Pimlico Prospects Are Bright, Daily Racing Form, 1911-10-06


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- PIMLICO PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT. Baltimore. Md.. October 5. There Is every prospect . that the "fall meeting of the Maryland Jockey Club, opening tomorrow, will go down in history :i3 the greatest ever held over the historic Pimlico course. A system inaugurated a couple of seasons back by the management aud still continued is to have as few closed events as possible. In the fourteen days racing there arc but three feature events out of thirty-five that have had an early closing. In the past, with stakes of this kind, the nominations would be liberal, but when it came time for the horses to parade to the post the entries as a general rule would be so few that it would be farcial to class it as a stake event. More often the number of starters that would sport silk, one horse would outclass tne others to such an" extent that it could not be termed a contest. Under the rule that prevails here, thirty-two of the stake and handicap offerings have their closing on the grounds, thereby attracting all the best available material at a weight assignment insuring well balanced fields, with the natural result that keen and spectacular contests result. No purse will have less than 00 added, and graduating up to ,000, which will be the amount added to the Bowie Handicap, at two miles, on the last day of the meeting. There is not a vacant stall on the grounds, aud late-comers will be hardpressed to 11ml stuble accommodations for their charges. Two years of steady work has made the track one of the best in the country. In former years, after a storm, the clayey construction of the track made it a hard and wearing course upon the thoroughbreds. All that has been eliminated. Tons of sand and loam properly distributed have brought it. to such a state of perfection that horsemen pronounce it one of the best courses in the country to train or race over. Marked interest in the sport by the business men of Baltimore Is shown on every hand, for the club colors are seen in the shop windows throughout the business district. The officials will be the same as during the spring meeting. Thomas Clyde, William Manly and F. J. Bryan will act as stewards; W. P. Rlggs aud E. C. Smith will be the judges; Herman Conkling. clerk of the scales, and A. B. Dade, starter. Bayard Tuckerman, Jr., of Cambridge, Mass., has engaged stalls at Pimlico for the jumpers Kcnne-wlck. Royal Vane and Country Jay. Mr. Tuckerman is prominent in hunting circles at Brookline and on Long Island. He is a skilful amateur rider. Other gentleman riders who will be seen at Pimlico are F. S. Von Stade, Charles Daniels, A. Morris Herk-Uess, n. S. Tage, the three Tucker boys, E. II. Carle and J. Fred Alpers.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911100601/drf1911100601_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1911100601_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800