Louisville Finishes Are Close.: Bourbon Beau Wins Handicap with Ease, but Other Races Are Marked by Stirring Struggles., Daily Racing Form, 1911-06-08


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LOUISVILLE FINISHES ARE CLOSE. Bourbon Beau Wins Handicap with Ease, but Other Races Are Marked by Stirring Struggles, Louisville. Ky.. June 7. — Spirited finishes marked the running of all the races this afternoon except in the handicap and furnished the big attendance excellent entei tiiiiiment. The handicap went to the vastly improved Bourbon Beau, which graduated here into the handicap division with his maiden vie lory. He was clearly the best of his field at todays wight allotments au.l won as his rider pleased eight lengths in advance of Slimmer Night ami Lea meiice. John W. Schorrs John Reardon was well backed by his stable connections, but ran below expectations and finished a distaut trailer. Tlie exciting contests began in the opener when Wilitergreen. Melvor and Al Muller figured in a strenuous stretch struggle and landed noses apart in the order named. Wilitergreen suffered interference, but was lucky to squeeze through along the inner rail. Melvor was probably beat, but was forced to go wide for most of the way. Kennedy on Al Muller was held responsible for the interference with Wilitergreen and the judges fined him 00 with a caution that repetition of the offense would mean suspension. Interference played a prominent part in the failure of Free Lance, favorite for the second race. The colt was forced almost to a standstill soon after the start to avoid going down and could never recover the lost ground, which accounted for his failure to secure any part of the purse. The winner turned iqi in Foxbrook. owned by Capt. K. B. Cassatt. in a close finish with Cheer Pp. The pair of final contenders always had clear sailing and .1. Mclntyre. who was astride the winner, seemed to be the chief offender in causing the crowding. Doubt as to his blame caused the judges to refrain from fining him. W. G. Vanke followed up his recent successes when Swish led her company for the entire distance in the third race. Mockler and Melton Street nc counting for tin1 minor pOfthMS of the purse. Irishtown and Bardie, both of which were outsiders, engaged in a spirited stretch battle in the fifth race and jockey Houses superior riding ability prevailed and enabled Irishtown to win by a nose. The next five were in a huddled group, Booby lead ing. with the favorite. American Girl, weakeuing almost to a walk. Palca.la and Forehead fought out the issue in the final race, a mile and a quarter affair, which engaged sonic useful platers. It was nip and tuck lietween the leaders throughout the final quarter and Gooses skill again counted, for he" landed Falcada in the van in the last few strides. Loftus also rodi a creditable race on Forehead, but probably made the mistake of taking Zienap too seriously dining the early running and making a bit more use of his mount than he should have. Todays visitors included II. K. Knapp. a steward of the Jockey Club. He was shown over the track and the operation of the mutuel system of betting was explained to him in detail. He expressed admiration over the systematic manner in which the betting is conducted. Mr. Knapp would not express himself on the eastern situation beyond volunteering the information that for the present the pending bills in the legislature are being held up and that horsemen sic hopeful of a meeting being conducted at Saratoga. Secretary Lyman H. Davis received information today from his home in Covington that his wife had given birth to a son. After being given a preliminary trial of a mile and a quarter, in preparation for the Latonia Derby. Capt. K. B. Cassaits good filly, lleatherbrooin. broke down, hopelessly, it is feared, and she will be shipped back to tlu- Cassatt farm at Chester-brook. R. J. Mackenzie, the wealthy Canadian who is raciug a big string of horses here in charge of Jack Atkins, was among todays visitors. It was his first visit to the course and he immediately be came enthusiastic over the mutuel style of betting. Henry McDaniel intends to give Anion plenty of opportunity to recover from his recent illness anil will not attempt to race him until the fall meetings in Kentucky. Manager Winn, who lias been suffering from an acute attack of indigestion during the last few-days, was at the track this afternoon. There were numerous departures for Latonia during the day. including part of H. C. Hallenhecks and T. C. McDowells horses. Among this mornings work-outs were the following: Barn Dance — Five-eighths In 1:065. Beach Sand— Mile in l:48f. Ben Double — Five-eighths in 1 :09. Ben Prior— Half mile in 50. Bettie Sue — Five-eighths in 1:06s. Bodega — Five-eighths in l:06j. Clearwater — Five-eighths in 1:04. Dilatory— Half mile in 49. Duqtiesne — Five-eighths in 1:0S. Euclid — Three-eighths in 37. Intrinsic — Mile in 1:45. Jeanne dAxc — Half mile in 50J. Joe Morris — Mile in 1:43. Mark A. Mayer— Three eighths in 88f. Mary Emily— Five-eighths in 1 :i7. May Holland — Three-eighths in .« ;. Mud Sill — Mile and a quarter in 2:123. Fractional: 20?. 53. 1 :18ft, 1:45§. Old Boy— Half mile in 4!. Plan Rvan— Mile in 1:44. Prince Gal— Half mile in 51?. Roberta — Five-eighths in 1:03. Sureon— Five-eighths in 1:02s. Wing Ting— Mile in 1:43?.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911060801/drf1911060801_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1911060801_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800