Mutuels Popular In British Columbia., Daily Racing Form, 1911-06-08


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MUTUELS POPULAR IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vancouver. B. . June 7. — Although the Victoria Country Club countenanced the bookmaker during the recent meeting at Victoria, the Vancouver .lookoy Club anil the British Columbia Thoroughbred Association, which will control the racing at Minora Park this summer, will have only the pari-inutuels in operation. There will be no books or pools at the track. The provisions of the Miller bill will be adhered to strictly and no llqaor will lie allowed on the grounds at all. All employees of the KSSO-• iatioits this year will be Vaacourerttes. The two Vancouver associations have expended already be twi-en tlu in,000 in bringing horses to British t olumbia. The pari mutuel system of lietting made a hit with the followers of the thoroughbreds who attended the laces of the Victoria Country Club according tn tin- horsemen who have returned from the capital for the summer season here. The public was lukewarm towards the new system of wagering at the stall, but the machines became extremely popular tnwards the end when it was conclusively shown that the mutuel method paid much better odds than the bookmakers. Ou the closing day a total of 9,863 was handled in the machines. For the coming meeting at Minoru Park there will tie ten machines in operation. For straight betting there will be four ma. bines of 0. kg, and denominations. For place wagering there will lie three machines at . . and . and for show bets there will also be three machines of the same denominations. Robert Leighton. who officiated as secretary and bandicapper at Victoria, is enthusiastic over the possibilities of the mntuel system. Judge Leighton will have charge of the details of the racing during both of the Vancouver meetings and other officials will be as follows: Presiding judge. T. J. Wellman. clerk of the scales. Phil Reillv. starter, Joseph Weber. The Victoria meeting eras a decided social success. The private boxes were occupied all the time by the elite of the capital and the meeting was honored by the presence of the lieutenant governor and suite as well aa many members of bar and 1 ench. The officers from the barracks were also conspicuous. According to Judge Leighton. the best class of I hi ms thai ever raced at Minnru Park will be lure. lie expects thai altogether there will be available about 300 thoroughbreds. On three days the attendance was of record proportions. Recent arrivals include eight horses from algary. as follows: Tripping and Tom Keating, owned by Slokes ft McDonald. Elodia B. and W. V. Brumby, owned by .1. R. Smith, Hay Boy, the pioperjj of D. Campbell, and Nellie Racine. .Tosie S. and Clover Leaf, belonging to .1. Alford. From Victoria came W. r. lines Clorio. Pit a-Pat and Galvonia. Prank -i ■Tarrars Bean Man and Meddling Hannah. .1. Greens Phillatlna and Voladay, Jr., and C. P. Lamars Arlonette. Thistle Belle and Dr. Boiline. The- Vancouver Jockey Club has announced as one Of the features for opening day. Saturday. June lo. the first steeplechase race ever run at Minnru Park. It will be known as the Inaugural Steeplechase and will be at a distance of two and a quarter miles over- fourteen jumps. The race will be confined to horses owned by members of recognized hunt clubs and will be the forerunner of a regular series of i toss ciiunnv events. The course is practically com pleted now and little work is required to put the jumps in tii St class condition. Garrlty and Dunlop have arrive. 1 from Victoria with Ocean Queen. Toller. Barney oldfield. loin McGrath and Mauritania, and F. D. Howard is here with Jack 1aiue, ligeut and Lyte Knight.

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