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SOCIAL PLANS FOR LATONIA. Cincinnati, O., May 10. A now social order will prevail during the coming spring meeting at Latonia, beginning Juno 10. General Manager John Hach-moistor has turned over the Latonia clubhouse to a eommittre of live, consisting of W. W. Ramsey, Charles J. Christie. William A. Stuart. Harry Stephens and Clougli Anderson, who will have charge of the task of reorganizing an institution that in former years had great social prestige. This committee has every reason to believe that all of the glories bf old Latoiiia will be revived when the bugle calls the Jiorses to the post for this seasons opening. The committee, which has the power to increase its number, has effected a temporary organization by choosing W. W. Ramsey as chairman and Charles J. Christie secretary. The new club will be known as the Latonia Jockey Club and reign supreme in the clubhouse, which will be closed to all except club members and their gncsts. It is something distinct and apart from the Latonia Agricultural Association and the stockholders of the latter lwdy will not he allowed the use of the clubhouse unless accepted as members of the Latonia Jockey Club. All the offices of the Latonia Agricultural Association will be located in a new building, which is now being erected adjoining the paddock at the end of the betting pavilion. The committee will hold several meetings in the near future and expect to have quite an enrollment before a permanent organization will 1h; effected. In days gone by the racing meeting at Latonia was considered as one of the social affairs of the year. The clubhouse was always crowded with the best society of this vicinity, mid many pleasant little affairs occurred from time to time. But in the past few years the social prestige dwindled and finally became a negligible quantity. Witii the reorganization of the Latonia Jockey Club it is expected that all of this will lw revived and that Latonia will again resume its place as a social center. The committee is enthusiastic and expects to have little trouble in accomplishing this desirable result.