Answers to Queries, Daily Racing Form, 1911-10-06

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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. II. D., St. Louis, Mo. It was a draw. A. M. G., Atlanta, Ga. No replies by telegraph. A. A. P., Chicago. Apparently the bet was in time. T. A. E., Chicago. Results there will be published shortly. Wm. R. F. and L. 1, St. Louis, Mo. The bet was a draw. Otto A., Hamilton. Out. The bet on the Chet-land and Tompkins entry was a draw. Martin S.. Cincinnati, O. Under the stipulation for even money or no bet the wager on Moisant was a draw. L. S. D.. Chicago. The parlay lost. A limit lias no bearing. The backer lets that certain horses will do certain thins and if they, or one of them, fails, the bet loses.

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