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NO BAN BY THE JOCKEY CLUB. w-Yor7..Xoenlbcr 27. The Jockey Club and ,5iaV0UaI,Stc5PIccbasc and Hunt Association have the the ? moH??? ?. ,ce that thV take no cognizance of meetings held at Laurel. Md., under the name ; "1 e1?OWKrd Co""!-Horse Show. October 19 to 23; or at Marlboro, Md., November 13 to IS, under the ,miL th,u MFlboro Horse and Colt Show. A per-??J? ?l,ill,ray connected with the Jockey Club, r,ilLhat tb0 "SV, vmch aPPeared in the Racing Calendar, was published to absolve the Jockey Club lr,T?yJcspoaill,t ia tbc racin- referred to. but not as a prohibition against any of the pari