Worth an Acknowledged Champion, Daily Racing Form, 1911-10-06


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WORTH AN ACKNOWLEDGED CHAMPION. Most trainers at Churchill Downs are inclined to the belief that II. C. Hallenbecks Worth deserves to be classed with the best two-year-olds ever raced thereabouts. Unless he meets with mishap meanwhile, he is sure to be a warm winter favorite for the Kentucky Derby ot 1912. Worth has started eleven times to date and lias nine firsts to his credit, including several stake victories, his record being aa follows: Starts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. Won. 11 9 1 0 1 ,045 He has scored in his last seven starts and hia remaining stake engagements at Churchill Downs arc for the Shawnee Handicap and the Iroquois Handicap, to be run on Thursday and Saturday of next week. The Shawnee Handicap is an all-aged affair at one mile and a sixteenth, while the Iroquois is for two-year-olds at three-quarters of a mile. Worth has to be ridden out to get him to do his best and this is a feature of his running that is deceiving. One thinks for an instant that he is all out and tiiat the next time lie will be benten. but every time he races he seems to respond as tlte occasion requires. Just how he compares with great two-year-olds of other years Is, of course, only a matter ot opinion, but -that he stands out as the champion o this seasou is now conceded.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911100601/drf1911100601_1_10
Local Identifier: drf1911100601_1_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800