untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1911-06-08


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HAWTHORNE RACE TRACK fnrtH; . JULY 3 and 4 UNDER AUSPICES OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS :: GARDEN CITY BRANCH II SIX OR MORE RACES EACH DAY NO PURSE LESS THAN 50.00 AND UP TO 00 00 WATCH ADVERTISEMENT FOR SHIPMENT IN NEXT FEW DAYS. For Stalls and lntormauon Address RACING SECRETARY, 157 and 159 North Wabash Avenue. STAR CHARTER . . 26-5 3RD 1 VoVwVose t RALEIGHP.D. . , 675-100 WON j mfZJttJSandfvSSSik I GROVER " HUGHES " . 990-100 WON *andrandandandti® ™andM 1 , , ° returned to EVERY SUBSCRIBER. You X Positively the only THREE OCCASIONALS O get THREE winners or a bonus of 00 X wired my PATRONS the past week. 4 ► RACING HANDICAPFERS. X Dont fail to get my Advertised Occasional for ♦ New Gait House :: Louisville Ky. X TODAY. accidents. It will he good odds and will win. barring ♦♦♦* 4 4 fjfj t + + + + ■* dtdt ■* -ww-w dj dj gj Tv?T?Tf ft ■» -a-.aT ffff LATONIA ::: LATONIA foxbrook ... num wom I have word on a horse that will be sent after the ■25!!ltf£Q£n£??m- l*c M- money on SATURDAY. The parties connected with V._ 1r?URSDAYJ Fi7M,oSP.EIAL: December this bone think they cant lose, as it will be in an Orange 59-29-54-43.13-54.28-47-13-32.49-59. e.isy spot, and the Commission will be placed away NEW BOOK JUST OUT containing code io aliove from the track, which DMnm vou will get a good fn* specials. For sale at all leading news-stands, price. Rush subscription f r this one. 25 Cents per Copy; .00 per Month. WATCH ME AT LATONIA NEXT WEEK. a £££ " CODex SPECIAL- * W*UnCr a"l .00 ONE A DAY. NO MORE .00 Louisville, April. Adams, Font, Hand. GUARANTEED TO WIN OR NEXT ONE THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, FREE UNTIL YOU GET A WINNER. Room 405. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL » * „„ initials e. j. THE RACING LETTER Room 65, 106 N. La Salle Street, :: Chicago, 111. MONTREAL: Cypress. Ape, Age. Old Number 92. LOUISVILLE: Spruce, Aye, Ask. = 25 Cents per Copy. .00 Monthly. NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY. Room 63. 111 Nassau Street, :: New York City. Yesterdays Dally, Bourbon Beau, 190-100, Won. ■ Form Special Won. Will Be No Daily Wire Today. ai#|_„i . , «%_j n n. Thursdays form special: National Racing ° Re vic w, Chicago "*" Red Tuesday 87-35-95-43-57-89-55. THE TURF REPORTER, CHICAGO. leserdays Wue lost and Form Special, Melton Street, 33-10, third. Todays Form Special. No. 36. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911060801/drf1911060801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1911060801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800