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JUAREZ STAKES FILLED WELL. Total of Nominations Received This Season Is 432, Against 3S7 Last Winter. El Paso, Tex., December 3. The stake book of the Jockey Club Juarez, which has just been issued by Secretary Ed Jasper, shows 4:52 entries for the right stake- which have-"iilreHdy elos.-d,-.whlch is a-onslderable r Increase -over latjt season when the same eveuts drew 397 entries. For the Juarez. Handicap there were 35 entries to 31 last seaso:i. In the Dos Kepublicas Handicap there are 55 entries this year to 40 last season. The El Paso Stakes both seasons show the same, CO entries, but for the Chapultepec Handicap there are 52 this season :igainst 45 last year and in the Chihuahua Stakes there are Co this year to 51 last season. In addition to the eight stakes, the Texas Fu-turltv, a raep for horses bred aud owned in Texas by members of the Texas Thoroughbred Association will be run off. There are 33 Texas-bred two-year-olds engaged in this event, which will be programmed Sunday, December 2S. The eutries for the stake events yet to be run are as follows: Navidad Handicap, value ,500, for all ages, one mile, closed with 44 nominations as follows: Hobnob, Superstition, El Palomar, Sir Fretful. Gold of Ophir. Clark M., Gerds, Malay, Vested Rights, Colonel Marchmont, Dorothy Dean, Iujury, John D. Wakefield, Barsac, Ymir, Waldo, Ceos, Nannie Me-Dee, Henry Ultte, Prince Eugene, Foundation, Donne Chance, Iron Mask, John Beardon, Irish Gentleman, Roamer, Undaunted, Just Red, Any Port, Sea Cliff. Trulv, Meadow. Rosa Itablee, Uncle Hen, Emerald Join, Cousin Puss, Zlm, Upright, Anion, Tahoe, Orbicular, Manasseh, Vernice Rice and Edith W. Alio Nuevo Handicap, value ,500, for all ages, one mile and a sixteenth, closed with 37 nominations, as follows: Moseley, Loween, Kali-Inla, Superstition, El Palomar, Bert Getty, Malay, Nicias, Vested Rights, Colonel Marchmont, Dorothy Dean, Injury, John T. Wakefield, Ymir, Nannie McDee, Henry Ritte. Prince Eugene, Foundation, Bonne Chance, Iron Mask, John Keardon, Koainer, Just Red. Any Port, Truly, Meadow, Rosa Rablce. Uncle Ben. Cousin Puss. Zim, Upright. Anion, Tahoe, Newlin Finn, Vernice Rice, Blue-Beard aud Edith W. Dos Republicas Handicap, value ,500, for all ages, seven furlongs, closed with 55 entries, as fAniiy Maid, John Marshall, Hobnob, Superstition, HI Palomar, Orb, Sir Fretful, Gold of Onhlr, Royal Dolly. Clark M., Pay Streak. Gerds. Jim Basey. Uodpath, Vested Rights, Tellurium, Gordon Russell Colouel Marchmont, Dorothy Dean, Salesia, Koote-nav. Enfield, John I. Wakefield, Barsac, Osaple. Yiiiir. Hardy, Ceos. Maria C, Henry Ritte, Lillian K.. Orlln Kripp, Prince Eugene, Foundation, Iron Mask, Connaught, Irish Gentleman, Reamer, Undaunted, Just Red, Sea Cliff, Paw, Truly, Pan Zareta, Uncle Ben, Emerald Gem, Cousin Puss, Zlm, Upright, Amou, Manasseh, Newlin Finn, Lady Pancliita, Edith W. and Gypsy Love. EI Paso Stakes, value ,200, for all ages, one mile, closed with 77 nominations, as follows: Boh Hqnsley, Indolence, Loween, Kali-Inla. John Marshall, Monmouth, Superstition. El Palomar, The Cinder, Gold of Onhlr, Jlmmie Gill, Ocean Queen, Pn- Streak, Bert Getty. Mono Lake, Malay. Nicias, Ortyx. Redpath. Vested Rights, Gaty Pallen, Col-niltt. Colonel Marchmont, Injury, Salesia, Enfield, John D. Wakefield, Mack B. Euhanks, Lady Rillie, Barsac, Osaple. Ymir. Rake. Waldo, Ceos, Nannie McDee, Maria C. Henry Ritte. Anytime, Florin, Sosius, Bonne Chance, Florence Roberts, Connaught, Hanson, John Reardou, Irish Gentleman, Mary Warren, Just Bed, Kiva, Sea Cliff. Paw. Truly, Rosa Itablee, Uncle Ben, Cousin Puss, Zim, Upright, Anion, Horus, Tahoe, Orbicular. Jenny Geddes, Doncaster, Manasseh, Harwood, Vernice Bice, Curlicue, Weyanoke. New Haven, Rockdale, Cantem. Mrs. Gamp, Mimorloso, Meshach, Edith W. and Gvpsy Love. Bio Grande Stakes, value ,200, for all ages, six fnrlongs. closed with CO nominations, as follows: Lone Star, Hobnob. Monmouth. El Palomar, The Cinder, Baron de Kalh. Tillies Nightmare, Gold of Ophir. Thistle Belle, Royal Dolly. Napa Nick. Clark M.. Pay Streak, Jim Basey. Little Bit. Old Master, Ortyx. Bedpath. Vested Bights. Tellurium, Barium, Colquitt. Colonel Marchmont, Salesia. Kootenav, Enfield. John D. Wakelield, Mack B. Euhanks. Ethclda, I.adv Willie, Barsac, Osaple. Useeit, Chanticlor, May L., "Maria C, Henry Ritte. Nobby. Lillian K., John Hart, Hykl, Connaught. Mary Warren, Undaunted, Kiva, Paw, Closer. Uncle Ben. Requlram, Zim, Upright. Anion, Yuba, Aunt Elsie, Orbicular, Harwood, Vernice Rice, J. B. Robinson. Weyanoke, New Haven, Seneca. Mrs. Gamp, Mimorioso, Meshach, Edith W. and Gypsy Love. Chapultepec Handicap, value ,500. for two-year-61ds of 1913. six furlongs, closed with 52 nominations, as follows: Manganese, Indolence, Blarney, Prospern Son. Janlel, Big Luinax. John Marshall, Lensliens Pride, Orb, Kindness, King Worth, Admirals Daughter. Batina, Dalston, Felina, Wild Horse. Ortyx. Bedpath, Little Will, Ask Her, Rov, Casmuir, Caswin, Osaple, Lemon Joe, Ceos, Lillian K., Anytime. Florine, Hyki, Boamer. Undaunted, Paw. Panhachapi, Dick Dodie. Tempi Fochr. Emerald Gem, Requiram, Ed Luce, Isa- belle Valle. Aunt Elsie. Bing. Va-Va. Newlin Finn, Hodge, Bodin, Gylfl. Milton Boblee. Edith W., Ivan Gardner, Gypsy Love and Bird Man. Chihuahua Stakes, value ,200. for two-year-olds of 1913, six furlongs, closed with 03 nominations, as follows: Boh Ilensley, Manganese, Indolence, Blarney, Prospero Son, Janlel. Chupadero, John Marshall, Lensliens Pride, Orb, Kindness, King Worth, Sir Harry, Admirals Daughter, Ratina, Dalston, Felina. Little Bit, Transact, Wild Hocse, Ortyx, Fool o Fortune, Bedpath, Little Will. Capt. Marchmont. Casmuir, Caswin, Colonel McDougall, Claribe, Osaple, May L., Dusky Dave, Ceos, Lillian K., Anytime, Florin, Hyki, Theodorlta, Superl, Mary Warren, Undaunted. Parcel Post, Silver Tone, Paw, Dick Dodie, Panhachapi, Requiram, Ed Luce, Isabelle Valle. Aunt Elsie, Bing, Va-Va, Harwood, Newlin Finn. Bodin. Gylfi, Milton Boblee, Meshach, Edith W., Ivan Gardner, Gypsy Love, Bird Man and Princess Janice. Texas Futurity, for two-year-olds of 1913, bred in Texas, estimated value ,600, six furlongs, closed with 33 nominations, as follows: Janlel. Prospero Lad, Perogine, Prospero Son, Stone-heart, Kate Ayre filly. Ala Mode .filly, Dr. Bailer, Chupadero. Roy, Ask Her, Little Will. Tom Knight, Nannie McKinney. Manganese, Redpath, Balshot colt, Prues, George, Tempi Focht, Best Be. Deal Carroll, Henry Hooker, Lupe La Juan. Frankie Rose, Katie Todd. Helen Storey. George Parkhouse. Rose Simms, Conjury, Dick Barnitz, Meshach and Miss Olga.