untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1911-10-06


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I Tippy, 20-1, Won J This was the big melon I cut for my clients at Laurel. Positively the only horse sent out on I A that track yesterday. My one-horsu wire at Iuisville lost. 2 00 FOR ME MONDAY. X FOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, I will have what I consider the best investment of my turr X career. In order to cover expenses I must have 00 on for me. If you are interested, wire me im- 2 mediately. I think this one is a certainty. SPECIAL: I return to Chicago today Friday to personally superintend some details for Mon- i T days horse. My charges remain the same, ?5 per week for Louisville OR the rest of the Laurel T T meeting for the nominal sum of ?10. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TODAY. T I BERT. E. COLLYER J Formerly with the Chicago American. iB CHICAGO OFFICE: SUITE 309 OXFORD BLDG., 118 NORTH LA SALLE ST.. CHICAGO, ILL. T Louisville Office: Main St., with "Telepost Company," near Fourth. X I THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Yesterdays Form Soecial llnishcd second. FRIDAYS FORM SPECIAL: March Peach 56-32-31-54-11-20-23-10. Yesterdays ode X Special finished third. Yesterdays Two-Horse Dally gave a second and a third. THE TURF REPORTER, CHICAGO Yesterdays Form Special lost. FRIDAYS SPECIAL: Pink Saturday Bellows-Bed-Bottle-Best. NEW BOOK ON SALE NOW.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911100601/drf1911100601_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1911100601_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800