Notes Of The Turf., Daily Racing Form, 1911-06-08


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NOTES OF THE TURF. W. I*. Cisco has arrived at Latonia with White Wool, a Derby candidate. Trainer Mose Newman announces that Uncle Ben will be a starter in the Latonia Derby, and Jockey J. Roomy has been encaged to ride the colt. The 1rix Onesiineuguado. valued at ,000, was run at l.e Tremlilay in France yesterday, and won by W. K. Vanderbilta Hessian. In the 1rix dn Breau the same owners Mirambo finished second. Some useful horses are now on slarter Mars Cas-sldys schooling list at Churchill Downs, including Douau, Melisande, Ethel 1.. Albeit Star. Kittcry. La Cazadora, lima. Nan Ferguson, Stick 1in and Ozana. Fashion Plate has perhaps run his last race. He came out of his contest of last Saturday at Churchill Downs virtually broken down. His owner, II. K. Knapp. lias been communicated with, and trainer Karrick thinks he will be ordered to send the horse to La Belle Farm, near Lexington, to go into the fatud. Seven horses which Ed Gay lord had at Churchill Downs in charge of trainer Karl Linnell, including Court Lady. Marigot and Big Stick, have been resold to Mr. Linnell by the Colorado turfman and the latter has gone to his home at Cripple Creek. He now owns only two horses in training, the high-class two-year-old Anion and the four-year old colt. Setback, which will continue to be campaigned for him by trainer Henry McDaniel at Latonia and iu Canada. "A S]ortsinan" writes that he has seen the statement that a days races at Woodbine took only 9 minutes 2 2-o second*, while he has totalled up the official time announced in each days results and finds it to be as follows: May 20. 13:48; May 22, 12:;:4: Mav 23, 13:33ft; May 24. 13:30; May 25, 33:22?.; May 20. 16:22?,: May 27. 15:01?. He wants to kno-w how the official times could be from four to seven minutes wrong each day. I cant tell him bow. because I think they were not wrong at all. — Francis Nelson in Toronto Globe. Trainer J. W. May tells a hard luck story. When Mlaa Hanover, dam of the sensational Worth, was dlapoaed of at a Lexington thoroughbred sale, John H. Morris. I well-known Woodford County turfman, fried to persuade Mr. May to buy the mare. Instead the trainer of Countless liought another Hanover mare, and paid 50 for her. Worths dam went for 1911.sh00. and A. Belmont was her purchaser. The mare Mr. May bought was killed by lightning and lie never got a foal out of her. Miss Hanover uow has twin yearlings by Sampson, and one of these youngsters is said to be a promising prospect. Her foal this year is a handsome filly hy Fair Flay. After all. the gamest of the big turfmen in the present critical condition of the turf in states outside of Kentucky, is Barney Sehreiber. who is much concerned over the future of racing, but who maintains a solid front and while anxiously inquiring daily of news from New York, has as yet dlapoaed of none of his 212 broodmares at Woodlands Stud. Mr. Scbreiber will, of course, gradually reduce his big breeding establishment, unless the situation in New York permits the big tracks to reopen in the metro polis. and until the hope has become forlorn he will only lease his choicest stallions and marcs unlets he can get the full value for them. What yearlings he decides to sell this season he will ship abroad. — Louisville Courier Journal.

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