, by His Grace Pardon. Bobert, b. c, by Stalwart Topsy Over. . Robert II.. b. g. by Prince Esher Grannie A. Roberta S., b. f, by Dublin Start. Rockhill. b. c, by Johnny Lyons Lovey Mary. Rockspring. ch. c, by Martlmas Springwells. Rocky Glen, ch. c, by Giraldo Miss Stickley. Rod and Gun, b. f, by Planndes Gunrod. Roger Jeaii, ch. c, by Jean Bcreaud Mary Rogers. Boland Pardee, b. c, by Milos Esternell. Rolanct, ch. c, by Stalwart Mary Zena. Roman Emperor, br. c, by IniicxlbleRoman Lady. Bomancer, br. c, by Cuius Romance. Romulus, ch. c, by AAidowor Lot. Rosa Gaston, ch. f. by Gaston Rosa Hums. Rose B., b. f, by McAddie Eonay. Rose Lawrence, b. f, by St. Lawrence II. Rose Mary Kane. Rose of Jeddah. b. f. by Cesarion Marcie. Rose Patrick, b. f, by Griffon Miss McLaughlin. Rose Sweet, It. 1. by Maxnic Sweet Rose. Rosemere, b. c, by Gigauteum Miss Itose. Rosery. blk. f, by Sain St. Rose. Rosie Again, 1. f, by Over Again Rosie Dillon. Rossallo, b. f, by Graziallo Rossair. Rossini, br. e, by Orsini Companita. Rosslvn. b. f. by AVadsworth Sicyon. Round the Moon, ch. f, by Lackford Lazy. Rowland Boy, ch. c, by Orlando Cometa. Royal Bet. br. f, by Bight Royal Buddhist. ltoval Chatter, b. c, by Right Royal Pow-Wow. ltoval Dolly, br. f, by Bight Royal Pretty Dolly. ltoval Jane, b. f, by Right Royal Janet N. Royal Lancer, ch. c, by Royal Kismc. Roval M.. ch. c, bv Royal Fond Memory. Roval Mack, b. c, by McChesney Royal Nun. Royal Message, ch. f, by Star Shoot Prinzessin. Royal Nettie II., ch. f. by Gymnast Royal Nettie. Roval Ollie, b. f, by Right Royal Ollie Bird. Royal Tea, b. c, by Right Royal Tee-Ky-Teo. Rubicon 1L, b. c. by Rubicon Genna. Rubv IL, b, f, by Stalwart Concert. Rubv Mack. ch. f. by Joe Mack Etack. Rudblfo, b. c, by Sir Huon or Batts AAatoma. Buet, b. or br. f, bv Signet Bine Back and Buin. Unfile, br. c. by Sam Philips, Truffle. Runabout, br. c, by Lissak Fulvia. Rush Order, ch. c, by Tongorder Flying Bess. Russell McGill, b. c, by Cunard AYinsomc AVays. Rustling, b. f. by Maria Santa Frou Froti. Ruth Esther, br. f. by Brigade Caithness. Bulb Jackson, b. f, by Cesarion Aanessa. Buth Bock. b. f, by Roekton Adriutha. S Sabina. blk. f, by Previous Komombo. Sadie Shapiro, blk. f, by Sain Divoiine. Sainliard, b. f, by Sain Hardly. Salntlv. ch. f, by Deutscliland Ohio Belle. Salantina, ch. f, by Gimcrack Lizzie King. Salberine, b. f, by Salvado Tlberln. Saldale, ch. c, by Salvador Lily Dale. Salesia. ch. f, by Stalwart Portia Swett. Sallic Sims. blk. f. by Bob Carter Fay M. Sallio AVard, br. f, by Singleton Belle Nutter. Sally Esher, ch. f, by Prince Esher Miss Launt. Saliiielone, b. g, bv Salvado Magnelonc. i Salrello. ch. c. by Salvado Clurclln. Saltigrade, li. g. by Mazagan Bcllegarde IL Saltou Sea, br. i". by Compositor Saltona. Salud. ch. c by Yellow Tail Torchon. Sam Clnre, b. e. by Samson Lioness. Sam Connor, ch. c, by Sam Philips Kntlieriuc e Connor. Sam K.. b. c. by Sir Dixon Semper dOr. Sam Stubbs, b. c, by Fcrnandlno Physic. Sampsol, oh. c. by Simon AV. Faytene. Samson Girl. b. f, by Samson Pensee Tristc. Samuel B. Meyer, ch. c, by Handsel Sallie Ap-ploton. SatiAntonio, ch. c, by Peter McCuc Nona P. Sand Brook, b. c, by Nihilist Katie Cromwell. Sand Bock. gr. or ch. c. by Bock Sand Motley. Sanddah, blk. c, by Yellow Tail Ortona. Sandrian IL. blk. c, by Burgoiuaster--Sandria. Sanil. b. c, by Altamax Prejudice. Sauford, b. c, by Kings Counsel Baby Dixon. Sanpoeta, br. c. by Santello La Poeta. Sans Gene, b. f, by Bock Sand Genevieve. Sanselta, ch. f. by Jim Kelly Santa. Snnvidea. b. c. by Santello Zalviden. Sapor br. c. by Bearcatcher Duesa. Sarah Chenault, br. f, by Marta Santa Highland d Queen. Sarcona. b. c, by Sempronius Rosethoni. Sarir Kirk. ch. a, by Balgowan Grand Lady. Sail. b. f. bv Havoc Satanic. Sauce, b. f. by Sorcerer Evelyn Kiilsey. Saucebox, b. f, by St. Lawrence IL iNancy y Brown. , , Saving, ch. f. by Nanklpooh Expensive. Savole. cli. c, by Peep oDay Idle Fancy. Savville. b. c. by Ben Strome Irvana. Scarlet Tanager, b. c, by Yellow Hammer Josii Ie Aallera. Scliolar. ch. c. by Islington Mary Stuart. Sehroeder, b. c, by Baiiiiockburu or Balgowan - Colleen Bawn. Schuri. br. c. bv Handspring Pensa. k Seorist. ch. c, by Druggist Scorpolette. W Scotlight, b. f, by Scottish Chief tain Swif Might. t. Scribbler, b. g. bv The Scribe Caprice. Scaled Order, br. f. by Tongorder Miss Morgan. l. Secrete, b. f. by St. Avonieiis Prudential Girl. Seelbacli. b. c, by Deutscliland Esther Rood. Sekano. ch. c, by neno Sekanet. Sekydsaw. ch. c. bv Strik!-a-Light AVinnlota. Seltzer, ch. f. bv AVire In Dialogue. Somiramide. b. f. by Ansilantl II. Semley. Semper Ipse. br. c, by Seinper Ego Lausanne. Senipsilla. ch. c, by Sempronius Clonsilla. Senator Mounts, b. c,- by Mainspring Tablet. Senator Sparks, ch. c, by Previous Veracious, I e d y Ie - t. l. Seifegamblun, blk. g, by Islington Lady Appleby. Senella Noon, b. c, by Scnella Nellie Noon. Scnox, ch. c. by Yankee Old Lady. Serpentaria. br. f, by Dick Welles Dixolctta. S Seven Stars, lj. c, by Griffon Blue Jacket. Shannon Lass, b. f. by Red Eagle Shannonside. B B. Sharp, lilkv f. by The Sharuer Ella AVadkins. She Knows, ch. f. bv Golden Garter Nemesis. ni Shellhurst, ch. c, by Meddler, Jr. Orange and Black. , D Khcmocuni, b. c, bv Pendennis May Stannard. Shepherd Boy. b. c," by Kilkerran llmarinen. Sheriff Bell II.. b. c. by Ornanicnt Louise. Sheriff Grueningcr, blk. c, by Deutscliland Laura F. Slieriff Nolte, li. c. by Sain Apozea. Sherlock Holmes, br. c, by Indexible Orsln.1. I Shillalali. b. g. by Chilton Green Erin. Shingle, b. f. by lldrim Shing-Ching. Shlrlev D., ch. c. by Leader Cactus. Shirley 0., b. f. by Lackford Noogs. Shore Dream, ch. f, bv Orme Shore Idle Dream. Shortv Skilful, br. e. by Skilful The Wasp. Show, br. f. bv Shapfell Eotha. Shreve, eh. c, by Potentate Puritan Girl. Sickle, b. C. bv Sempronius Fickle. Sid Love, eh. c. bv Mallory Duchess A I. Sidon, b. c. by Solitaire 1 1. Cattle Kate. Sierra Sadie, b. f, by Bavelston or Bey del Sierras Sadie Burcli. Sifter, b. or In-, f. by AAoolsthorpo Slf, Jr. Silas Grump, b. c. by Blues Ella Gay. Slltrix. b. c, by Sileo Detrix. Silver Link. b. c. by Golden Link Bonnie Queen. Silver Type, b. f, by Compositor La Plata. g Silver AVing. br. f, by Borgia True AVing. Sllvev Shapiro, ch. f. by Bannockburn Semolina. Silviiio, br. c. by Sileo Divina. Simulluni, ch. c, by Disguise Sandfly. Sinaida. lir. f. by Norborne Halcyon Cotlon. Sing Battle, blk. f. by Abe Frank Hindoo Queen. Single Dell. b. f, by Singleton Abbey Dell. Singlcman, b. c, by Singleton La Harpo. Sir Astvo. br. c, bv Sir Hampton El Astro. Sir Ballinger, b. c. by "Harvest Hazard. Sir Blaise, br. c, by Lissak The Pet. Sir Charles, b. c, by Out of Beach Naoma. l Sir Denrah, ch. c, by Peep oDay Miss Marconi. Sir Dyke. b. c, by Modred Nellie Spur. Sir Giles, b. c. bv Sir Huon Fedalma. Sir Luther, b. c, by AAoodson -Mac-huska. Sir Marion, b. or br. c, by Orsini Lady Marion. Sir Offenbach, ch. e, by Handsel Virginia C. Sis Siinson, ch. f. by Champlaiu Cranesville. Sir Aie. b. c, bv Kismet, by Melton Jewetta. Sister Blaze, b." f. by Jim Benson Terre Haute. Sister Florence, b. f. by Ornament St. Ursula. Sister J., br. f, by Eddie Jones Humidity. J Sister Mac. br. f. by Macy Georgia R. Sisto, b. f, bv Meddler. Jr. Miss A. Russell. Skeeter Bug, b. f, by Jack De Mnnd Mae Geo-gan. Sklllute. br. c, by Orlando Precocious. Skip-a-Gap, ch. c. by Glganteum Cntalong. Skirr. b. f. bv Stanhope II. Skirts. Skipvo, br. f, by The Skipper Yo San. Sleepland, ch. c, by Dolce Far Niente Land of the Free. . Sleepv Sal, ch. f. by Isia Lindula. Sleepy AVitch, b. f. by Unicorn Little AAitch II. Sleeth. b. c, by Deutscliland Merida. Slim Princess, b. f. by Sempronius Izeyl. Slipawav, b. f, bv The Sharper Isabella II. Slumber, ch. e. by I ley wood Sleepy Jane. Slv Lad, b. c. by AAatcrboy Salutaris. Smiia, eh. g. bv Smile Celluloid. Smith and AAesson, b. c. by Six Shooter Queen a Hay-Smith Butledge, b. c, by Mazagan Busy Lass. Smithereens, ch. c, by Yankee Flinders. Snarl, b. f, by Yankee Tangle. Snip Broncho, b. c. by Aryan Homa. Snippet, br. c, by Martlmas Black Bella. Socks, b. g, bv Shorthose Rhythm. Soco, ch. f, bv" Monsieur de LOrme Vgiics Weed. Sort of the AVind, ch. c, by Seahorse II. Come Along. Sonada, ch. c, by Star Shoot .Tanowood. Sooiier, b. c, by Serpent Omah AAood. Southern, br. f, by Lissak South Sea. Spanish Birdcatcher, blk. c, by Allleri Spanish Princess. Sparkling AAater, b. c, by Deutscliland Appol-lonla. Sparks, b. c, bv Tithonus AAindormere. Spiteful, b. f, by Orlando Little AVhit. Sot, b. f, by Little Speck Mahtorce. Spread Eagle, ch. c, by Yankee Bossignol. Spring Board, b. c, by Aeronaut Bettie Bouncer. Springfield Beauty, b. f, by Aurus Kenllworth Beauty. Sprite, b. f, bv AVaterboy Fairie Queen. Spy Queen, ch. f. by Northern Spy Mary Bruce. St. Agathe, ch. f, by Mexican Dissembler. St Keiitigerna. ch. f. bv Broomstick Estimation. St. Margaret, eh. f, by Orme Shore Lou D. St. Royal, br. e, by Right Royal St. Avonia. Staede. ch. c, bv Stalwart Hattie AValker. Stage Girl. b. f. by Sempronius Soubrette II. Stairs, b. c, by Banastar Outpace. Stalbria. b. f, by Stalwart Northumbria. Slalmore, b. c. by Stalwart Baltimore Belle. Stalwart Model, ch. c. by Stalwart Avon II. Stamps, ch. f, by Wadsworth Mary Graves. Star Doodle, b. c, bv Yankee Doodle Alma Toolln. Star Gift. br. f. by Star Shoot Carlotta C. Star Jasmine, br. f, by Ogden Star Cat. Star Bose, ch. c, by Star Shoot lliudoo Rose. Starland, ch. f, by Star Shoot Marina. Startling Lass, b. f, by Yorkshire Lad Startle. Stealaway, b. c, by Stalwart Tea Gown. Steam Boat, ch. g, by Martlmas Logan Water. Steeplejack, b. c. by Out o Reach Lady Augusta. Stele-lift, b. c, by Clifford Amstcl. Stella Shea, h. f, by Ale Frank Mabel Long. Stentor. ch. c, by Armeath II. Skadl. Step On. b. f. by Col. Day Step Onward. Steven Charles, b. c. by Ben Howard Silverthorn. Stilenllt. br. c, by Singleton Siren. Stimuli, ch. c. by Armeath II. Emotional. Stockade, cii. f. by The Picket Francolin. Stonebreaker, b. c, by Kougrock Aelvcteen. Stralhlad, b. c, by Yorkshire Lad Strathwitch. Strayed Away, b. f, by Pontiac or Bohemian Glass Castabout. Strife, b. c. bv Modred Little Margaret. Stylish Lad b. f, by Racemore Classmate. Suev Girl, b. f, bv Chop Suey Eva May. Sulphur Boy, b. c. by John Henry Peyser Trinity. Sun Kist, ch. e, by Gold Heels Kuhla. Sun Queen, blk. f, by Rock Sand Souriante. Sun Ip IL, b. c, by Hamburg Morningside. Sunlike, ch. c. bv Star Shoot Silver Blaze. Sunnv Dav, ch. c, by Peep oDay Ethel Collins. Sunnjrslde, b. f. by Nimvod Lucretia M. Siyistoiie, b.or br. c. by Rock Sand Souveraine. Surfeit, ch. c. bv Yankee Repletion. Susan A., b. f, by Pink Coat AVar Maiden. Susan Bolton, ch. f, by Golden Wishes Maria Bolton. Swodenburg, b. c, by Snatcher Maggie McBrui-ser. Swedish King, cli. c, by Bey el Santa Anita Swedish Lady. Sweet Cider, br. f. by Yorkshire Lad Port Wine. Sweet Felicity, cli. f. by Silver Dale Sweetest. Sweet Pickle, ch. f, by Henry of Navarre Sweet Charlotte. Sweetdalo, b. or br. c, by Maxnic Sweet Favcr- dale. Swiflwatcr Sal. oh. f. by A"o ol Rey Princess Winnemucca. Sympathy, ch. f. by Stalwart-Allanette. Syriuga, br. f, by Cesarion Lorelei. T T. P. Conneff, ch. c. by Rotterdam Dynasty. T. R. Sharp, ch. c, by Algol Rena Campbell. Ta Mauduc. br. c, by Masctto Maltese Cross. Tabby B., b. f, by Caiiopus Illuminating. Tabltosa. br. c. by Lc Premier Gray Bess. Tacie B.. b. f, by Bonus Best Mesa Tactics, b. g, by Hastings Merry Token. Tahonia, b. e, by Chnctanunda Garoga. Tnlawa, b. f. by Cesarion Espionage. Talford. b. e. by Colonel Maffitt Ella Martin II. Tanis, ch. c, by The Judge Maya IL Taper Time. ch. f. by AVax Taper Wasting Time. Tayona, b. f, by Deutscliland Caroline Hamilton. Tecla. ch. g. by Griffon Gonilike. Tempo Standard, ch. c. by Tempo Standard. Tennessee, br. c. by Masetto Aaln Glory. Tenotomy, b. f. by Meddler Hester Prime. Terrible Bov, br. c, by Ivan the Terrible nop-setto. Terrible Dan. ch. c, by Ivan the Terrible Glon-wallz. Tosross. b. f. by Annkeo Doodle Blaekblazo. Texas Oil. ch. g. by Yankee Sally K. Texture, br. g. by Meltonian Pennyworth. Thanatonsis, ch. c. by Floyd K. Queen Blaze, Thank You, b. c, by Brass Thank Haven. Thats .Aline, b. c, by St. Avonicus Queen All-ecne. The Bold Pioneer, ch. c, by Dolce Far Niente . Visnia. The Dune. b. c. by Lowan AValker Tippet. The Dutch Kitten, b. or br. f, by Deutschland The Kitten. Hie Eaglet, ch. c, by Star Shoot Queen Regent. The Feller, b. c. by The Major Rublana. The Irish Bailiff, cli. c. by Magistrate Nettle Mc. The Murraglt. br. c, by Bryn Mawr Alliambra. The OkTahoman. ch. c. by Nam tor LRdy Stewart. The Persian, blk. c, by Aollow Tail Babylonia, The Prince .Martin, ch. c, by Prince of Melbourne Price. The Roach, br. c. by Out of Reach My Eleanor. The Rind. ch. f. by Reminder Ethelinda. The Rump, ch. c. by Armeath II.-Renovah. The Scout, b. c. by The Picket Lenas Darling. The Stein, b. or br. g. by Gerolstein Nickname. The Aisitor, eh. f, by Monsicr de LOrnie Lady in AVaiting. The- AVhite Sign. br. f. by Kelston Drowsy. Theodora Reno, ch. f, by V. AV. Barr Theodora L. S B B. ni D I g l J Thirlv lAulv, b. c, by Burgomaster KiUIccr. Thistle lise, cli. f, by Thistle Do Rose of Red. Thistlemas, ch. c, by Knight of the Thistle Spcedmas. Tho Moran, ch. c, by Monsieur de TOrme Lida Thomas Boy, cli. c, by Del Paso II. Lady Thomas. Thomas Hind, b. c, by Gov. Foraker Nadage Dorce. Tliork, br. f, bv Puryear D. Prestene. Three Links, b. g. by Oddfellow Fairy Dell. Threla, ch. f, by Pinochle Miss Tliresa. Tick Tack, ch. c, by Tim Payne La Sinaloa. Tie Thomas, ch. c. by Abe Frank Alma Gardia. Tlerra Belle, b. f, bv Yankee DoodleReina del Tierra. Tiger Lily, ch. c, by Nasturtium Glorious. Tilford Thomas, ch. c, by Bonnie Joe Lady Lee. Tillies Nightmare, b. f. by Dick AVelles Winter. Tinnie D., ch. f, by Formastcr Beval. Tlnta, b. f, by Compositor Mezzotint. Tipsand, b. c, by Rock Sand Tiptoe. Tifzna, b. f, by Mazagan Sparkle. Toastrack, b. f, by Singleton Toseana. Tod Herrington. b. c. by Hawkswick Mica. Toddling, b. c, by Toddington Countess Pepper. Toggery, b. f, by Rock Sand Teas Over. Tom Fletcher, br. c. bv Rowling Green Occult. Tom King, ch. c, by Previous Mary Street. Tom Kirby, b. c, by Oiseau Alola Belle. Tom Ott, ch. c, by Nasturtium Meddlesome She. Tom Winn, b. c, by Tammany Mabel AAinn. Tommie Thompson, ch. by Peep oDay Ellan-gowan. Tonga, ch. c, by Mazagan Aggie Mardcn. Toothpick, b. f. by Modred Ethel Cox. Top Notcher, br. c. by Deutschland High Stepper. Torch, ch. f, by Salvado La Flame. Torchlana, br. c, by Heno Scythiana. Tough Boy, ch. c, by Bussell S. G. P. Tourist, b. c by Russell La Tour. Tracery, br. c, by Bock Sand Topiary. Tramore, b. g, by Chilton .Alabel D. Tranquility, b. f, by Ort AAells Halcyon. Travel Light, b. f, by Jean Borcaud Little Hackney. Traymore, b. c, by Peep oDay Miss Mae Day. Treeless, blk. f, by Ogden Yuletree. Triton, ch. g, by Plaudit Miss Angle. Trixie Hood, ch. f, by Gimcrack Kerrvllle. Trixie Leroy, ch. f, by Stalwart Depends. Tropaeolum, ch. c, by Nasturtium Fair Annct. Tropical, ch. c, by Africander Florada. True Blue. b. or br. f, by Hastings Miss Gussie. True Step. ch. f. by Handsome Independence Day. Tubby OFarrell, ch. f, by Redwood Montauk Bess. Tula Gratton, b. f. by Cederstromc Nutterwell. Tule, 1. c, by Canopus AVilda. Tuli. b. c. by Loki Actine. Tunisia, cli. f, by Mazagan Stheno. Turbo Turbas, b. c, by Bannockliutn Pas Encore. Turnover II. . b. g. by Hamburg Flip Flan. Turquoise, cli. f. by Rock Sand Tarpcia. Twain, ch. c, by Dr. Curtis Mozette. Twenty-one, ch. c, by Aoter Bettles Deceiver. V Ulfrun, b. f, by Solitaire II. .Monrovia. Ultra Marine, ch. f. by Pentecost Submarine Uma, b. f, by Joe. Carey Ursula II. . Uncle Henry Harrison, br. g. by Aeronaut Netta. Uncle Zeke, ch. c, by Cast Iron Flora McFlitnsey. Union Arms, ch. g, by Planudes Lambent. Union Maid, b. f. by Avalon Rlack Maid. Upright, ch. c, by Standing 111 Turco. Uranus, ch. g. by Rurgomaster Urania. Ursula Emma, b. f, by Broomstick Admittance. Utmost, 1. c, by Garry Herrmann Utilltas. V .Aal Hampton, ch. c. by Sir Hampton Aaliente. Aalhal, br. c, by Puryear D. Ileadtlowcr. Aalley .Aalo. ch. f. by Martimas Firewater. Aan Horn, ch. c, by Ivan the Terrible Arau Tassel. Aan Rensselaer, b. c. by Dr. Curtis Strawberry. Aanir, ch. c, by Solitaire II. Sevens. 1 Aanitn, b. f. by Joe Carey Maucb. A!ashti, b. or br. f, by Segario Mahal. Aclva, b. f, by Lobos iMay Mattison. Aena, b. f. by Discus! Kenclieata; Acndees Gift. b. c, by Dlendonne La Aendec. Aenti, br. or blk. f, by Cast Iron Best AVlshes. Aera Carter, b. f, by Pirate Carter Sylvia Johnson. Acra Kcssler, ch. f. by Heno Far fa 11a. Arera S., ch. f, by Harold Melrose; Flash of Injury. Aerdetta, b. f. by Kilkerran .Tany Monroe. Aery Apt. b. f. by -Ardington Aeronitpie. Aesper, ch. f, by Stanhope Aestal. Aestibnle, b. or br. c. by Rock Sand Lady Aiolet Aic Gilbert, ch. c, by David Tenny Lulu IV. Aictor Fiat, ch. c, by Flatlands Aictoria, Aictor Lee, ch. e. by Bon Bramble Lytalls. Aigorous, ch. c, by Hermis -Aictoria M. Alley. br. c. by Marta Santa Maid of Fortune. Ailcys Cripple, ch. c. by Marta Santa Thespia. Ailmas Darling, br. f, by Jean Bereaud Ailma. Aimur, b. f, by Solitaire II. The Peeress. AMnita. I, f, by Chappaqua Francesca II. AMola Aail, br. f, by Jean Bereaud Larapovcr. Airgil C. b. c, by Sempronius Enid. Airgihia AAitch, b. f. by Mastermau Graceville. AIsible. br. c, by Prosnero Conspicuous. Aoladay. Jr., b. c. by Aoladay Kismet Queen. Aolund. b. c, by Solitaire II. Magdalenas. Aoii Blon, br. c, by Fernandino Mrs. Columbia. Aoyageur, b. c, by Yorksliire Lad Bon Aoyage. AV AV. F. Stovall, till. C, by Hcrinence Katy of the West. j W. II. Boody, blk. c, by Peep oDay May Bee. AV. H. Ford. b. c. by Cesarion Night Gown. AV. L. Stanficld, b. c, by F. AV. Barr Mulwells. AVacliestcr, b. c. by Colchester AAalthaui. AVadsworth IL. b. c. by AViulsworth Gold Rose. AAalachia, b. c, by Ypsllanti II. Xenia. AValking John. b. g, by Nimrod Metropolis. AValter P.., br. c, by Bryii Mawr Bluette. AValter Scott, ch. c, by Stalwart Lady Hope. AVanderlust, ch. e, by Racine Lileou. Wanopus, b. e, by Canopus Helen AV. II. AAanua. b. f, by Altuuiax Ella Boland. War Horn, b. or br. c, by St. Avonicus Eonlc. AVar Path, ch. c, by Planudes Lady Schorr. AVarren Parker, br. c, by Monterey Dixie Paradise. AAaskita, b. c, bv Orimar San Domingo. AVastclla, ch. f, by Abe Frank Linger Lucy. AAatchword, ch. c, by AVatehman Lucy AVnrd. AAax Lock, br. c, by AVax Taper .Miss Sliyloek. AAavbehind, b. g, by LoIkis Nita Mohler. AAeldship, ch. g, by Seahorse II. Moon-daisy. Werlin. br. or b. c. by AAernberg Callina. Western Princess, ch. f, by AAidowor Aquatilia. AVestmoreland, b. c, by Ethclbert Curlew. AVheclwright, b. c by Mazagan My Beauty. AAMiit Again, br. or blk. c, by Over Again Spring Lear. AVhite Caps, ch. g, by Martlmas Splash. AVhite Heat, I, f, by Hastings AVhite Thorn. AAhite Plains, b. c, by Hamburg Sans Penr. AViekCd Nell. ch. f, by Did Spin Dink Davis. Willi Bear, ch. c, by Bearcatcher Captivate. AVild Bill, ch. c, by AVool Soap Ting Fang. AAIld Fern, br. f, by St. Avonicus Physalls. AVild Man, b. c, by Krutsch AVild Katie. AVild AAest, gr. c. by Macv Espuella. AVIldwoed. ch. f, by Ethelbert Woodvine. AVilhite, br. c. by Radford Determination. AVilev, b. c, by Fatherless AIglle. AVill Tell. br. f, bv Piospero Little Ruth. AVlll AVallace, ch. c, by Magistrate Maud AVal-lace. AVilliani B., br. c. by Gerolstein Unadaga. AVilliam the First, ch. c, by Charcot Pretty Betty. AVillie the Rambler, cli. g, by Clan Campbell Louie Mc. AAillma AA"., b. f, by Sam Lucas Mestiza. AAilly Xilly, br. c, by Tithonus Enameline II. Wilmot, ch. c, by Nimrod Lady AVilmot. AVindstorni, eh. c, by Coderstrome JIald of Tra-iee. Wlneliaven. ch. c. by Tim Payne Ardiente. AVInifred D., b. f, by Knight of the Thistle La Wanda. AVinkgirl, b. f, by Buekleya AAink. AVinkler. b. c, by Litlios Lady Winkle. AAinnlng Girl, b. f, by Bohemian Glass AVinning Over. Winnie G.. ch. f, by Handsel Alvaretta. AVinning AAitch. b. f, by Broomstick Sue Smith AVinona AAaslimiga. br. f. by Namtor Duskston. AAitness, b. c, by Deutschland Testimony. AAolf.s Baths, b. c. by Cesarion Retained II. AVondawhy, b. f. by Sempronius Fairy Bird. AVouder Boy, b. c. by AVatereress Doiina de Oro. AAood Dove. ch. f. by Cunard Grail. AAooilsko. blk. c. by AAoodson New Scotia. AVoolda, b. or br. f, by AAoolsthorpe Lady Aur-Inda. AVoOlgate, ch. c, by AAoolwich Sea Gate. AVoolora, ch. c, by Woolsthorpe Ora Lee. AVooltex, b. or br. c. by Woolsthorpe Al Lone. AAooIvol. b. f. by AVoolsthorpe Aolma. AAorklng Lad, b. c, by Yorkshire Lad Called Back. AVorth.b. or br. c, by Knight of the Thistle Miss Hanover. AAratli, b. g, by Conjuror Hatred. AVriter. ch. c. by The Scribe Serena. AAyandot, ch. c, by Plaudit AVhyota. AVynoiieen, blk. f, by Morpheus Mary L. Y Yamada, b. f, by St. Florian Involved. Yankeelotus, ch. f, by Yankee l-ofus. . Aanker, b. or br. c, by Yankee Femesole. Yarico, b. f, by Bowling Brook Indian Lass. Yates, blk. c, by Serpent Azuba. Yellow Eves, ch. c, by Golden Garter Lady Amelia. Yes Sir, b. c, by Jocund Chenowee. Ymir, b. c, by Puryear D. Aya. Yo El Reyne, b. f, by Yo El Rey Intimc. Ao Pucdo, b. c, by AA". R. Condon Lone Princess. Aonson. b. c, by Snatcher Belcher. Yorkshire Boy, blk. c, by Yorkshire Lad Indolent. You Know. ch. c. by Prospero Queen Florentine. Young Pansy, b. c. by Henry Young Pansy King. Young Sqdaw, b. . by Mizzen Yiiqul. Yuma Boy, b. c, by Starlight Josie AVood. Yvonne, cli. f. by Box Elise. Z Zagatai, b, c, by Tho Puritan Mollio Hickman. Ziigobla, b. c, by Plaudit Countess AVanda. Zandla. b. f, by Conjuror Aalarosa. Zane Grey, b. f, by Inflexible Orellana. Zapotec, b. c, by Macy Sweet Aolce. Zariou. b. c, by Cesarion Carrie Jones. Zetio Alonzo Kio, ch. c, by St. Helena II. Full Dinner Pall. Zini, b. c, by Irish Lad Giiadalite. Zimri, b. f, by The Judge Saccharate. Zitelle, ch. f. by Royal Ora Z. Zone, b. or br. c, by Meddler, Jr. Mary Custis.