Racing Association To Hold Fair., Daily Racing Form, 1911-06-08


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RACING ASSOCIATION TO HOLD FAIR. Spokane Wash.. June 7.— W. W. Finn, superintendent of the ouer PAlene Fair and Racing Association has announced that the association will hold a four days county fair during the race meeting at the Post Falls track in September. Premiums will be awarded tor everything usually exhibited at a county fair. This will be the first county fair held in Kootenai County. Lumber is being delivered at the new track anil a large force of carpenters is at work building stalls lor 800 horses. The first grandstand will be 70x200 ieet with thirty foot posts. The concrete contractor is having the forms placed for the concrete floors and walks and Ihere is general activity abrnt the grounds. The approach to the track will be one of the linest in the country, with long cement walks, plots of grass and trees lining the paths. The appointment of a starter for the new track is receiving the attention of the management. Richard Dwyer. J. .1. Holtman. J. Haley and J. Weber are being considered for the position.

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